
When Does It End

I heard the sound of mens laughter, as veteran soldiers walked around the camp. Considering we were preparing for a war between the two nation of our country, everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves immencly. When anyone asked the elder men why they laugh at such a grave time, they always responded laughing "We havent seen each other in over fourty years. If you think we aren't gonna catch up you may never lead this army!" I had only been in the camp for a few weeks after leaving the my family at the capital. They would always remind me of my sister's parting words to me

"Be carful and make lots of friends!" My sister Cali told me while giving me a drawing to remember her by. I never thought I would make a friend so easily in the army though. On my first day there I met man ,maybe a year younger then me, bright as a scholar although he never attended university, what a pity. And when trying to light a fire another man,perhaps in his late fourties, came to give me a hand saying "This won't be enough fire wood to keep it lit for the night come let's go find some more."

afterwards he told us stories of his time in the last war. Not leaving out the details that might have scared us away from the army all together as he put it. "If you can't handel stories of a war no sense in making you fight the real thing. These stories will help you get prepared for what you may see ahead" Turns out, the man was quite the hero in the war and was the one who help the former king make peace through the two nations. It has been an amazing experience listening ro his many tales.

One night, while the two of us were talking about home and what awaits us when we get back. He turned to me and says "I have a daughter just about your age. Wonderful child, reminds of my brother in many ways. She has always found the world fascinating. Adopted her anout fifteen years ago." He loves her very much, you could almost see it on his face while talking about her. I wonder what she's like?