
Chapter 1:The Blackout

Our story begins in a very interesting manner,...it is in Earth,yes you had heard right Earth our home and we were born,a place many things haven't been discovered yet,and in thus world Peace throughout all nations had already happened and the status of crimes had ultimately vanished leaving a very much peaceful and prosperous world to live in.

But of course even so to the eyes of the world leader's,they still needed to create many firearms and military based vehicles just in case when the time comes it will be used,since even though peace had already been achieved throughout the world they still knew that people had minds full of malice and hate.

But ofcourse this would never happen...

But in a very specific day of August 27,2174,a day where people had been living they're normal lives,going to work,buying things at the mall or grocery store,students going to school, and people going home,and occasionallysome pickpocketers...

A sudden blackout had happened,almost everyone suddenly freaked out from the sudden blackout that had happened since it had been year's since a large scale blackout had happened, they were frightened and scared thinking that there was a terrorist attack happening.

while this riot was happening most policemen had already begun trying to calm the crowd,saying that everything will be okay and that nothing serious is actually happening.

And after a few minutes,the light's around the city had once again started to turn on and immediately everyone had already started to calm down.

And as everyone called down a police officer had called out.

[Okay!Everyone stay calm and get yourselves together,it's just a blackout so no need to panic.]

But what the people had not known,this just not had only happened in a single nor a country,or even continent...This had happened everywhere and the only ones who had knowledge about this were government personnel and people with power in the world,that is why an immediate meeting was announced to every president to talk about the mysterious blackout that had happened.

*Sounds of a plane flying*

[Ah now that's a good cup of coffee to start the morning ain't it]

[It seems so president Leon O. Timothy of the United States]

[Oh come on now Allen no need to be so formal with me,besides i don't really like being called president you know,and by the way how long is it till we arrive at the world meeting in Singapore.]

[About.....Now sir.]

*sound of plane landing*

[Come on now let's go Allen we still have that meeting.]

[Of course Mr.President.]

[Ah...Nothing like a good breeze of fresh air after flying for so long...well,well,well if it isn't my pall, the King of England King Oliver himself,nice to meet you again for so long.]

[Hahaha me to how long has it been since we had certainty last met.]

[I'm pretty sure the last time we met Olive was when you were crowned the new king of England I'm pretty sure.]

[Huh wow that was a long time ago eh,and also stop calling me Olive.]

[Hahahaha what mad come on it's just a silly little nickname I gave you,it good to have some fun sometimes.]

[Sure "Timothy"]

In a mocking tone

[Ha too bad for you I don't get fazed by that anymore bitch.]

[*Gasp*oh such improper words now aren't you stupid cunt.]

[Ah...anyways enough with the silly conversation,you know what happened right about last week ago.]

[Correct I still remember that the worldwide blackout that had happened,that is why we were called here to have a meeting on how that had happened because that isn't even possible even with the highest form of EMP in the world.]

[Yea..Even though I don't like to keep secrets from my people it was needed since quite frankly if the people found out that it had happened arround the entire world,many people would be worried.]

[Correct...that is just the sad part of this job...Ah were already here.]

As both of them had stopped they had reached the door to the meeting room,both opening the door and walking to their own respected podiums,followed by others...

As everyone had sat down on their seats,a single person had comed up the center,seeming to be the person that had called the meeting in the first place,as he arrived

[Ahem...Ahem...if you are here right now you know what this meeting is about,so I do not need to explain the details on why I had called you here,but for clarification this meeting will mainly about the sudden blackout that had happened last week ago,and to discuss on why it had happened,any objections.]

Everyone nodded their heads.

[Good...as you all may know last week ago a sudden blackout had happened,and it not only happened in our planet but also briefly shutdown any and all types of connections to our satellites as we had found out...Due to this we had contacted multiple experts to research about this,since this was sudden we had tried to track down the surge on where it came from,but we had found no connections at all...And because of this the lead scientist on this research will come up on stage to deduct his findings...I welcome you Professor G. Douglas.]

[Ah thank you announcer for calling me up on stage...]

As the announcer nods and walks of the stage.

[Oh...Ah well he ignored me I guess well as you all may know already,about the sudden blackout that had just happened,from our research we had mainly deducted this...]

As a screen comes down from the stage immediately turning on showing the recent findings he had deduct.

[As you can see from my research the sudden blackout is quite weird,since it had happened in August 27,which is weird since no information was gathered that something was happening,as we can also see it mainly happened in exactly 4:35PM,and if I say immediately I mean immediately it us quite weird since no EMP can charge that was and even if it was being charged before we would have already found where it was located due to our EMD's(Electro Magnetic Detectors),so I can truly say...]

As he was about to continue his talking,a soldier had burst through the door panting looking like he was running fast,as everyone in the room stared at him...

[Ummmm...sir why did you suddenly burst open the door during our meet-]

[There's something outside...I don't know what it is but it doesn't look like it came from this world sir...you must check immediately,we had already prepared our defeses if necessary...]

[hmmmm...I see we will continue this discussion later,first let us see what you are talking about.]

Everyone in the room immediately nodded their heads.

[Okay then lead the way soldier.]

Back to the president of America.

[What the fuck happened,he just suddenly burst open the door Jesus,and now where following him.]

[No need to be angry Tim if he is saying the truth,then I don't know what's outside.]

[Oh,Olive didn't see you there yea let's hope it isn't anything dangerous.]

[Yea I hope,I truly hope...]

As they had arrived at the exit the soldier had begun opening the doors to the outside revealing a somewhat humanoid figure but with for some reason green skin,a taller figure,and much burly muscles,with sharp teeth poking from its bottom jawline,and it was not alone it had looked like there were hundreds of them.

[What in the hell are those things...]

That is what everyone was thinking in their heads when they had seen this creature...no this...beast.

(END of Chapter 1)