
A world for you

The god of games Erhard lost a game and had put her soul into making. She searched everywhere for it, realizing she was unable to find it she passed out. What she didn't know was the game soulmates had somehow found it's way to earth, changing the fate of two strangers.

bluerabbit_141 · แฟนตาซี
8 Chs

The fate of two

Erhad palace (Gods domain)

"Why haven't you found it till now!"

"Your holiness, we have searched everywhere but to no avail!"


"Ahh! Her holiness passed out!"

"Quit yelling and go call a healer!"

On Earth (No1 high school Japan)

"Mai! Are you coming for club practice today?"

Mai turned around to reply, revealing her breathe taken beautiful face, with cute round eyes, a small nose, lips small and pink like cherry blossoms and her perfectly straight black hair.

"Hmm, I think I'll take today off"

"Oh, okay. I'll send inform club leader about it "


Crossing the school gate she heard someone shout from behind for her to duck, that was the last thing she heard before she passed out.

A certain military base in Afghanistan (training grounds)

"Yo Mark! Heard you're getting married next month! You little shit! We're you hiding it from us?"

"Hehe, not really, I came today to send out the invites"

"Cool! But you haven't even introduced us to your chick, not sweet man"

"Hey guys! Shhhh! The captain is here"

"Fuck! Back to training hurry"

"Good afternoon sir"

The soldiers greeted him as he walked pass

"Damn! Captain Ronald is still a mobile ice block"

"I think he's more like a never melting glacier"

Ronald with his good hearing could hear what they were saying behind him but he opted to ignore those idiots, as he was about to cross the training ground he felt his body freeze up and from behind him he could hear the shocked yell of his men telling him to dodge, actually he also wants to dodge but his body seemed to be frozen for no reason, the intense pain of something drilling into his body was the last thing he felt before he blacked out.

General hospital Japan (ICU ward)

"What do you mean you don't know what's wrong with her!! Blood! There's blood coming out from every part of her body! And you tell me you don't know what's wrong with my daughter?!!!!!"

Mai's mother Yumi sat buy her Side crying while her father took out his anger and fear on the doctor, Mai totally unaware of what was happening to her body looked at the expanse of darkness around her.

"Hello! Is anyone there? Can anyone hear me?!"

Military hospital (Afghanistan)

"What do you mean? Are you telling me that with all this equipment you cant tell me what's wrong with my grandson?!"

Ronald's grandfather pointed at the doctor with his walking stick as he yelled.

"Old sir, we really don't know what is going on, all his vitals show that everything is normal"

"Normal?! Normal! His temperature is so high that I can see the hot air he is breathing out and you tell me everything is normal!!!!!"

Ronald unaware of what was going on stared vigilantly at the darkness around him


"Is anyone out there?!"

A while later the sound of a girl could be heard from behind him he tried moving towards the sound. After what felt like a few hours of swimming on air he could finally see the source of the voice but it wasn't a pleasant thing



Ronald cursed out and Mai screamed. They calmed down after a while but didn't dare to look at each other because in their eyes they both looked a mass of disgusting flesh wriggling around it was truly not a sight one will want to see again. After a bit of self introduction they got to know each other a bit more

" Mr soldier?"


"Um...do you think we will be able to leave this place?"

"...I don't know"

A few days later inside the void

"I want to go home, I don't like it here! How long have we been here?!"

Mai couldn't help crying Ronald couldn't blame her though he was also starting to feel scared of this situation and talk less about her a fourteen-year-old high schooler.

"It's alright, I'm here, I'll protect you"


After a few days together they've gotten over the fact that they are fleshy blobs and can now face each other.

A few minutes months later inside the void

"Ne, Roland."


"If we get out of here how will I find you again?"

"Mai I..."

He was cut short before he could finish what he wanted to say.

"Ding! Checking compatibility. Check complete. 100% compatibility. Grade 3S.

Scanning. Scan complete. Incomplete state. Beginning structural recovery."


"Mai!!!! Damn it what are you doing to her!!"

Ronald roared into the darkness as a bright red light enveloped Mai he was too concerned about her to notice that he was also covered in a golden light. But for him all that mattered was Mai who was screaming in pain slowly about and hour or two later Ronald got his human form back and so did Mai

"Ding! Structural recovery complete. Beginning the unity."

Ronald held Mai that had passed out in his arms as they were wrapped into a golden egg. This kind of scene was taking place all over the world.

Two months later (reality)

"Awake! She woke up!"

After conducting a bunch of experiments Mai was finally allowed to meet with her parents. She got the basic gist of what happened during her coma. It turns out that it wasn't only her but more than a billion people around the world were hit on the head by a red rock and went into a coma. Most of them woke a month or two later but she was the only one who bleed so much and woke up half a year later. The place she was in was a large facility the government opened to detain people like her, because those that wake up all wake up with abilities.

Supernatural monitoring facility (Afghanistan)


"Old commander! Calm down! I'm sure he has a reason!"

"Let's hear it then!"

"She's waiting for me."

"Fuck! She, she who?"

"...My wife"


"Cough! Even if you want to you can't, like I said those of you that have developed abilities are under the strict watch of the government"

"I don't care about that, she is waiting for me."

"...really have to go?"


"Ahw fuck! Go then I will take care of this side for you"

"Thanks, gramps"

"Oh just get out of here"

Supernatural monitoring facility (Japan)

"Whew! Yo, look what we have here!"


"Humph! Her ability probably has something to do with her looks"

As Mai entered the dorm she attracted a lot of eyes. From what she observed although the awakened are in pairs of male and female they don't seem very attached to each other, they seem more like they are staying together because they have to. After speaking with some who were willing to talk to her she found out that they are all very different from her and Ronald.