

Life living in Accra was too hard to talk off,had to hawk on the streets for several days before one could feed, eventually my lovely mother got sick and we had to relocate to the village to seek medical attention by herbal means, just at age of 7years my life became miserable,water to drink was a major problem,we all had to settle for one river in our village where both animals and humans,soo young at that I got really sick ,I started urinating blood, after some months of staying there my immune system became well known to my new environment,I still didn't loose hope,God had something special for me.

After living in the village for almost 3years ,my lovely mother got healed and it was time to live,we left back to Accra to restart a new life,my mother is soo amazing she single handedly took care of four of us,Her priority was to always make us happy As am growing up now,my ambition is to make my dear mother proud.