
A World of Reincarnators

Mizuki was an otherworldly beauty in her first world. Born as an albino, having the best grades in class while taking interest in technological advancement and music in her free time. Her parents who had died a year after her birth left her a large inheritance. Her aunt has tried to kill her for her money ever since it was decided that all the inheritance would go to her. 'Human greed is a vile thing.' Mizuki was not stupid by any means. The moment she realized her life was being targeted she left to live alone. The inheritance would let her live nicely until the age of 40 at the least but she was not content with that and started to do work in the stock market. Mizuki was now living in a moderately sized apartment near her school. She had multiple bodyguards that were receiving quite the large salary so she was not afraid of losing her life before even getting married.... But.. "Human greed really is a vile thing. Is it not?" Now in another world where power decides everything human greed is not the biggest problem she will face. But bare in mind reader. Reincarnation is not that uncommon. (art ain't mine)

Chiken_Sheep · แฟนตาซี
170 Chs

The Annoyance of Broken Promises

Mitsuna rested in her bed, she had taken not a single look around her room, entirely focusing on the bed when she entered and locked up all entrances.

Thus she slept for about 40 hours. The sun had risen some time ago and it was bright and dry outside as usual.

Turning in her bed to find a more comfortable position, her rest was disturbed by faint yelling outside her room.

The occasional shouting and noise from the outside did reach her room sometimes when a fight broke out on the streets or someone tried to sell a terrible item by screaming that it was on sale while walking around but no noise was like this one.

Yet this was coming from inside the inn. Normally the inside of the inn was almost dead quiet at all times if you don't consider the quiet calming music near the entrance and the occasional faint sound of walking outside of Mitsuna's room, both of which are nearly completely inaudible for anyone inside their room.

What caught Mitsuna's attention, barely caught her attention as she was still almost fully asleep, was that, first off, she faintly heard the yelling coming from near the reception which had never happened before and secondly, the yelling contained sounds that were similar to her name.

Faintly thinking that someone had called her name, she was now more awake than before but her eyes were still closed and her body was trying to fall back asleep.

'Probably nothing...'

Mitsuna faintly thought as she hugged her knees under the soft blanket and successfully fell asleep again.


"Dear soldiers of Lemon, I completely understand that you have business with a customer who is using our facilities, but there is no need to act so sour."

A man with a fake pout on his emotionless face and both hands sitting on his hips said with a casual tone of voice.


"The woman is obligated to register within the army as commanded by an Army General, receptionist. I repeat. Bring the one named 'Mitsuna' here or we will charge this place with treason by harbouring a criminal."

A soldier stated threateningly as he slammed his fist onto the counter, the action didn't even make the receptionist flinch.

"Now, now dear soldier. There is no need to become violent."

He waved his hands back and forth calmly.

"The rules of our establishment simply forbid any outsiders, other guests or even staff to disturb customers that have paid to stay with us.

Unless they break a rule or wish to talk with you themselves, you must wait until they are either outside the inn premises or outside their assigned room."

He had one finger pointed up as he waved it from side to side.

"Tch. What is the woman's room number then? We will wait outside their room until they leave, that should be fine right?"

A different soldier than the one from before asked while rolling his eyes.

"No, no, no now. Dear soldier, it is against the rules for me to give away information on the customer that they have left to us, it is my duty as the receptionist here to maintain secrecy for the customer's well-being whether they are inside their inn or not."

The receptionist placed a finger over his lips as he spoke.

"Also, non-customers are forbidden to walk around in the hallways of rooms in our establishment as that would be problematic on many levels."

The man shrugged with open arms and tilted his head.

"Sadly there is no way for me to help you."

The man placed his hands together and slightly bowed, apologizing with his actions.

The soldiers who were dealing with them all had gritted teeth, the ones who didn't were slime soldiers who didn't have teeth.

One slime soldier had gotten so infuriated with the receptionist's demeanour, he morphed his arm into a rather large cleaver and broke the wooden counter that he was standing behind.


The sound of cracking wood echoes throughout the room yet the receptionist still had not a single change in expression.

Blinking twice, after a moment of silence, during which the slime soldier morphed his arm back to normal and looked towards the receptionist with arrogance and a threatening slimy gleam, the receptionist took out a piece of paper from the bottom half of the counter that was now broken in two.

"I'll write up your bill for the damages."

He said calmly as he started adding on charges for threats of violence and being rude.

Just as the guards were about to lose it, the door to the back opened and out stepped the boss of Lemon's Mace.

"Cassian go n' finish writing the bill in the back."

The man with a threatening stature said after a deep grumble, his voice rumbling as he pushed the receptionist towards the door.

"While ya're there, get help from the others to prepare for the earful I'm about to give ya later."

The boss said with narrowed eyes that hadn't left the soldiers for a moment after setting eyes on them.

"Okay, Bossy."

Cassian the receptionist left and closed the door behind him.

"And now for ye."

The boss said as he heard the door close.

The soldiers couldn't help but feel shivers running down their spines.


During that whole debacle, Mitsuna had opened her eyes as she was simply staring up at the ceiling.


She had forgotten to do any sort of research regarding her current state and her bullet crafting and everything else she wanted to check out. She inadvertently broke her own silent promise to herself.

Pushing the blanket off of herself with a sigh, she cracked her neck slightly as she looked towards the window.

Though she was able to fall asleep and then maintain that sleep for a respectable amount of time she was constantly in a state of feeling slightly 'uncomfortable'.

Opening her status page, she dumped a portion of her free status into vitality hoping that it would temporarily lessen, or in the best-case scenario, fix the issue.


Health: 182,250,000/182,250,000 - >


Mana: 463,500,000/463,500,000


Strength: 701,000

Vitality: 729,000 - > 830,000

Intelligence: 927,000

Agility: 1,135,000

Dexterity: 830,000

Defence: 710,000

AP: 609,000 - > 508,000]

Mitsuna did indeed feel the uncomfortable 'burden' lift slightly as she felt more physically energetic and healthy but the uncomfortable feeling stayed where it was.

Letting out a light sigh, Mitsuna looked at her open hand and clutched it into a fist as tightly as she could. Opening her hand a moment later she watched the few small bleeding scrapes heal up.

'Okay, so. I realize that something is wrong. So I should do something more about it. A more resilient body can hold a larger amount of mana is my current hypothesis and going by that, my body just may not be resilient enough to hold all this mana.'

Gathering her mana into her hand, she materialized a thick cube.

No longer feeling any discomfort, she shattered the cube by crushing it in her hands as the mana used for it flowed to the surroundings.

After that temporary relief, her mana had already regenerated a moment later.

'Seems that I have too much mana in my body and it's causing this discomfort. I couldn't even sleep it away so just letting my body adapt doesn't seem to work. The simplest solution here is dumping all my stat points into Vitality but I don't just want to waste my attribute points, I highly doubt I can just get them back later.

Maybe I need some item that would debuff my intelligence stat? That could work.'

Mitsuna started hypothesising to herself about solutions to her current predicament.

She knew that the uncomfortable feeling in her gut and chest definitely wasn't healthy. By using some Attribute Points on Vitality and increasing her overall physical endurance and lessening the feeling, she theorized that either her huge amount of mana was too much for her own body at present or that some other force may be inhibiting her. For all she knew defeating that golem could have placed a curse on her that is being mostly mitigated by her resistances so she hadn't realized.

Whatever the cause may be, she knew for certain that it was related to her mana. Considering that her Class is Greater Calamity of Mana and she has this problem with her mana, she wondered about how much of a problem this could possibly turn into.

'Maybe it could even be part of my Class... Maybe a Calamity of Mana isn't supposed to just have a ton of mana in them...'

Wondering about it further, Mitsuna was about to put her body and mana through a few tests but was stopped by loud running that she could hear from the hall.

Stopping the multiple thoughts that had just been throwing out curiosity-filled ideas and theories about her current situation, she thoughtlessly looked towards her door.

Sensing what was going on in the hallway, she felt multiple people run towards her room and stop just behind the door.

'... Shit.'

She thought as she immediately moved to change her clothes, or rather, put on her clothes as she was currently only wearing her underwear.

Throwing on one of her loose white shirts she pulled from her inventory and the black-coloured topcoat that had white floral patterns on its inside that was sitting next to her bed, she went to grab her jeans that had been sitting right next to the topcoat.


Yet before she could grab them, the door was kicked open and a strong gust of wind blew through the room, the jeans flew out of her reach as her messy hair turned even messier and blocked her vision for a moment.

"Should have just blown them away or teleported them across the country before they tried entering."

She muttered to herself as she had just realized how she could have avoided the situation entirely just now.


A soldier yelled, sword drawn. The other soldiers behind him all had their guns aimed at Mitsuna.

"F*ck off."

She said casually in response.


Mitsuna then used her language skill as she simultaneously cast shadow magic that disarmed all the guards and locked their movements with shadow tendrils that sprouted out behind them and from the ceiling.

"W-What?! Halt criminal scum! Don't you dare try to escape!"

Ignoring the confused soldiers who were trying to un-blind themselves while searching for the weapons that were stuck to the ceiling with shadow tendrils, Mitsuna was busy putting on her dark blue jeans.

As she did so, she glanced towards the soldiers.

Frowning with a sigh and a quick roll of her eyes, she sat down on her bed where she continued dressing up with her still missing socks and shoes.

As she also finished that and saw how they were all still blind and effortlessly struggling, she couldn't help but laugh at them in her head.

'I don't think I can kill them here. Not inside the inn at least. Killing was against the rules here and I'd probably be kicked out. Since I like this place they'll live for now I guess.'

Enjoying the show of embarrassment and suffering of the small group of guards for a while longer, Mitsuna left her room soundlessly while thinking.

'I wonder. If I end up getting a high rank in the army that I plan on joining, can I boss those guys around? Make them clean some toilets? Swipe the floors but like, outside the city?'

Mitsuna thought to herself as she had already memorized all the names of the guards that busted into her room.

'Or maybe just kill them silently so no one would know, depends on the ranking system and everything else that has to do with the army.'

Entering viewing range of the reception table, she noticed how it was broken and her favourite blank-faced customer server was replaced by a huge muscular man made of dark grey slime.

Unlike many other humanoid slimes, this big one had many human-like features. As if they had everything that a humanoid would have but just made of slime.


Mitsuna greeted the man as he seemed interesting. If Mitsuna had to take a guess, she would believe that he was either more 'evolved' than other slimes through his detailed Race or it might be a Class related thing.

"... Mornin'. So ya're the little miss that the slime in iron called a criminal."

The large hulk of slime said as he raised his eyebrows.

Immediately adapting to the way the man talked, Mitsuna then immediately chose to ignore it as what he said was more of an interest to her than how he said it.


Mitsuna tilted her head.

"Mitsuna, right? Ya should be the one. I wouldn't mistake someone of yar 'reputation' for anyone else."

Big Slime nodded in response to Mitsuna's question before asking one in return.

"So. Ya threatened High-Rankin Guild employees. Now ya threatened and ignored a General in the army to boot?"

"Ignoring the comment on my 'reputation' as you said it, it was more like the soldier didn't properly thank me for my help and then threatened me to join the army after I got annoyed at him.

That's beside the point though, could you tell me more about this 'reputation' that I've passively seem to have cultivated after sleeping for two days straight and why those soldier pricks kicked down my door and broke into my room?"

She asked as she pointed her thumb towards the stairs she had just come down from.

"Well, depends. What did ya do to em?"

Big slime man asked with narrowed eyes.

"Temporarily blinded them and locked them in place with some magic. No killing since that's against the rules."

"So ya do know the rules then. Cassain was worried over nothin."

"Majo from Lemon's Dagger introduced the place and rules to me."

"Meh. Sauce boy is probably goin' ta ask for something again in return for the ad."

Mitsuna stayed silent as she wondered why big slime here used some sort of accent as he spoke but only occasionally and on specific words as if he sometimes forgot how he was supposed to talk in front of people.

"Ya didn't break any rules so I can tell ya what ya want to know, no slime off my back."

Mitsuna stood there with a semi-blank and semi-smiling face. Not knowing what exactly to think of this man she was unconsciously calling Big Boss and Big Slime respectively every time the man mentioned slime.

"Well, the simple out of the way first then. Them slimes in iron are here because ya haven't registered for the army like that General wanted."


Hearing this, Mitsuna could only groan internally and externally at the same time, preparing herself for everything else she was about to hear from Big Slime.