
A WORLD FALLEN - A Post Apocalypse Novel

Ly Thien Anh's parents disappeared when he was young, living with his brother. After he turned ten, his older brother also disappeared. From then on, he lived wandering on the streets and market corners. In order to continue living, he did many jobs, from begging to stealing, and went in and out of prison many times. Although he is a sinner, Thien Anh is a person with principles, not the type of person who likes to do evil. Due to living in a bad environment, Thien Anh's personality is very closed, careful and knows how to think ahead. He has no passion for gambling or girls, he likes quiet places. Then one day, a meteor shower fell, destroying most human cities. Immediately after the unexpected natural disaster, the world's living environment changed completely. Once extinct creatures reappeared, plants and animals quickly changed and evolved strongly. Civilizations that once disappeared have now reappeared, revealing mysteries from tens of thousands of years ago. The space portal appeared, countless races also followed the space portal to the human world. From here, the battle for survival between countless races broke out. These can be considered the darkest historical pages in human history.

Janclesio · หนังสือและวรรณกรรม
87 Chs

Chapter 35: Even Dragons Must Die

The speed of the group's descent was very fast, they were flying from several hundred meters above, but when Thien Anh just ran inside the tunnel, before they even entered the house, they immediately landed. "Boom rumble... "It's not clear how many tons those dragons weighed, but when they swooped down and collided with the ground, they made a strong explosion sound, no different from an earthquake. Thien Anh was running along the road. The tunnel felt the ground vibrate violently.

Thien Anh was originally running away, but at this time he suddenly stopped. Lam Linh saw this and worriedly said: "What are you going to do, run away quickly." Thien Anh had calmed down, he said: " I forgot, these guys look like dragons, they're not dragons, and even if they were dragons, they probably wouldn't be able to breathe fire. The tunnel is this narrow, so they can only fit their heads.

I've observed that their necks are at most four or five meters long. We just need to keep a distance to be safe. If anyone dares to stick its head down here, we'll shoot it to death." Lam Linh heard that. Then she regained consciousness, patted her chest and said: "You're right because they look so much like dragons in legends, I forgot they were mutated dinosaurs." While the two were talking, there was a dragon crawling down here, but it could only get through its head, and its body was stuck outside. "Scream! Screamed! Roar!" The dragon continued to roar toward Thien Anh, it opened its mouth wide with teeth, and occasionally it bit, looking like it wanted to eat Thien Anh and the others. Lam Linh looked at Seeing the wide mouth full of teeth, inside there was still crushed flesh and fresh blood. Feeling the fishy smell coming out of its mouth, she was so scared that she fell limp on the ground. She was so scared that she couldn't even urinate. As for Thien Anh, he was not so afraid, but the dragon's roaring sound made his eardrums ring and feel extremely painful.

Thien Anh thought quickly, then he immediately made a decision. "Let's go inside first." Hearing what he said, Thien Lang bit Lam Linh's collar then quickly ran into the house, Thien Anh brought followed Thien Thanh running behind. The other dragon saw Thien Anh running away and roared madly. "Roaring, screaming..." After running into the house, Thien Anh immediately closed the door, luckily there was a door here. Soundproofing effect so when closed, you can't hear the dragon screaming outside anymore.

Thien Anh looked at Thien Lang and said: "Nang take care of her, I'll go kill that dinosaur." Before he finished speaking, Thien Anh ran to the shooting practice area, then went to find specialized earplugs used when shooting guns.

Once he got the earplugs, he immediately put them in his ears. Next, he went to find a large shield specialized for police. Looking at Thien Thanh, he said: "Watch the door close in a moment. As soon as I come in, close it immediately." Hearing that, Thien Thanh nodded and said: "I know."Thien Anh nodded slightly, then took the shoulder-mounted missile and a shield and ran outside.

In fact, the shield is just to prevent rare cases, such as that dragon that can breathe fire or poison or something.

If that dragon really has that ability, then there is a way to deal with it. After Thien Anh ran outside, the dragon saw him and immediately screamed.

Thien Anh now came to a sufficient distance, then gave the other dragon a rocket into its mouth. "Phew!" As soon as Thien Anh finished shooting, he didn't look to see if he hit or not, but quickly ran into the shelter. ."Boom.." As soon as he ran inside, he heard a deafening explosion, and this was soundproofed, and there were also earplugs.

If he were out there, Thien Anh's ears would be able to think. Dragon doesn't know if he will die, but in the future, he will definitely turn into a deaf person.

There was another reason for Thien Anh running into the room because the new type of missile that Thien Anh used would create a scary fire after exploding. Thien Anh now saw everything through the camera mounted outside. The hallway is currently covered in a terrifying fire. Just imagine that Thien Anh did not run inside but stood outside and would not have been roasted alive.

As for that dragon, after being given a rocket into its mouth, the dragon no longer screamed.

Thien Anh then turned his gaze to another image, this was the radio camera he installed outside. According to the image recorded by the camera, the dragon he had just shot to pieces was the leader of the group, a dragon. The dragon's head was shot to pieces, the dragon was roaring madly, rolling on the ground. Unlike in legends, the dragon had one head cut off and still lived, and even grew another head. This dragon was shot and exploded. One head, although it did not die immediately, became weaker and weaker. After a while, it stopped struggling and lay on the snow, barely alive. The dragons following behind saw this and sensed the danger they were in. came here again and flew away all at once, making a fearful sound as they flew away. Thien Anh was not happy when he saw this scene, but instead felt worried, they evolved fear, knowing how to avoid danger.

So it will be very difficult to kill them in the future. It would be nice if they were just crazy, killing them is really simple.

With just a little use of his mind, he could leave the whole group dead without a place to bury them. Once the danger was over, Thien Anh now cared about Lam Linh. Seeing that the girl was so embarrassed that her face turned red, he said: "It's normal, it's good that a girl who encounters something like this doesn't faint directly.

Let's go take a shower and change clothes, it will be very uncomfortable." Lam Linh heard that, her face became even redder, she nodded then quickly ran into the bathroom. Thien Anh immediately took a rifle, and a chainsaw, then looked at Thien Lang, Thien Thanh said: "Let's go up and deal with that body, do it quickly or it will be very troublesome.".