
A WORLD FALLEN - A Post Apocalypse Novel

Ly Thien Anh's parents disappeared when he was young, living with his brother. After he turned ten, his older brother also disappeared. From then on, he lived wandering on the streets and market corners. In order to continue living, he did many jobs, from begging to stealing, and went in and out of prison many times. Although he is a sinner, Thien Anh is a person with principles, not the type of person who likes to do evil. Due to living in a bad environment, Thien Anh's personality is very closed, careful and knows how to think ahead. He has no passion for gambling or girls, he likes quiet places. Then one day, a meteor shower fell, destroying most human cities. Immediately after the unexpected natural disaster, the world's living environment changed completely. Once extinct creatures reappeared, plants and animals quickly changed and evolved strongly. Civilizations that once disappeared have now reappeared, revealing mysteries from tens of thousands of years ago. The space portal appeared, countless races also followed the space portal to the human world. From here, the battle for survival between countless races broke out. These can be considered the darkest historical pages in human history.

Janclesio · หนังสือและวรรณกรรม
87 Chs

Chapter 11: How a Person's Character Depends on the Environment

Thien Anh heard this somewhat rough voice and felt very happy. He laughed all the time, laughing like an idiot, it took him a while to stop. After laughing for a while, Thien Anh saw that Thien Lang was still there. As he continued to eat, he worriedly asked: "Hey Ki, why do you eat so much?" You're obviously not big, so how can you eat so much? Is your stomach a black hole?" Hearing Thien Anh's words, Thien Lang opened his bloody mouth and said: "I don't know, I felt hungry so I just ate." Hearing that, Thien Anh smiled and said joked: "Damn, have you ever been exposed to wormwood? If you keep eating like this, I'm afraid you'll become a pig.

I wonder if Moc can samp like you? It would be great if I could be like you." Thien Lang licked the blood from the corner of his mouth, then said: "Because I listen to master say that every day, I just get used to it.

As for the idiot, it's very possible, after all, it ate that thing just like the two of us." Thien Anh laughed when he heard that, but at that moment his smile suddenly stiffened, he looked down at the scar. The wound on his leg was left behind from the previous escape. At this time, the wound had completely healed, not even a single scar. Thien Lang saw his somewhat strange reaction and asked incredulously: "Master, how is it?" Thien smiled and said: "It's okay, my physical condition seems to have improved a lot, but don't eat the heart of this winged dinosaur, let's bring it back for Moc to eat with us. ." Thien Lang nodded and said: "Yes." Next, Thien Anh sat cleaning his weapon, while Thien Lang crawled inside the body of the winged dinosaur to eat meat, the winged dinosaur watched. That's at least more than ten tons, but Thien Lang can eat it all, except for bones that are too hard, it won't eat. While Thien Lang is eating, there are also many wild animals attracted by the smell of blood. Here, Thien Anh saw this and quickly hid. The group of wild beasts did not see him and immediately looked towards the winged dinosaur. Because the upper part of the dinosaur's neck had been eaten by Thien Lang, now only the upper part of the dinosaur's neck remained belly, but because the dinosaur's skin was too thick, ordinary wild beasts couldn't tear it, they could only get through the hole that Thien Lang opened before. But when they go through that hole, Inside is also the time when they finish their lives. After evolving to a higher level, Thien Lang is very strong, his movement speed, bite speed, jaw strength, and body strength have all increased a lot, cats. Wild dogs, snakes, etc., all get bitten by it and go to hell. But those mutated animals are not the only guests, there are also other things.

The other thing here is people. "Roaring..." A convoy of about seven vehicles, all of which are large cars, are covered with steel mesh around them and are also equipped with iron plates to increase their visibility. The power of the cooking room for the car, there were a few people in the car with guns, but the rest were all normal people. Right now, behind them, there is a large herd of mutated domestic pigs following them. The number of those pigs is up to several hundred, including some that can swim with special transformations. They can form, increase speed faster, and look nothing other than a safe machine.

The person in the car saw the group of pigs constantly approaching and was so scared that his face turned pale. But what surprised Thien Anh was that when the group of pigs was about to approach, the group of people did not have a gun and threw a few people back injured, he went down to feed the pigs behind him so that they wouldn't chase after him anymore. But the herd of mutant pigs was very large, with only a few people not enough examples in the whole group.

But there was still no part left that continued to follow the car. Several armed men in the car frowned when they saw this scene, then the birds held guns and pointed at the heads of the injured people, at the same time coldly ordered his subordinates. "Throw these cruel guys down for the others to eat, there is no medicine to treat these cruel guys, and letting them die has little value.". "When the injured people heard that, they were scared and cried out: "Don't do that to us, we can still go out to find food, don't leave us to be eaten by those demons." Don't do that, have mercy on us, we are all human after all, we are all people of the same country." When the field leader heard that, he said impatiently: "Many words, throw!" A few juniors stepped forward and used the butt of their guns to hit the others a few times, then took one leg and threw them outside. When other people around saw this, they didn't say anything. They could only hold their heads to one side in fear and watch the terrible scene before their eyes. Now it is no longer a rule-of-law society, but a time of chaos, human life is not equal to a package of instant noodles.

If you don't listen, you will die. The people who were dragged outside to throw pigs to eat were angry and angry. The warriors now tried to fight rain in desperation. "The dead are not kind." "The living, the dead are not peaceful, the living creatures." "..." But the soldiers couldn't say a few sentences and were eaten by the mutated pigs. .

Seeing the scene of giant pigs tearing people's bodies into pieces, seeing the blood and flesh kneeling all over the ground, hearing the sound of broken bones, and hearing the sound of pigs "squealing" makes people's hearts cold. Thien Anh When I saw this scene, I felt a bit surprised, but also felt pity. Don't look at those seemingly weak people and think they are gentle, considering that they have no power. Owls have the right to enter and can, but with the right to kill in their hands, few people can control themselves.

Thien Anh remembers the day before when he was so hungry that he went to ask for food. Not only did they not give him food, but they also let the dog out to bite him. That time, he was indescribably miserable. The wound from the dog bite was very painful, and he lived in a dirty place, so he got infected. For a long time, maggots were born in the wound. But at that time, he was so hungry that he caught those maggots and put them in his mouth to eat.

Then he ate pieces of his own rotten meat. Every time he thought about it, he secretly hated that family. He didn't understand why he was a human being so cruel.

If you don't let it go, there's no need to let the dog out to bite, then stand back and laugh. This kind of thing doesn't just happen a few times, but many times.

Wherever Thien Anh goes, he is chased away, hated, and despised. However, normal people are like that, as for hoodlums or armed elements, it is even more terrible, for homeless children like him. Once met, beaten once, but in every battle, there was more than enough life or death.

Actually, being beaten isn't scary. The scariest thing is being arrested and taken away for organ harvesting. In the past, Thien Anh was also arrested once, but that time the car transporting him was stopped by the police, and the group abandoned the car. He ran away so he wouldn't have his organs slaughtered.

Otherwise, he would be dead now. Because of what he experienced in the past, Thien Anh had an extreme grudge against the armed elements. He found animals to be even better than those people. So when he saw those people running away, he immediately thought of a rather interesting idea.

He now took out a sniper rifle from behind his back...