
A Wizard in Wednesday

Ezra Bishop's world is turned upside down when a mysterious artifact transports the teenage wizard from Hogwarts to the Wednesday TV show universe. Forced to hide his mystical talents, Ezra enrolls in the gothic Nevermore Academy, a school for supernatural outcasts. ... Inspired by works such as Magic At Nevermore on ao3 and A Wizard At Nevermore on ff. Fanfic police please don't come for me. ... I don't own anything related to Harry Potter or Wednesday. All properties in this fanfiction belong to their creators.

a_BMO · ซีรีส์โทรทัศน์
26 Chs


Quickly slipping his wand back up his sleeve before she could glimpse it. Ezra took his gaze away from the petite goth and made sure no one else had been around to see what just happened. "Just a bit of luck," he said, trying to sound nonchalant. "That gargoyle nearly flattened you." 

Wednesday continued scrutinizing him for a long moment. "Luck had nothing to do with it," she finally replied. Though her tone was even, her eyes were sharp with suspicion.

Ezra hesitated, unsure how to respond. He couldn't reveal he was a wizard, but Wednesday was clearly too perceptive to accept a simple brush-off.

Ezra sighed again as Wednesday interrogated him. "Shouldn't you be thanking me instead of interrogating me?" he asked.

Wednesday's eyes narrowed. "I didn't need or want to be rescued," she said coldly.

Ezra ran a hand through his hair in frustration. "You're truly a unique individual, Addams. Maybe I wanted to save you."

"So what, you were guided by latent chivalry, the tool of the patriarchy, to extract my undying gratitude?" Wednesday retorted sarcastically.

"Alright Addams, you win. I don't need your gratitude. I'll see you around," Ezra said, starting to walk away.

But Wednesday was having none of it. She chased after him, grabbing his arm. "You're not getting off that easy. What was with that stick you used? And you also said something, what was it? Wingardium Leviosar?"

Ezra glanced around nervously. "First of all, keep your voice down. And second, it's Leviosa, not Leviosar."

Wednesday's eyes lit up triumphantly. "Wingardium Leviosa - it means to make things light and airy in Latin."

Ezra let out another weary sigh. "I've looked into you," Wednesday continued. "There are no records of your existence - no social security number, no records, nothing that shows you ever existed."

"Alright, fine, Merlin's beard, you're persistent," Ezra conceded. "Let's go somewhere secluded and I'll answer your questions."

Wednesday nodded, looking satisfied for now. She gestured for Ezra to lead the way, clearly not about to let this go until she had uncovered all his secrets.

Ezra led Wednesday to a secluded grove of trees at the edge of campus, his mind racing as he tried to figure out what to tell her. Weems had told him not to tell anyone his secret origins but Wednesday was clearly too observant and determined to accept another evasive half-truth.

Once they were out of earshot from any other students, Wednesday crossed her arms and fixed Ezra with an expectant look. "Well? I'm waiting for an explanation."

Ezra ran a hand through his hair. "Look, I'll tell you what I can, but you have to promise not to go around blabbing about this to anyone else," he said.

Wednesday raised an eyebrow. "That depends on if your explanation satisfies me," she replied evenly. 

Ezra shook his head then looked at her, his gaze sharpening.

"Sorry Addams, but that's not good enough. I need you to swear not to tell anyone. And I mean not anyone - not your roommate, not your family, no one," Ezra said firmly.

Wednesday contemplated for a while before she finally agreed.

"Good. Here's what we'll do - for every question you ask me, I get to ask a favor from you in the future," Ezra proposed.

Wednesday bit her bottom lip in frustration, remaining silent for a while before she nodded reluctantly.

Ezra smiled triumphantly. "Alright then, ask your questions," he invited.

Wednesday's dark eyes glinted with curiosity. "What was that stick you used earlier? Some kind of weapon?"

"It's called a wand," Ezra explained simply.

Wednesday's brows furrowed. "A wand? You mean like what a fairy godmother would use?"

Ezra chuckled. "Not exactly. It helps me channel and focus magical energy."

"Magical energy?" Wednesday repeated slowly. "So you're saying you can do...magic?"

Ezra nodded. "I'm a wizard. I can cast spells using my wand."

Wednesday looked thoughtful. "Real magic? Not just illusions or tricks?"

"One hundred percent real magic," Ezra confirmed. "But that's all I can tell you for now. I'll count those as two questions."

Wednesday nodded reluctantly, her expression making it clear she still had many more questions.

"Alright, next question," Ezra prompted.

"Where are you really from? Clearly not here," Wednesday asked bluntly.

Ezra hesitated. He supposed telling her about Hogwarts and the wizarding world wouldn't cause too much harm. "I'm from another universe one that has 2a hidden magical community in Scotland. We have our own schools and government," he explained vaguely.

Wednesday's eyes were wide with fascination now. Ezra could almost see the questions spinning in her mind.

"Okay that's three," Ezra interjected before she could ask anything else.

Wednesday inclined her head in agreement. Her lips were pressed together thinly, as if she was forcing herself not to bombard him with more questions.

"Go ahead," Ezra invited with a small smile, knowing she was dying to continue her interrogation.

"Are there others like you? More...wizards?" Wednesday asked.

Ezra shook his head. "No, not in this universe at least, in my universe there's a whole hidden world of magic across Britain and other countries.

Wednesday's eyes widened, her curiosity piqued. "A different universe? With more people who can do magic?"

"Yes, thousands of witches and wizards," Ezra confirmed. "We live alongside regular people, but our world is concealed through spells and charms. Non-magical people aren't supposed to know we exist."

"Fascinating," Wednesday murmured. She tapped her chin thoughtfully. "Are there magical creatures too, like dragons and unicorns?" 

Ezra chuckled. "Some, yes. Dragons are pretty rare though."

"And where did you get your...abilities?" Wednesday asked. "Were you born with magic or did you have to learn it?"

"A bit of both," Ezra explained. "Wizards are born with the innate ability, but we have to study and practice to properly use and control magic. I attended a school called Hogwarts to learn spells, potions, and other magical disciplines."

Wednesday looked impressed. "A school for magic? That sounds...educational."

Ezra smiled wryly. "It had its moments, but it wasn't always fun and games. Magic can be dangerous in the wrong hands."

Wednesday nodded slowly, looking thoughtful.

"Alright, that's enough questions for now," Ezra said. "I've told you more than I should have. Just remember, you swore not to tell anyone about this."

"Of course. I'm excellent at keeping secrets," Wednesday replied evenly. 

Ezra studied her for a moment before nodding. He felt he could trust her strange solemnity.

"We should head back before we're missed," Ezra said, glancing up at the darkening sky.

Wednesday followed his gaze then looked back at Ezra, her eyes glinting. "I'll walk with you, but don't think this conversation is over. I expect you to tell me more later."

Ezra sighed but nodded reluctantly. He had a feeling Wednesday would continue digging until she uncovered all his secrets. For now, he was just grateful she had agreed to keep silent.

They walked back to campus in thoughtful silence. Ezra's mind spun with the implications of revealing magic to an outsider. But he also felt a strange sense of relief, he finally had a peer that he could share his situation with. Only time would tell if he had made the right choice by trusting her.


[A/N: If you like the story so far feel free to give a review and throw some powerstones my way!]

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