
A Warriors Journey through a Dungeon!!

One day, a teen who was playing some games after school with some schoolmates randomly got a system pop up in real life with a loading screen. Once it finished, he was transported to a dungeon with four other people.

Soapety · แฟนตาซี
1 Chs

Chapter 1

"Come on, Rectural, what are you doing with your so-fucking ass? Just uninstall; you are a waste of fucking space." A teen screamed, upset, as did his teammates.

"Just up dumb ass, your just screaming you a 4-8; how about you doing something?" screamed another person through his game.

When he was about to hit a clip, a games screen window appeared before him with a loading screen. Confused to scream or rage, he rolled back to try to get a better look at this scene, but it kept the same distance as when it came too. Even more confused, he walked out of his room, looking for his parents but tripping on to a pile of clothes. Confused, he looked back and saw a basket with clothes in it, just lying on the floor. Looking at it closer, he saw that it was the clothes he forgot in the dryer Even more confused, he looked back at the window, as it was at 89% He got scared, wondering what would happen when it made it to one hundred.

Standing up, he runs to the living room. He sees a bowl of cereal on the couch, with cereal all over the couch and floor. Not finding his parents, he runs back up the stairs, confused, when an amber alert blares from his phone, pulling it out.

{Strange anomalies are happening People are going missing and a strange game like window is appearing before people take them one by one}

Panicking at this point, he tries to smack, whack, and even throw something at the window, but it all just goes right through it, almost having a mental breakdown when the window reaches 100% as his vision turns back. Now in a space of pure darkness, a windscreen appears again, but this time an empty spot with class written next to it appeared with a big red button with the word spin on it.

A massive jolt of urges to touch the button pulled him, and with out thinking, he pushed it and then it spun words in the little box, changing so fast it hurt his head looking at it. After a few minutes, it stopped on Warrior.

[Now transporting to tutorial, please]

Another window appeared as his vision again went black, but this time it only lasted for a few seconds before he woke up with his back against a stone wall, his eyes still blurry. He rubbed them, making it worse than when he heard a voice.

"This can't be happening I just got into my dream college, why?" said a girl, crying.

"Calm down; it will be fine. We just need to get out of here, and then we can go back to our normal lives," said a man trying to calm the girl down.

"Finally, I have been waiting for this. Don't worry, I am the MC. I can get you out of here," said a voice that sounded like it was around his age.

Finally getting a good look at them, he could see a girl in archer armor with a bow on her back, a long blonde hair cover, and a teared-covered face. A man with short brown hair and crusaders armor with a spear to his side. Now the boy about his age had a dark cloak with a weapon on him and long-ish black hair and black pupils. He seemed extremely happy about being here, which confused everyone.

\Good morning, everyone Now that your awake, here is your tutorial: *Goblins Den* It is just a matter of finishing it to advance into the next dungeon and so forth, so do not worry. Now say or think status to look at your skill and attributes, along with a few other things

'Status,' our teen said, confused.

[Name: Gabriel Amancio]

Class: Warrior

LVL: 1 EXP: 0/100%

Str: 8


Dex: 10

Per: 9

Int: 8



'Why don't I have any skills?" Gabriel asked himself.

"Cool, I have so many skills. Is it because of my magic class?" said the teen on the other side of the room.

Alrightthe dungeon door will open so party up and clear this dungeon I HOPE YOU ALL die

With that, the voice disappeared, leaving the group worried.

"Okay, how about the introduction? We will be working together for a while," said the man. "I'll go first My name is Kevin, and I am your normal barista and body builder, and my class is spearman—uncommon,' he said, smiling as he stood at 6 feet or so.

"Oh, oh, me next hello. My name is Theodor, and I go to high school, and my class is Elemental Mage—Rare," he said, doing poses kind of cringy.

"My name is Velma, and I am your just-starting college student, but since this happened, I guess I will not be going, and my class is Arcane Archer-Rare," she said, smiling a forced smile.

Everyone then looked at Gabriel, who was wondering why he had no skills, When the wall behind them suddenly started moving and standing up, Gabriel grabbed his sword still in shock and pulled down his helmet as Arrows suddenly shot from the darkness of the opening He moved out of the way as it grazed his armor, not even leaving a dent or scratch on the metal.

*keee kee keeeee* 

Noise was hear coming from the opening everyone got ready to fire as Theodor help a firefighter in hand Kevin pointed his spear at the opening, and Velma held her bow, clumsily holding an arrow in it. As for Gabriel, he walked to the opening in a daze as an arrow flew by him. He was just thinking this was a dream so he rushed in once they went passed him After a few seconds, he saw a green goblin reloading a crossbow swinging his sword and killing one.

[ 10 EXP]

Looking to his right, he slashes another, and then, looking behind them, he sees a goblin smiling as it shoots at him, crouching down. He pushes himself at the goblin and stabs it in the head as red blood splatters everywhere. His eye began to clear up, and when he saw the goblin corpses, he raised his head and threw up with a scared look. He backed up, hitting something, then turned around and raised his sword.

[20 EXP]

"Woowa calm down, Buddy, damn you really good with that sword," Kevin said, looking at the goblins laying dead on the ground.

"Tsk, I could have done that way faster," said Theodor, glaring at Gabriel.

Velma just looked at the bodies, worried.

"Thank you ohh and my name is Gabriel and my class is..." He was cut off as loud goblin voices were heard coming from down the tunnel. "Shit, okay, Theodor shot a fireball down the cave," he said, turning to the noses.

"Why should I list? "Now is not the time, so listen to the knight," said Kevin with an angry voice.

"Fine," he said, sending a fireball down the corridor.

Lightening it up, they could see about forty goblins, not including the few that got hit by the fireball, most with rusty daggers and a few in the back with crossbows. Calming down, Gabriel raises his sword, and then he runs to the goblins once they are close. He swing his sword, cutting four down at once, and then backing up, he dodges two arrows. Instead of fear, he feels excited with a smile. He kills three more with a slash, dodging two goblins on his sides. He kicks on them, then smacks the other with the hilt of his sword. An arrow flies by his head, looking back. He sees Velma breathe out, looking back at the goblin. One of the crossbow goblins has an arrow stick out of its chest.

Then an explosion happened to his left, as the ground, once flat, is now spiky, impaling about five goblins. He then hears a pair of feet step to his right, seeing Kevin also slashing with fire on the blade of his spear. Refocusing on the goblin, he runs into the middle of the pack with a huge smile and goes to town, slashing, bashing, and kicking about 17 goblins, killing them.

[170 EXP]

As arrows whizzed by in both directions, they soon finished the little skirmish with only a few injuries. As Gabriel goes to the entrance to rest as he sits down, looking into his inventory, he sees a bunch of bread and water along with a few healing potion, which he takes a sip of as his small injuries heal quickly. As he sat down, his arms were tired. It was his first time swinging a sword, yet it felt so natural.

[Level Up/New Skill]

'status,' he thought, pulling up his helmet.

[Name: Gabriel Amancio

Class: Warrior

LVL: 2; EXP: 67/100%

Str: 9


Dex: 11

Per: 10

Int: 9

Skills: Instinct


'Tell me about my new skill,' he thought.

[ Instinct

Type: Passive

Description: If you suddenly get a feeling in your gut, you better trust it. ]

'What a cryptic description! Whatever I just need to rest up and find my parents, that's my one mission for now,' he thought, steeling himself.

When everyone came to the starting room, the walls closed up, and a small clown with a puppet suddenly appeared.

"WOW, you survived. Most people died. That means you at least have some potion in you. Be glad the spectator's are now keeping there eyes on you, especially you," it said, pointing at Gabriel with a huge smile that looked extremely unnatural. "Now, how about you move on to your real experience? Hmmm~ now off you go," it said as it snapped its fingers, smiling.

[Error #987653627 has occurred re routing player]

"TSK, What the hell just happened?" The clown clicked his tongue, annoyed. "I can't let the other managers find out about this. Let's hope he gets rerouted to a dungeon he can't beat. He might be a wonderful player, but this system is messing up, and I can't let this stain my record," he said with a frown.

To Be Continued. . . .