
A Wizard in Wednesday

Ezra Bishop's world is turned upside down when a mysterious artifact transports the teenage wizard from Hogwarts to the Wednesday TV show universe. Forced to hide his mystical talents, Ezra enrolls in the gothic Nevermore Academy, a school for supernatural outcasts. ... Inspired by works such as Magic At Nevermore on ao3 and A Wizard At Nevermore on ff. Fanfic police please don't come for me. ... I don't own anything related to Harry Potter or Wednesday. All properties in this fanfiction belong to their creators.

a_BMO · ซีรีส์โทรทัศน์
26 Chs

Behind The Greenhouse II

Like magnets attracting each other, Enid and Ezra closed the distance between their bodies and began to kiss again, their lips meeting hungrily. Ezra wrapped his arms around Enid's waist and gently pulled her into his lap as they started to make out, their kisses growing more passionate and intense by the second. Enid slid her fingers into Ezra's tousled dark hair, lightly scratching his scalp in a way that seemed to drive him wild with desire.

 Ezra's hands roamed over Enid's delicate curves, caressing her hips and back, while she let out soft, breathy moans of pleasure into his mouth. Their breathing grew heavier and more ragged, hearts pounding rapidly in sync, as they lost themselves in each other's warm embrace.

"You're quite good at this," Enid murmured, briefly breaking their steamy kiss to catch her breath. "It makes me wonder where exactly you learned your talents and techniques. Any special girls back at Hogwarts I should know about?" she asked with a playful smile.

Ezra hesitated for a moment. "I don't want to lie or keep secrets from you anymore now that they were growing so close. There were a few minor flings and trysts over the years," he admitted somewhat bashfully, "But no one truly special or meaningful like you. What we have blossoming between us feels very different to me."

Enid smiled warmly, reassured by his words as she ran her fingers gently through his tousled dark locks. "You really are a smooth talker and, Ezra Bishop," she said affectionately.

"Why thank you, I humbly accept the high praise," Ezra grinned boyishly before drawing her into another long, deep kiss filled with simmering passion.

After several more minutes of heated intimacy, Ezra gently pulled back, catching his breath. "As much as I'm enjoying this, it's getting rather late, I should probably take you back to your dorm room before we get caught," he suggested responsibly.

Enid pouted, clearly reluctant to end their secret romantic tryst. But after a moment she nodded in reluctant agreement and climbed off Ezra's lap, straightening her rumpled uniform.

Outside Enid's dorm room door, Ezra paused thoughtfully. "Want me to help sneak you back inside without alerting your dorm mother?" he offered gallantly.

"Oh yes, that would be amazing!" Enid said, her eyes lighting up at the prospect of more magic and mischief.

Ezra discreetly withdrew his wand from his robes and cast a Levitation Charm on them both. Enid let out a delighted gasp as they floated up gracefully and gently landed on her balcony.

"That was so cool!" she exclaimed in an awed whisper, steadying herself on the railing. "I had the most wonderful night with you, Ezra," she added sincerely. She gave him one last lingering sweet kiss goodnight before quietly slipping inside her room through the open window.

Ezra smiled dreamily to himself, immensely pleased at how the entire romantic evening had unfolded with the lovely Enid. With a noticeable spring in his step, he then headed back to his own dorm room under the moonlit night sky.

The next morning, Ezra awoke feeling well-rested and eager to see Enid again. After quickly dressing in his crisp school uniform, he headed down to the bustling cafeteria for breakfast.

Enid was already seated at a table, chatting and laughing with her close group of girlfriends. When she caught sight of Ezra, her face lit up with a brilliant smile. "Ezra! Come on over and sit with us!" she called out warmly.

Ezra grabbed some food from the buffet line and then happily joined the group of girls at their table. Under the table, Enid slyly reached for his hand, intertwining their fingers affectionately.

"So Enid, you and this Ezra guy seem to be getting awfully close lately," said her friend Divina, raising a knowing eyebrow at their subtle public display of affection.

Enid blushed prettily. "We're enjoying getting to know each other better. I really, really like him," she confessed shyly.

Ezra gave her hand a reassuring squeeze and smiled. "Don't worry, the feeling is completely mutual, I assure you," he added smoothly. 

Their friends continued to gently tease the new couple good-naturedly. But Ezra simply took it all in easy stride, focused on enjoying the chance to spend more time with Enid.

As the two of them left the crowded cafeteria hand in hand, Enid pulled Ezra aside into a quiet corner. "Thanks for being so great and patient with my friends this morning. I know they can be kind of a lot to handle sometimes," she said appreciatively.

"Oh not at all, I had fun getting to know them all better," Ezra quickly assured her. "It helps me feel much more part of things around here and less like the new outsider."

Enid nodded in understanding. "I'm glad to hear that. Because from now on, you're definitely a permanent part of my world here," she said warmly, before rushing off to class.

Ezra smiled to himself, reflecting on how quickly his life had changed since coming to Nevermore Academy.

After class let out, Ezra and Enid strolled leisurely through the crowded, bustling halls of Nevermore Academy together, the air abuzz with mounting excitement. All around them, students chattered animatedly in lively groups about the upcoming famous Poe Cup annual boat race competition.

"It's our huge traditional event of the school year," Enid explained as they navigated their way through the enthusiastic crowds. "Each dorm floor competes against the others to try and win eternal glory and year-long bragging rights. Things get pretty intense and competitive out on that river."

Ezra nodded with great interest, immediately intrigued by the concept. Back at Hogwarts, he had always loved the thrilling intensity of the Quidditch house matches. This sounded like a similar team spirit event, just with boats instead of broomsticks. "How exactly does the race competition work?" he asked curiously.

"Well, all the teams start lined up together at the main jetty on the Jericho River," said Enid, launching into the details. "When the starting signal goes off, they have to furiously row their boats upstream to Raven Island. There, a teammate has to grab their dorm's colored flag from inside the creepy Crackstone Crypt, then they race back downstream to the finish line jetty again. Pretty much anything goes in order to sabotage or slow down the other teams."

"That sounds absolutely brilliant," Ezra grinned. "I think I'll try out for the Hawthorne Hall team this year. Could be quite a laugh and a great way to make some new friends."

Enid smiled warmly, clearly pleased to support his interest. "I think trying out is a wonderful idea! It would definitely help you connect with more guys around here. I know I've been monopolizing quite a lot of your free time lately," she admitted with an affectionate laugh, playfully nudging his arm.

"Too right, I could certainly use some more testosterone in my life to balance out all this surrounding estrogen," Ezra joked teasingly. 

Enid pretended to look highly offended as she swatted his arm in mock protest. "Oh really? Am I suddenly too girly for the great Ezra Bishop now?" she exclaimed dramatically.

"Never! I take it all back!" laughed Ezra.

Just then, a magically magnified voice echoed through the hallway: "Ezra Bishop, please report to the headmistress's office immediately."

Ezra and Enid exchanged curious looks, both wondering what this surprise summons could be about.

"Any idea what old Weems wants to see me for?" Ezra asked.

Enid shook her head, looking just as mystified. "No clue. But I guess you better get over there quickly and find out."

"Right then, wish me luck with the headmistress," said Ezra lightheartedly. He gave Enid one last swift kiss on the cheek before heading off down the hallway toward Principal Weems' office, wondering what this unexpected meeting could be about.

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