
A wizards journey

Noah Evans, a clueless muggle born wizard receives his letter for Hogwarts. Or at least that's what it seems like at first. Is he really just a muggle born? Is he really clueless about the magical community? join his journey to become the greatest wizard of all time~ -‐-----‐------------------------------------------------------------ This is a Harry Potter fanfiction. I hope to make a story that is to my liking. As of now it's purely a hobby might write seriously in the future. I welcome only constructive criticism. I hope you guys can point me out if there's any mistakes. My first language is English so you don't have to worry about grammar other than occasionally when I might have slipped

Diabolic_eternal1 · แฟนตาซี
9 Chs

The start of his Journey

Noah was in a bad mood. It was late Saturday morning and no one had arrived until now. After he had got the letter on Thursday he was filled with anticipation. But no one came the next day. Almost the entire day was spent in the living room waiting for a response from the door.

He doesn't want his mother to send them away

as she didn't know about the letter yet. Noah felt his parents wouldn't take it seriously afterall they only have a weird letter and the gut feelings of their son to go by. They would obviously think its a prank and might throw the letter away too.

It was already saturday and he didn't have much hope anymore. But within he still had a faint hope that something would happen. So there he was once again on this bright summer day waiting for some signs of movement beyond the door.

*Tok tok*

There was a knock at the door.

"Noah dear, open the door for me, will you?" came his mother's call.

Noah didn't dare hope the letter the letter to be true. Still his heartbeat visible spead up. He was so nervous that his neck and cheeks where slightly reddened. With trembling hands he slowly opened the door.

He was met with a stern faced, thin lipped woman with wrinkles on her face who looked to be in her sixtues. She was wearing some type of robes with a pointed hat. He continued staring at her as his heart almost leaped to his throat in excitement.

She observed him for a while then frowned and reprimanded

" Aren't you going to invite me in Mr Evans"

Noah in his excitement forgot his manners.He swung the door wide open before continuing with a slight smile and an apologetic look

" I am sorry, forgive me for my manners and please come in Mrs ..."

Her frown eased up a bit but she still maintained a stern poker face which Noah assumed is how she normally looked. 'It might helped keep children from crossing the line' thought Noah.

" It's a Miss but if you choose to accept the invitation and join the prestigious school of ours it shall be prof. Mcgonagall to you"

That's when Emilly Evan's decided to show up from behind him and approach the old woman with confusions clearly written on her visage.

Seeing this Minerva wasn't surprised. She had seen many muggle borns and most of them choose to keep it a secret.

" I am Minerva Mcgonagall the vice headmistress of Hogwarts school of Witchcraft and Wizardry. I am here became we have come to know that your son here is a wizard therefore he eligible to attend our school so as to learn to control his powers."

" prof Mcgonagall, does magic actual exist and can we actually do it, magic I mean" Noah expressed the doubts he had bottled up for the past two days.

Seeing his impatient look prof. Mcgonagall took out her want and waved it at the sofa next to them and right in front of them it slowly shrunk and turned into a a cat with snow white fur.

There was a look of wonder, amazement and yearnings on Noah's face. He couldn't wait to go to school and learn magic. On the other hand his mother was lost her thoughts with a forlorn look. This didn't escape the witch's eyes but Noah didn't notice it.

She turned to Noah with a serious face. "So Mr Evan's what will your answer be. " Evan had a determined look. He didn't have any dreams until now but now a goal was forming within him. He wanted to master all forms of magic.

He didn't know now that his life from this moment would undergo a drastic change. He would do and come across many things he never imagined in his wildest dreams. This was the start of his journey.

He spoke with a determined gaze "professor, I want to go to Hogwarts and learn as much magic as possible can you tell me how and to what address I have to send the letter to. I don't have an owl of my own." He said the last part with a sheepish grin. He was a bit embarrassed.

" Dont worry, since you have already informed me you don't have to send a letter any more." said prof. Mcgonagall with a slight smile It was rare for her to show a smile, she a bit stunned by his determination to learn. Very few children of his age would take it seriously.

Noticing her sons happiness and determination which she wasnt seen for a long time, a small smile bloomed on Emily's face which she didn't realise. She made up her mind to let her son live the life he wished for.

" Miss Mcgonagall please take care of my son at school. It's the first time he will be away from home. And you Noah Evan's listen to your teachers got it."

"Don't worry mom I'll take care of myself.You know I'm not a child anymore."

" You can rest assured Mrs Evan's Hogwarts is the safest place he can be at. We will take good care of your wards while they are with us."

Emily smiled at that. She always took opinion from her husband when ever a decision is to be made. This was the first time she took initiative on her own. Evan was a bit surprised but didn't think much of it. He thought his mother was excited about magic like he was.

"Professor there was a list of materials to be taken to school but I don't know where to get it from. Could you possibly help me out." Evan asked with a sheepish grin.

"My, what a polite boy. Don't worry about it Mr Evan I'll take you to diagon alley where all the materials required for your semister will be available."

Mcgonagall turned to Emily for permission "I would like to take him today to buy his school supplies, if it's fine with you Mrs Evan's." Evan's mother nodded in response.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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