
A World of Reincarnators

Mizuki was an otherworldly beauty in her first world. Born as an albino, having the best grades in class while taking interest in technological advancement and music in her free time. Her parents who had died a year after her birth left her a large inheritance. Her aunt has tried to kill her for her money ever since it was decided that all the inheritance would go to her. 'Human greed is a vile thing.' Mizuki was not stupid by any means. The moment she realized her life was being targeted she left to live alone. The inheritance would let her live nicely until the age of 40 at the least but she was not content with that and started to do work in the stock market. Mizuki was now living in a moderately sized apartment near her school. She had multiple bodyguards that were receiving quite the large salary so she was not afraid of losing her life before even getting married.... But.. "Human greed really is a vile thing. Is it not?" Now in another world where power decides everything human greed is not the biggest problem she will face. But bare in mind reader. Reincarnation is not that uncommon. (art ain't mine)

Chiken_Sheep · แฟนตาซี
170 Chs

Crystal Theory and Registration Time

In the familiar room filled with magical gizmos, gadgets, doobries and doodahs behind a desk covered in crystals of pink and white sat Mitsuna.

Tinkering and fiddling with a pure crystal sphere coloured pink and the size of a thumb, Mitsuna let it float in the air with some faint wind magic as her eyes deeply examined the intricacies and framework of the item.

Tapping it with a *tink*, the pink crystal orb moved back slightly as the wind kept it floating in the air.

'It's strange. I still can't tell exactly what... I can't make much of it. What element it's made of, how exactly it is formed, I've got no clue still.'

Stretching her body in her chair, she plopped her head onto her arms that were lying on the table, resting her head.

Glancing at the floating orb again, she stuck out her tongue at it.

'The white one made more sense. Sort of. White is a better colour than pink anyway.'

She thought to herself, trying to insult the floating pink crystal orb that did nothing wrong.

She had her own theories about the crystals but she didn't feel like going over them again.

She had already spent a few hours in her room alone again. Maybe more than that. She felt tired and bored.

Letting out a sigh, she stored all the crystals she had cut down, smashed, crumbled, destroyed and reformed into her inventory with a wave of her hand.

Spinning in her chair, she thought about the vast desert beyond the walls of the capital.

'I wonder what else is out there...'

She thought absentmindedly before a lightbulb lit up in her head.

"Registration..." Mitsuna muttered to herself as she stood up. Stretching her body lightly, she thought "I'll get it over with." before she pressed a hidden button on the side of the chair she was just sitting on. The chair turned into a small cube resembling a Rubik's cube.

Storing it in her inventory, she turned towards the window before stopping mid-step.

'Why did I spend so much effort on the shrinking feature of the chair when I have an Inventory again..?'

Her eyebrow twitched before she shook her head and got rid of the thoughts.

Mitsuna walked up to the window and opened it to feel a nice warm breeze. The sun was up in the sky.

'Ah. Right. Might as well use em since I have to get used to them.'

She thought suddenly before she turned around and chose to float above the floor towards a certain corner of her room since walking was too dangerous considering all the gadgets laying on the floor.

Spotting the item immediately, she reached out her hand and grabbed them. A pair of glasses. Black framed, square.

She had slightly modified the glasses and lenses she took from one of the labs she raided. She created them with the objective of having an easier time examining the framework, volume and surface area of different items. With them on she could see the outline of items covered in her mana through regular matter and the item itself. Basically, she could tell that a cube was a cube by only seeing one of its sides.

The second feature the glasses had was volume sight. Basically, it made items covered in her mana seethrough and filled with centimetre-sized cubes for an accurate estimate of the items' surface area and volume.

The glasses in simple words were rulers with X-ray capabilities.

In fact, she used the same glasses on the crystals from before but they didn't quite help since they absorbed the mana that was infused into them so she threw them at a corner in frustration.

Anyway, she put the glasses on and got used to her surroundings rather quickly. She hadn't used them much but they were useful for her future endeavors.

Choosing to wear them and get used to seeing the framework of most items in her field of view, she looked down at herself, or rather up as she was floating upside down.

She had removed most of her sandy clothing and was now only wearing a loose white buttoned shirt with short sleeves and a pair of black jeans.

'Ugh. I can't really be bothered to change clothes just to go and write down my name on a piece of paper and shoot someone... This'll do for now, I'll just come back here and take a nap after everything.'

Mitsuna thought as she floated towards and out of the window of her room.

Gently falling to the ground, she realised she hadn't checked if her hair looked okay and suddenly started feeling uncomfortable with the staring people around her.

'Should have changed my clothes at least a bit. Summoned a mirror maybe and check. '

Sending a small stream of mana to her room, a familiar diamond creation started floating as it flew out of the window and landed next to and slightly behind Mitsuna's head.

Checking her reflection from the spinning diamond item, she didn't think she saw anything wrong with her appearance.

Quietly sighing in slight relief, she took a glance at the few people who were still looking at her before walking onward to the Guild.

'Where's the old man anyway? Was I supposed to notify him or something? Meh, I choose the answer to be no.'

She thought to herself while calmly walking down the sandy streets of the capital city.

Placing her left hand in her pocket, she periodically adjusted her glasses with her right hand as she observed the framework of any item around that she could see and feel through her mana.

She only observed items of close proximity to herself while sometimes moving her gaze across the street to observe some normal citizens enjoying a day out, gambling or just walking towards their destination.

She got more and more used to the glasses as she looked around and felt items with her mana.

Yawning slightly, Mitsuna couldn't help but think about what she needed to do for registration and how annoying it could become for her. All Mitsuna could do was hope that it didn't take long since she still needed to sleep and take a nap to fully rest up.

And now that she thought about it, couldn't she have just slept in her bed until the old man calling himself a General came knocking on her door again?

She thought about just going back to her room to sleep but hesitated since she was already there.

She stood in front of the guild as she looked at the sign hanging above her.

'Damn it. Let's just get this over with.'

She thought to herself with finality as she stepped through the door and walked up to a free reception desk.

She avoided and ignored the staring coming from quite a few of the adventurers around the place. She was used to it to a certain extent but she still didn't quite feel good about them.

Compared to all her other visits to Guilds across the continents, this time she felt like they were 'appraising' her more than all the other times. And not 'appraising' like with a skill.

Talking to the receptionist man in front of her, who chose to only look into her eyes and nowhere else during the exchange, Mitsuna informed him about a mandatory war registration under her name.

She didn't expect much since she had predicted that she needed to tell the whole story about the annoying General and everything to the man behind the reception desk.

Surprisingly, however, the man didn't even blink at the mention as he took a seemingly readily placed pile of papers from behind the desk and placed them before her.

Mitsuna could only blink once with a light sigh before the kind man handed her a writing utensil and pointed out where she should sign.

Just writing down her name in cursive without much thought to the places the man pointed out to her, she finished in a few minutes.

Talking to the kind receptionist for a while longer, she was pointed towards a nearby soldier who stood in the corner of the Guild with a few others surrounding him. She was informed to just follow the man and complete the quick test he gave. The results would be returned to the Guild by the same soldier and looked over by the staff before they placed her in an appropriate squad.

Tired eyes bore straight at the receptionist but all Mitsuna got in response was 'good luck'.

Leaving the stack of papers where they were and returning the pen, Mitsuna walked over towards the soldier and casually sat down on a nearby chair.

A few glares and stares were aimed at her most likely due to her nonchalant behaviour, yet she could not care less.

A few minutes later and with one other person joining the waiting group, the soldier started walking off without a word.

So Mitsuna stood and followed after the man, also moving without a single word spoken. The others took a moment to realize that the test had already begun or something like that before they too followed the man, willingly forming a single-file line behind Mitsuna.

'I didn't bring my gun. I think I left it lying on my bed?'

Mitsuna thought as she didn't think that she left it in her inventory but didn't want to check while in this big group and with countless civilians walking past and staring at the registration group walking down the street.

"Hey. You."

A quiet whisper came from behind Mitsuna.

Glancing behind her, and behind the person who was walking behind her, she could see someone staring at her with hostility.

A girl with a familiar head of striking red hair and eyes coloured brown.

'Who was she again?'

Mitsuna thought to herself as she chose not to answer her, a little too tired to deal with clearly hostile social interactions.

"Yeah. You."

The girl said as she cut in front of the rather tall man who had been following behind Mitsuna. The tall man grumbled as she did so but went quiet and looked to the side when Mitsuna glanced at his face.

'I'd be a little annoyed too.'

She glanced at the girl again who was clearly just glaring at her face.

Mitsuna let out a sigh as she just turned away from the girl and continued following the soldier.

'I think I remember seeing her face...'

She thought as she surfed through her memories.

'Right. The mugging victim or something. Why is she hostile towards me now?'

She wondered before she clearly sensed what the girl behind her was about to do and could only take a breath in deep annoyance while thinking.

'F*cking child.'

Feeling a harsh tug at her baby blue-coloured hair, her annoyance spiked as she only thought 'I shouldn't kill her. Probably.'

Letting her head get pulled back, Mitsuna planned to just push the annoyance away and hope the tall guy behind the annoying girl would be a dear and hold her back before Mitsuna chose to snap her neck and teleport her a few kilometres above the skyline.

Making eye contact with the red-haired girl and showing no reaction to her pulling at her hair, the red-haired girl somehow seemed offended as she let go of Mitsuna's hair and pushed her away before Mitsuna could push her and 'accidentally' break a few ribs in the process.

Stumbling a single step, Mitsuna took 0 damage even as she let the red-haired annoyance pull and push as she pleased.

'A rampant child.'

Seeing as how Mitsuna was completely unfazed by the whole 'attack' the girl couldn't help but get even more frustrated. Through her eyes, no matter what she did Mitsuna didn't seem to give any sort of reaction. Like she lacked emotion. It angered her deeply for some reason.

Before the redhead could pull out her weapon that was strapped to her side and truly see if she couldn't get any reaction out of Mitsuna, the tall man behind her spoke loud enough for the soldier in front to hear.

"Stop it."

The soldier turned to see the redhead holding her weapon while glaring at Mitsuna who only looked away with no visible emotion showing on her face.

She was annoyed to the point she wanted to be the one who took out her gun and shoot the girl but she held back.

'No need to kill a kid no matter how unsightly she may act. Calm down. Probably just because she was raised by shitty parents or something. Only Partly her fault for being an annoyance.'

Mitsuna calmed herself since she didn't want to kill a kid who seemed no older than 16 on the streets and in front of all these people.

'Come on Mitsuna, you don't need a murder charge or a bounty on your head right now.'

She thought to herself with a quiet and deep breath.

The soldier de-escalated the situation efficiently and forced the redhead to move to the back of the group.

The others in line didn't quite look at the girl with affection when she walked past.

'And we haven't even started.'

Mitsuna thought with a tired sigh as the group continued walking. Faintly glancing behind her, Mitsuna couldn't help but think that the girl seemed familiar, other than the time near the alleyway she felt like she had met her before yet she couldn't find the girl anywhere in her memories.