
Chapter 2:The first encounter

[What in the hell is that thing...]

is what everyone had in there minds...As it was silent for a long while a person came up and spoke.

[Hello um whoever you are I am Satori Kurata I am the Prime Minister of Japan,and we wonder what are you,and what are you doing here.]

As a silence began again the largest creature began talking talking in a very somewhat sluggish tone.

[We...orc's...we want...]

[Wait orc's like orc's from story's right how is that possible anyways,what do you exactly want just stay calm we don't want any harm hust stand down.]

[We want...want...want...DEATHHHH!!!!.]

[Wait what!?]


[Fuck,Fuck,Fuck...Every one open fire!!!]

Announced by the leading commander of the defense squadron.

As these creatures called orc's began running towards the people,every soldier had already pulled out their weapons,and had already began opening fire,and had already began mowing down every last one of them making blood splatter all over the place,and their movements had stopped before the military had even began opening fire their eyes full of the desire to cause seath and destruction...But now the only thing left in their eyes were fear and terror,witnessing their brethren dying so quickly,as the what looks like the leader walked forward,he had told his army to stop signaling that they had already given up they knew they could not win against them...

As every president and the announcer had witnessed this,the Japanese Prime Minister had shouted at the leading commander.

[Commander Higgins,what in the fucking hell was that!I said I wanted to communicate not commit mass fucking genocide on them!]

Replied by the commander.

[What do you think would I do huh Prime Minister!if I had not ordered my men to open fire on those things called orc's we would've been already dead!]

Replied by the Minister again.

[Then why couldn't you have just used non-lethal bullets that's why you have them!then we could've just knocked them down or something.]

Before this argument could continue Professor Douglas came between them.

[Look gentlemen no need to fight with each other right now we need to talk to the guy in front of us his already given up so stop,this will get us nowhere.]

As he said this both Commander Higgins and Prime Minister Satori Kutara had stopped their pointless argument.

[Okay good...Now you what is your name.]

[I am Kurbag...Skull crusher...no i am...Kurbag...the weak.]

[Um okay Kurbag why had you attacked us we had just wanted peace and to cooperate with you.]

[Kurbag...confused...humans never wanted peace...only wanted war...and death.]

[What...what are you talking about we don't even know,to be intact this is the first time we've actually seen orc's in real life.]

[Kurbag...more...confused...do you not come from...Reshonait...]

[Um sorry but there is no such place here called Reshonait...wait where are we exactly.]

[You...in...the Hollow waves...a place of nothingness...only ocean...until you...appear.]

[Wait what...wait,wait do you know a place called earth though.]

As a person replies

[Why are you questioning if they know what earth is of course they know what earth is it's they're home-.]

[Kurbag...does not know...this place called...Earth...This...place...called Gaerfyrddin.]

[...I think we don't need to discuss my research anymore,were no longer in Earth...were no the entire world is in another fucking world...]

everyone was shocked beyond belief they some were surprised and some were skeptical but the more they thought about it the more they were aware they are no longer in Earth they are I. another world.

As the Prime Minister of Japan speaks once more.

[So in short terms the entire world including every landmass had been isekaid correct.]

[Yes Prime Minister you are correct we have been in fact isekaid...Now Kurbag was it bring the rest of your soldier we'll give you some proper rest.]

[Why...you had killed my brethren...now you welcome us why...we had tried to kill you...would you not want to kill...Us.]

[No and besides this is our way of saying sorry for killing your brethren it is the best we can do fro you.]

[We thank...you humans.]

As he said this he had stood upa dn began talking in a very weird and unknown language,seeming to be their own language.

[Um what was that.]


[Then what did you exactly tell them.]

[I tell them...you mean no harm...and you help us...and we now follow you.]

As every one of them began putting their knees down and began bowing to them all.

[Ummm...n-no need for such actions we don't really need it come now before we go you must be quite hungry so we'll feed you in the banquet that will be happening.]

[A...banketeit...what is that.]

[Oh yeah right you don't know um you'll know exactly when we get there right now just follow us.]


Back to the President's

[Well damn that was pretty eventful.]

[Oh you think Tim first they were literally trying to kill us,then we literally committed mass genocide upon them and know we know we're in another fking world.]

[Yea right...]

[Oh I hadn't seen you guys in conference nice to meet you guys again.]

[Huh...Ah President Renaldo of the Phillipines never thought I'd see you here specifically.]

[Yea me to never thought I'd see you here aswell Tim...Oh Oliver you're also here.]

[Yea.And by the way thanks for actually calling me by name unlike a specific president that gives very annoying nicknames.]

[Oh how rude they aren't that annoying,as I said they're just for giggles you know,anyways why are you here by the way.]

[Oh nothing just that we'd talk,since it's been we last actually had a genuine conversation without politics and all that.]

[Yea you're right,anyways we should probably stop are talking were already in the banquet.]

With everyone in front of the doors including the surviving orc's.

[Kurbag...has never seen such...big doors.]

[Well ofcourse it has to be grand since this is the place where the the world leader's eat,but they had requested multiple times to make it a little more normal and lessen the expensive furniture,they should really learn to enjoy themselves once in awhile.]

As everyone went in the people were not surprised but for the otherworldly guests they were very astonished.

[Kurbag...has never seen...such beautiful lights...Kurbag smell...something good.]

[Oh you must be smelling our marinated roast pork steak.You can have it all if you want even since our cooks are always prepared to cook extra dishes when needed.]

[Kurbag...happy...brethren let us enjoy this feast!]

As Kurbag had said this him and the other orc's began digging in on the different types of delicious food that was offered in the table,every one of them being filled with joy having not tasted such delicious food for years.

[Welp they're quite some messy eaters i might say...But you know what fuck it!there's no rules come on let's party till we can't fucking stand!]

Every one shouted...

[Now come on and let's get this party fucking started!woohoo!!!]

As this day had already ended,a new day will also begin soon and many things will come in this new world will it be filled with conflict or peace let us see.

(END of Chapter 2)