
A world where an otaku could

An original story inspired by the #system genre i love so much. the story is mostly about a young man who travels to another world. due to a split decision. Travel with him as he discovers how small he is in the grand scheme of things.

X3la_lord · แฟนตาซี
6 Chs

Spliting hairs ch4

Oh shit, Oh shit, Oh shit assistant. How dare you not tell me all of them are hot. I mean I'm not ugly. But I'm a bit overweight with no features making me handsome. Just now this girl ran up to me, grabbed my hand and begged for my help. I looked down, and they dont wear bras, heck their clothes are loose too. I can't help being frazzled. I've never seen a girl so cute. She was tiny, shorter than me, maybe up to my shoulders, and her redish hair was almost scarlet. Her blue eyes contrasting, now that I looked around the hair colors varied greatly from bluish to bright green. But this girl seemed to be the only one with red hair here. I spoke to the old man from earlier and asked about barrier magic so I could use my skill. I found opon. And handed the two swords over to the nice lady who picked out my hp. With those glowing green eyes. 

I cleared my throat and a dummy made of what looks like stone sits just down the alley. Targets drawn on it. Broken arrows on the ground and a small wall behind it. I pulled out my sword which I named just now, so I could claim it was sentimental. I drew it, but I guess I named it well, the green color really did make it pretty. "I guess we should try a different combo". An image of a still lake came to mind, as calm as can be. As if time stopped during the full moon's light embraces it. And a name came to mind, and the image was completed, a slash splitting the water with no ripples, and the edges of the water calmed and stood still like the surface as if polished by a master craftsmith. "Lunar slash." I swung my blade slowly, and as calmly as possible using all the skills I unlocked until now to do so. I finished my slash and sheathed my sword and breathed out. Then that inky darkness claimed my vision. I woke up on a soft bed, the sheets made of soft fabric. And a breeze flowing through the window. 


The man who we had demonstrated his skills, to see his worth. The man who claimed he could use the same technique as my father, the previous head of combate we had us try it. Though I got a bit excited, seeing him stand there I thought again. His muscles were not developed well, his body soft and weak willed, his body itself seemed sturdy. And his hands showed he was pretty good with them. Elder put barriers up, the strange thing was he used a chant to strengthen it. He seemed to take what the man said to heart. Then all the man did was stand still, with the blade drawn. He stood there for what seemed like minutes. Then slowly swung his blade. I felt no magic and his blade didn't even strike the doll. I was disappointed, he sheathed his sword then I was knocked back. Elder Drannor covered me with his cloak. As he weaved three more barriers. Each one shattering as the other was cast. I feared for my life were we attacked when we all are gathered. Was this man a secret attack a diversion. Then the third barrier snapped and I was thrust backwards hittong the ground hard.

I stood up thinking we were being attacked and what I saw shook me to my core, a slash going through the woods all the way to the main river, the edges of the cut were pierless. As smooth as the surface of a polished mirror. The man in question was on the ground facing a pale sword next to him, around him magic runes had carved themselves into the ground. He may have taken longer than her father; the attack was many stages higher than the stories of heroes she heard as a girl. "Hey what are you doing, get back to work, you're the one who made that guy show us that scary ass attack." 


My thought trail was cut off. I looked back "oh Zeek, sorry. I was just thinking how amazing that slash was." truth be told I hated Zeek, he has been trying to get me to marry him for a while now. Challenging me, trying to convince my Mothers care taker, or pressuring me. After a sigh "Don't worry ill get to it, I almost got done with carving the runes here anyway."

Honestly maybe i'll offer that human my hand he is stronger than most the elves here, well he isn't as handsome. Maybe just let him be a part of my family. Seeing as I am the last of my family It might be welcomed. "I hope he wakes up soon. It's been a whole day so far. And he sleeps so damn soundly like not a care in the world."