
A Wedlock Of Corruption

In this gripping tale, Alan's world is turned upside down when he witnesses a horrific accident involving a young boy who resembles his missing brother, Vincent. Struck by the boy's battered face, Alan searches for a birthmark that would confirm his suspicion, but it's absent. Realizing this is not Vincent, he receives an unexpected call from his sister, Mari, who tearfully reveals that Vincent has returned home safely. Confused yet relieved, Alan shares the news with his friends, who agree to accompany him back home. Before leaving the accident scene, they assist the mortuary attendant with the deceased boy's body, a haunting reminder of the tragedy they narrowly avoided. Upon arriving in their quiet town, Alan eagerly rushes home to find his family. But his excitement turns to concern when he discovers Vincent and Mari at the neighbor's apartment instead of their own. Alan's joy is dampened as Mari reveals that their eldest brother, Anthony, hasn't responded and his phone was off. In a panic, Alan hurries to Anthony's room only to find him lifeless. Overwhelmed by grief, he curses death for its cruel intrusion into their lives. The neighbors try to console him, but he remains desolate. Mr. Brian, a doctor among them, examines Anthony's body and hints at a deeper mystery behind this tragedy. As Alan reflects on his family's suffering, he questions the true nature of their misfortune. Is there a malevolent force at play? Determined to unravel the truth, he embarks on a journey of introspection and investigation, determined to uncover the secrets lurking within his family's past. With each step, Alan confronts chilling revelations, unearthing hidden connections and facing the painful truth behind his brother's death. The story delves into themes of loss, resilience, and the lengths one will go to protect their loved ones. As Alan unravels the mystery, he learns that some secrets are better left buried. In a race against time, he must confront a formidable adversary and safeguard the remaining members of his family. Will Alan's determination and love be enough to overcome the darkness that threatens to consume them all?

UkweDaniel26 · สมัยใหม่
10 Chs

Chapter Four

After the burial, Alan became increasingly isolated due to the devastating impact of Anthony's death. The news of his passing spread quickly through Patami Creek, and many came to pay their condolences at the rented apartment where Alan and his siblings lived. Among those who visited was Lady J, whose arrival was a surprise to Alan.

One day, while Alan was seated on an armless chair outside the compound, a car pulled up in front of the house. To his surprise, Lady J stepped out of the car with two other women. Alan welcomed them warmly and invited them into his apartment, where his younger siblings were watching a movie at the neighbor's flat. Despite Alan's offer to serve them drinks, Lady J got straight to the point.

"Alan, these are my dear friends Tina and Angela. They've heard so much about you from me, and that's why we're here," Lady J said, introducing her companions.

Alan welcomed the two ladies with gratitude and respect, expressing his honor to host them at his humble abode. "Although my house may not be much," he added, "I am grateful for your visit."

Upon seeing Alan, Angela found herself blushing and feeling a yearning for him. However, she quickly composed herself and responded warmly to his welcome.

"Thank you for having us, Alan," she said. "You are a very handsome man. Do you happen to live here with your girlfriend?"

Alan replied politely, "No, I am currently single. Right now, I am focused on taking care of my younger siblings and their welfare."

Angela couldn't help but blurt out, "Wow, the ladies in your neighborhood must have visual impairment if they haven't noticed you yet."

Lady J, noticing Alan's discomfort, quickly interjected, "Alan is a very responsible young man who is focused on his future and that of his siblings."

Tina then brought up the topic of Alan's plans following the death of his brother, mentioning that financial difficulties were reportedly a contributing factor. "I'm sorry to put it that way," she added.

"Well for now, I think I will just settle for job hunting and my usual hustle, that way, I should be able to provide for my younger ones. And Lady J here has been most helpful whenever I needed her, I don't know what I can do to show you how grateful I am." He said turning to Lady J

"Make love to her and turn her brains inside out!" Everyone turned to look at the person that made such statement, it was Angela

"What!" She asked "It wasn't as though she wouldn't want it, she will cherish every moment." Again she made such remarks at such a time.

Although the ladies knew that Angela was right in her assertions, it was the timing that was wrong. Lady J has lust over Alan ever since she saw him, and wishes to just have him all to herself.

She thought to herself, "Better late than never," grateful to Angela for being so blunt and finally revealing her feelings to him. The room fell silent for a moment, as if waiting for the record of any misdeeds to be taken by passing angels. After a few seconds of quiet, Lady J spoke up.

"We're headed to town for an important business meeting, and that's why we decided to swing by and invite you to join us," she said, looking up at Alan expectantly, anticipating either a refusal or an excuse, given the little information he had about their intentions towards him.

"If you don't mind, of course," she added.

Initially, Alan was unsure how to react. He had never been involved in anything like this before, and the idea of going out with women of such high class and discerning tastes, whose motives he was only beginning to understand, seemed foreign and strange.

"It'll be worthwhile and fruitful, especially for someone like you who desperately needs a job right now. Just give it a try, and you'll never regret it," Tina chimed in, helping to persuade the young man.

Alan was deep in thought, trying to weigh the potential benefits of accompanying these society ladies. He had never had any interesting male friends his age, and had always been a loner, with his late brother Anthony being his only friend. After thinking about it for a while, he began to wonder, "What's the worst that could happen?"

Lady J asked, "So, what's your answer?"

"Okay, I'll join you," he replied. "But first, let me go to my neighbor's apartment to inform my younger siblings not to wait up for me in case I come back late." He then left for the other apartment.

The women exchanged glances and their faces lit up with smiles. They were filled with happiness and excitement. Lady J was beyond thrilled and could hardly contain her excitement