
A Wondering Traveler

I was there in the beginning, when the first Gods came into being, when the first Stars started to show there dazzling light. When those very first Planets took shape, I was there and watched it all happen. I have watched it all, even before time existed, I am a Wondering Traveler, a Story Teller, a being so incomprehensibly old it can't even be expressed in numbers anymore and these are the many things I have seen in my innumerable years of existence. Hey everybody my name is Wolf11179 and this is my first time writing any sort of story for other people to see, if you have any suggestions for me on who to make it better please let me know.

Wolf1179 · แฟนตาซี
10 Chs

The Beginning of an Apocalypse

Universe 45 A, quadrant 5, planet Shalsam, when I arrived I had high hopes for something interesting happening. But now I realise that this was not gonna be a pleasant stay on this world. All of the signs were there, wars on multiple continents, generations of people starving an homeless, disease running rampant though slums an homeless, chaos. So I decided I would not step foot on the world, as my presence can affect things in odd ways, this world I would observe as a spectator. An so I searched Shalsam for the ideal person to spectate an I found one, a young man named Anthony Birch. I will place a small seed if you will, something will allow me to hear his thoughts as though he was talking beyond that I will do nothing but watch, good luck young Anthony, something tells me you'll need it.

Anthony's Pov

It's been 7 days since the virus broke out in one of the shanty towns outside of the city Wholum. Seven days, that how long it takes for our whole world to fall apart completely. At first it was quarantined, trapped to that ever so small shanty town, but it didn't last, it never does. When it was first reported, it was classified as a murder, a man had come home to find his wife in bed with another man, there was only one problem, they were not having sex. The man was reportedly "eating" the women, like stomach ripped open guts ripped out and stuffed in his mouth, blood covering the bed, walls, floor, and the man's face. When the husband had opened the door the other man had supposedly charged him too, apparently to kill an eat him too. Past that point facts an fiction start too blur as the government had stepped in, with almost god like speed and sealed the whole thing off from public view. But like I said before things never last long, one day after they took over the town of Wholum knew what was going on, two days after all the towns in the area knew, four days later the whole country knew what was going on, 6 days later, the whole world knew that the apocalypse had come. So here I am 7 days later, huddled up in my 7th story apartment out of food and water. The last word anyone heard from the government was stay in you homes an make as little noise as possible, as the infected are attracted to loud noise. I feel like I'm the only one left in the building, but my neighbor I know she's still here, I hear her every once in a while. It brings me a small amount of comfort to know that at least someone other than me is still alive. But my strength is starting to fail me an I'm terribly tired, the shrieks, groans, and shuffling foot steps are keeping me awake an very nervous. An the sound of screaming happens every once in awhile, when someone left makes to much noise and the infected break down the door an devour them whole, as the mangled mess of what's left rises up to join their hoard. I will have to try an find some food an water though, no, I must find food an water. I will not die here I will fight, kick, claw, shoot, stab, beat, burn, and bite if I have to but I will survive. But I'll have to get a weapon first, do I even have anything that would work. A few pocket knifes, a steak knife, one 9mm pistol with four magazines fully loaded, and about 50 extra rounds. But do I have anything longer an heavier, I don't really want to fight the infected with a knife, and shooting them is only signing my own death warrant. I don't have anything, what I do have would break an bend after a few good hits, so basically useless. I guess the knives will have to do for now, next I need a way to carry stuff, I think I'v still got an old backpack some where around here. Ah here it is, still in okay shape to lucky me, now how is the outside hallway looking. As I crept through my own hallway to my door the sounds of grunts and groans only get louder. As I press my face up to the door careful not to make any noise an look through the peephole what I saw almost made me scream. With it's head leaning against my door, almost like it's sleeping an infected stands there, it's face directly in front of the peephole. Covered in blood, it's left eye completely gone, the nose looks as though it's been chewed off, the lower jaw ripped off, the dangling skin a symbol of how grotesque it is. Okay I said to myself as I back away from the door, how do I kill it? All those old zombie movies always said aim for the head so I guess I'll try the same. But do I need to destroy the brain, or completely sever the head from it's shoulders? I don't know and it's not like I can just ask it to stand still an let me practice killing it. Ahhhh this is frustrating, I don't know what to do, if I destroy the brain and it keeps coming I'll die, if I cut it's head off an it keeps coming I'll die, worse yet what if it's neither an it kills me anyway. But I don't have a lot of time either, the food I have been eating has just been cups of noodles or other junk like food, I won't last long without real food. Screw it, I grabbed the steak knife, I'll try an jam this knife into it's eye socket and hope it goes down, if it doesn't I'll fight till the end. As I crept back to the door knife in hand my thoughts focused in on one thing, kill the infected. When I got back to the door I looked through the peephole an like before my mangled friend was still leaned against it. Okay let's do this, as I reach forward an unlock the deadbolt as quietly as I can. An with a noise that sounded like thunder in my ears the deadbolt was unlocked, an my infected friend didn't move either. An since my door opens inwards I wont have to worry about getting it open, at least that's what I keep telling myself but my trembling hands tell me otherwise. An so as quietly as I can I open the door, an before it can have time to react I try to jam my steak knife into it's eye socket. An surprisingly I managed to do it, an like a sack of potatoes the infected dropped to the ground, dead hopefully. An thankfully it was, unfortunately for me however there is another infected in the hallway, and it's staring me in the eyes now. An with a low growl it starts coming towards me at a slow shamble giving me plenty of time to retrieve my steak knife. As I bend down an pull my knife out of it's head I say to myself, "you got this Anthony, you killed one what's one more," and then I charged towards the infected. An with a powerful but almost slow swing the infected fights back, while running towards it I duck under it's blow but almost trip over my own feet. So now stumbling towards it I crash into it knocking us both down an losing my knife in the process. Shit, shit, shit, shit, now fumbling to get one of my pocket knives out of my pocket, I crawl away from the infected. I lurch to my feet new knife in hand and open, I slowly advance towards the infected that has now regained it's footing. Once more it swings at me once I get close, an once more I duck it now close enough I lash out towards it's right eye socket and successfully bury my knife in it. An just like that the infected crumbles to the ground dead, but wait that doesn't make since. That pocket knife albeit long, it's not long enough to reach the brain through the eye socket, so what do I have to hit to kill them then? Well there's only one way to find out and that to just attempt to kill more infected. An so I did just that I started to work my way around the 7th floor of my apartment complex fighting lone infected and doing my best to side step groups of them, all the while collecting any and all sources of food and water. It wasn't a pretty sight though, no far, far from it, so many doors splintered inwards and the insides filled with blood and chunks of flesh. Soon enough my backpack was full of food and water so I started on my way back to my apartment. Once back inside I once more secured the dead bolt and walked towards my living room area, along the way I stripped down to my boxer's, as my other clothes were now covered in blood. Taking out a bottle of water from my backpack I made my way to the kitchen, once there I grabbed my dish soap and squirted a hefty amount onto my hands and began to scrub like my life depended on it. Once done I poured small amounts of water over them cleaning off the suds and exposing my white skin once more. Finally I can eat I sighed to myself making my way back to the living room. I plopped down onto my couch an grabbed a can of "Chief Boils Cuisine" from my backpack and proceeded to start eating after opening it. Hmm let's see I killed five infected counting the first two and side stepped 10, one group of four and the other group of six. An I only seen five doors that were unopened, of course that doesn't mean that there are people in them, or that their alive if they are in. Let's see six floors under me three above, an average of 150 people a floor, that's roughly 1,500 people, wait oh god there's potentially 1,400 infected in this building. Well assuming that at least 100 people survived the initial outbreak, I am so dreadfully out numbered. Well I might be a little lucky though, because of the way this building is designed, it's essentially the basic apartment building kinda. But instead of it being just a big rectangle the left the middle open, and made a nice common area at the bottom with a fountain and benches an the like. An all the rooms on the inside wall all have balconies that overlook the middle area, so it's kinda like a big square, if I left my room an walked to the right and just kept going I would make a loop all the way around the complex and eventually return to my room. An in the middle of each side is a stairwell leading both up and down, meaning four ways up and down, which means even more ways to avoid the infected. If I play my cards right an find some more people it might actually be possible to clear out the whole complex of infected. But for now, I need to rest, I'm so tired.

Travelers Pov

An with that the first part of young Anthony's story concludes, until next time friends.