
A Voyage Of The Unlucky Anomalous Mage Across The Boundless Realities.

(A/n: There's also a spin-off on Tristan's Girlfriend... She went through a lot, and the story is called "A Formless Dream That Awaits A Hopeless Princess.") Once upon a time, a young man had so much to look forward to in the future; now, it had been ripped away in the blink of an eye in a matter of a day, including those who were close to him while he survived—although he thought he was going to survive. Now reborn as a baby again, Tristan Devroop Akvash is tossed into a seemingly ordinary world with fragmented memories of his past life that he refuses to piece together. I mean, why would he when this new life of his is fantastic!! Yet, everything seems to fall off again as awakens to what this world had always been from the beginning, where another tragedy will unfold where young Tristan can only watch and be transported off to a deserted field of snow. Through that brief period of tragedy, he was held at a crossroads of what he'd become. But an annoying voice in his head and an odd entity of unknown origins had somehow kept his mind "mostly" intact, and he would meet strange people as his caretakers who had prior dealings with his parents. He will explore his new abilities in this world and possibly discover parts of himself that he hasn't known about, even from his last life in this World Of Darkness. I want to say that this story starts out completely dark, not the first chapter but the second. It's also not fast-paced, as the focus will be on other characters, too. (Anyway, things won't go wrong for Tristan again until he is 10, so he will have time.) (I do not own the World of Darkness or any other potential worlds. The World of Darkness is a role-playing tabletop game that doesn't have to be completely accurate, and there will be OCs and tons of bullsh*t happening in it with all the entities within. Kind of similar to the SCP world but with 30 years of lore continuity.) (Also, this story might include World Travel too. I haven't decided yet, but if I were to choose, then his next world should be wholesome or the complete opposite of grim and dark to create a new challenge for him) (I do not own any of the Pictures, Cover: Scpishka.) Extra tag: Romance Main World: WOD Second World: ???? Third World: SCP Fourth: The Fuck Is This?!?!?!? (Warning: Read Auxiliary before reading the story to be less confused)

Saptarasura · อื่นๆ
34 Chs

Story Time; Awkward Plane Ride..... Terrifying Taxi Drive?; Finally, An Actual Home???

(3rd POV: Caliel Velzula Montra Orthos Ezarothos ->)

There was an angel named Caliel. Caliel has faced countless sufferings and agony in her life hell, all because she followed Nazriel out of unrequited love and a so-called 'undying' loyalty… That's right, if it were from 2019 to the 20s, she would be known as a notorious simp.

She was deeply in love and would have done just about anything for her; Nazriel had a kind and compassionate nature that made Caliel yearn for her… And yet, Caliel's love will only widdle away slowly as Nazriel's heart only belonged to Lucifer.

And yet all she wanted to do was follow Nazriel and help her in her pursuit in hopes of getting closer… The poor Angel fell out of grace because of her one-sided love, and yet it didn't bother her as much as it did for her present self when she was so blinded by love. Nazriel, or now Nazathor, would someday recognize Caliel's love for her mistress, right?

Well, whatever she tried to do would never be enough for her, and yet, as time passed, Caliel soon realized that Nazathor honestly never had her eyes set on herself no matter what she did, Caliel went as far as to help in search of Lucifer as he disappeared right after his fight with Michael, and all Nazathor would think about was "Lucifer, Lucifer, Lucifer, LUCIFER." ever since being stuck in hell...

Caliel felt like ripping her heart out entirely as the realization slowly dawned on her, and regret soon hit her like a title wave. Why did she have to follow someone who had nowhere in her own heart for Caliel? She was trapped in this god-forsaken place all because of a selfish desire that turned into her downfall; worst of all, she felt like she betrayed both humanity and God for her selfish acts.

Instead of entirely relying on [Torment] to gain power like many other demons, she began to hatch a plan to gain the [faith] of mortals. That plan would be known as the 'Zero Contract Plan.' a plan made from desperation and anguish from a fallen that had indeed lost the meaning of love. If God left her, then she would have to find a new way to feel closer to him.

This led Caliel to a hidden crusade to cannibalize each of her kind from different factions in order to gain each of their house Lores. She obviously didn't start with the ones with high-profile names, as that would've led to her death; for each Fallen she devoured, a name was forcefully etched to the very depths of her soul, transforming her into an abomination.

That's right. Caliel, the fallen Angel, had slowly become more akin to a monster that slowly branched off from the other houses without anyone even bothering to ask about her whereabouts in the place called hell. I mean, how she was as an angel before the fall, no one would expect her just to go and devour their own kind, right?

With her first plan achieved in gaining the lores from an unlucky Fallen, she began to take her sights upon earth to achieve her original goal. Still, the only problem she had was the fact that she gained way too much [Torment] through her acts of cannibalization, something that only vampires have done to gain power... She, at this point, was even to step foot on the earth. She would immediately become earthbound with how much she accumulated, with her only saving grace that it was temporary.

She could still lower her [Torment] through good deeds and by trying to find other ways not to go to earth physically. So she started by creating an Avatar that could disguise itself as an angel to bring out good deeds and enact a contract that would bring her closer to God. Nevertheless, in her twisted way, she is still trying to play the role of an angel of God.

And this misguided Angel went and formed a pact that had unknowingly given her enough faith to disguise herself as an actual Angel... Imagine bringing an entire population into the form of a contract like a subscription as everybody would forget they bought a subscription without any prior knowledge... through the many centuries of study of bypassing contract laws and an accident, albeit the contract only collected a small amount of faith, but add that to every mortal of now. You will get more than enough faith for the poor little Angel to feel closer to a God that abandoned her... And that plan had shaken the entirety of hell and made heaven on high alert...

And now here she was, sitting on an airplane with a strangely powerful hunter who had tried to kill her at some point and a child who was her friend's son, with his weird shadow ability and odd 'magic' that seemed to pop out of nowhere once in a while. Caliel smirked a bit, as she had never felt this content in her entire life.

(POV: Tristan Devroop Akvash)

'This is actually happening. I am actually going to Scotland... I wonder what house we're going to when we get there?' My thoughts that Zil heard sighed and told me.

<Then why don't you ask one of them on your right or left, Tristan?> Zil made a good point, and I told Zil.

'I guess I'll go ahead and ask Cal, Zil; she brought up going to Scotland in the first place.' I looked over to Caliel, who looked like she had her heart stepped on and used as a dirty piece of towel... Honestly, that is such a mood... I poked Caliel's shoulder, and she jolted up from her seat and looked in my direction with a smile.

"Oh?!? Hey Tristan?!?! Do you need something?" She asked as if she wasn't sad earlier, I then asked her the question.

"When we land, Cal, where are we going to live?" Caliel's eyes beamed, hearing my question, and told me.

"Well, Tristan!!! We are going to live in the Boleskine House!!! I had this house for a while now, and because of its size, I didn't feel like using it until the both of you came along." She then pointed at me and then at Orion. I didn't know much about the house, but from Orion's expression, he seemed weirded out by it and Orion said.

"Of all the houses you could've bought from Scotland... Why, that house, of all places? I think there was an occultist in the house before who was trying to reawaken something that he called 'Sacred magic' to the world from a mage from Egypt... You know what, knowing your background, it kind of does make sense knowing you." ... Should I actually be surprised about this, too? What can go wrong with a place like that? I asked Cal another question.

"Is the house nice?" My question made Cal's eyes sparkle as she spoke.

"Well, the house is extremely roomy, with nine rooms and an extension; I am sure that you'll enjoy it." Her smile didn't last long, though, until Orion said something else.

"Isn't the house supposed to be some sort of doorway to hell?" Cal looked at Orion with a smile that wasn't much of a smile as she leaned her head onto her fist, staring at him, letting him stew in his own words until he started blushing out of embarrassment.

"Oh... I'm dumb... Oh, God!!" He started to cover his face out of shame, and Caliel's smirk widened.

"Seriously, Orion? I'll just let you think about it on your own here in this 16-hour plane ride." She then turned away from both me and Orion and closed her eyes, leaving me to my thoughts.

'Well now... I guess it's just me and you, Zil~ What should we do?' Zil tiredly said.

<Just go to sleep, Tristan, and do not play with your 'anomalous' energy on the plane...> I swore loudly in my mind.

'DAMMIT!!!! Fine, I'll try my best to sleep...' And I closed my eyes without realizing that I instantly fell asleep.





(3rd POV: Tristan Devroop Akvash)

~16 hours later~

Tristan, who was in a deep sleep, started hearing voices and then felt something shaking him. When he realized that, he fell asleep, jolted back from that deep sleep, and yelled.

"Where am I?!! Where is this?!! Wait a minute, who am I? Oh, I fell asleep during the plane ride." Then Orion bonked Tristan in the head, making Tristan wake up. Then Orion spoke to Tristan.

"Hey, Tristan, you slept like a log, and we finally made it to Scotland!!! Let's go to the cargo load. I have something for you to do!!" Tristan sat up in confusion, as Cal wasn't around, and the place was half empty of people who were originally on the plane. Tristan asked Orion.

"What happened to the other people on this plane? And where's Cal?" Orion answered back.

"We've arrived already. The rest of the people on the plane left without a hitch while you were still asleep, and Cal just went out for some fresh air; follow me, Tristan!" Orion spoke with a hint of excitement, grabbing Tristan's arm and dragging him along to the Cargo load to get the luggage.





(3rd POV: OMNI)

Both Orion and Tristan arrived at the Cargo load outside while Cal was with a bunch of the luggage on her phone. Orion said to Tristan with a thick face, "I want to see if you could use those shadows of yours as storage... I'll pay you if you can." Tristan was about to tell Orion off until he heard he was getting paid and asked Orion.

"So, how much are you offering?" Orion, hearing Tristan's question, was surprised that he could even use his shadows as storage as he was only talking out of his ass but quickly answered.

"I'll pay you 600 bucks if you could store everything in your shadows." Tristan also gave an immediate response.

"Deal!!! Let's shake on it." Tristan brought out his hand, and Orion shook it. With that, Tristan started immediately before the plane's workers checked in on them, his eldritch-looking shadows swallowing up all of the luggage.

Tristan waved his hand, and his shadowy reflection on the ground began to morph into a deep, dark orange blob. And devoured the entire luggage on the spot and quickly turned back into Tristan's shadowy reflection; both Caliel and Orion were in awe with the scene but didn't say anything else about it, with Caliel taking the lead.

"Alright, you two!!! We should go find a cab nearby and drive to the Boleskine house." Orion agreed with Caliel, shaking his head yes like a wise sage, and started walking to the exit of the airport alongside Caliel.

Tristan watched as the two were leaving with a hint of melancholy, but not soon after, he followed along with those two in hopes that they wouldn't cause any trouble in a foreign country.





We were outside the airport, where all the cabs are located, and there was one that didn't look busy at all compared to the others. Something about that Cab drew Tristan, and out of curiosity, Tristan said to Cal.

"Hey, Cal, there's one that doesn't look busy over there." Tristan pointed toward the normal-looking Cab, and Caliel's eyes narrowed a bit.

"Huh? That's kind of odd. I didn't see the Cab until you pointed it out. I guess we should take it." With that, Caliel took the initiative to walk over to the Cab. When the window to the driver's seat opened, an unremarkable face could be seen from the Cab: a man with scraggly long hair and a messy beard, a suit in tow, and yellow eyes. This seemingly unremarkable taxi driver had already made all three into a fight-or-flight feeling with a presence that ordinary people couldn't feel. But Caliel asked first out of courtesy.

"Hey there! Can you drive us to Boleskine's house? How much will that cost?" The man in the Taxi chuckled, listening to Caliel, and told her with a slightly pessimistic smile.

"You don't have to worry about paying for my services as sometimes I do give out free drives for those that I find interesting, especially the kid with you." Tristan's nerves were spiked when the driver mentioned him, and Zil in Tristan's head was speaking inside his head.

<Well, fuck... Why the hell is there an end-game boss as a taxi driver?!?! Out of all drivers in this place, why did it have to be Caine? I mean, don't know details WOD, but his appearance unmistakable... But fuck he SCOTLAND!!!> Tristan didn't even try to listen to Zil's rambling and yapping when looking at the taxi driver in front of him. He saw something completely primal, a beast that screamed for carnage, and yet behind it was an emptiness that Tristan could sympathize with when looking into 'Caine's' eyes.

Caine's smile grew wider when he looked at the child in front of him, and he laughed a bit harder in his front seat. "*Heh—hah haha haha* You really are an interesting brat. Alright, all of you come inside. I don't want to drag this along; all of you do have somewhere to go, just like I do." They all opened the taxi door, with Caliel being at the passenger seat, Orion behind the Taxi driver, and Tristan at the far side behind the passenger seat.

The drive to the Boleskine house, which was thirty minutes away, was silent until the taxi driver asked Tristan a question while staring at him through the mirror. "What's your name, child?" Tristan answered without any pause.

"Tristan..." And then he asked Orion, who was readying some sort of weapon, albeit useless.

"And what about you, Hunter of the messengers, who is readying his blade behind me?" Orion gritted his teeth and gave up with a sigh.

"*Sigh* It's Orion..." And he asked for the fallen's name without looking at her.

"And how about you? Mrs. Fallen, who had accidentally caused chaos across hell with her mischief?" Caliel began to sweat.

"It's Caliel... And the rest of my name will take too long..." Caine's smile turned a bit malicious hearing her, and they said sardonically, with a hint of mockery.

"And I wonder why that's the case, Mrs Caliel?" Caliel clicked her tongue as she shuffled comfortably on her seat while saying.

"Well, jeez? You don't have to be rude about that... *Sigh*" Her mood dropped horribly, and Caine stared back at Tristan.

"If you know these two, then you must be acquainted with the supernatural, but from your bone structure and to a genetic makeup, these two aren't you're parents... You must be part Fae, and not just any Fae, too, as your soul is still that of a human. Ha~ You must be a young mage, huh, a beginner at that... You know what? How about becoming my Kin? You'll gain so much more with that, Tristan." Tristan's eyes popped up upon hearing his request, and even though he was becoming a second-generational vampire, it sounded attractive to him; he'd rather not give that a chance at all, and that sounded like a test.

"Nah... You go ahead and give that chance to somebody else. I have a feeling that you're not looking for children at all..." Tristan's answer had Caine silenced for a bit as he was still trying to comprehend the child's answer. He didn't even try pausing when refusing; Caine lightly giggled at Tristan's response.

"*Hmph~ heheheh~ Haah~* And you didn't even try to give it any thought at all... You probably did~ as I saw your brain working on overload~ but who am I to talk? I mean, sure, I was just kidding about you becoming my direct Kin~ But now, my interests are high~" Tristan was bewildered by Caine's thought process. He didn't even want to make any more movements with his hands or body or even slump near the window when feeling like he was being read like a book. Tristan was interrupted by Caine again.

"Hm, you don't have to worry about me reading your mind, Tristan; even though your body movement helps me read you, it's not really the most reliable way unless you're speaking directly to me." There were so many other taxis, but they all chose the most uncomfortable one possible. Caine's words didn't help Tristan; they made things worse. Caine, upon realizing this, clicked his tongue.

"I'm not exactly the most curious being when it comes to your origins, but from what you've shown me, you could make a fantastic antediluvian, possibly even greater~ but our next meeting may come either through another conversation or perhaps as enemies, but all of that is only in the future, as your destination to Bolskine house is here and I hope you all enjoyed the drive~" Caine smiled as both Orion and Caliel were stiff from The Dark Father's conversation with Tristan. Tristan only replied to Caine as nicely as he could.

"I hope you have a wonderful day, sir... But I don't think you've ever said your name." Caine stopped smiling and widened his eyes in surprise; there had only been a couple of times when someone had genuinely spoken like that to him, and Caine gently smiled at Tristan once more and said.

"My name is Caine, Tristan... And I for once hope you have a blessed evening..." It was Tristan's turn to smile and for Orion's face to turn pale in shock. But Caliel was still in a horrible mood as she got out of the car without uttering a word; Orion quickly got out there after saying to Caine.

"Thanks for the ride... And thank you for not killing me instantly..." With that, Orion closed the door to breathe some fresh air, and finally, the only one calm, Tristan got out of the car and waved goodbye as it left.

(3rd POV: Caine)

'It's been such a long time since I've met an interesting child. I even told myself that I didn't want to bother with creating any more Kindred and would let them all die out anyway. If I were to have any children, I think I would want him as a son. Well, if there is one thing I have, then that would be time. Also, it seemed like he was the first one out of the three even to find me while I was hidden out of all the taxi cabs... He is an odd one.' Caine's thoughts were the only thing that kept him occupied while he drove back to the taxi place near one of the international flights awaiting more 

(3rd POV: Omni)

Tristan was a bit tired, but compared to Orion and Cal, it seemed like they had it worse, with one of them sulking and the other having a mid-life crisis. Orion spoke first with a dried tone. "Caine was actually real... I THOUGHT HE WAS A LEGEND!!!!!" Orion screamed loudly at the front of the house while Caliel was mentally drained alongside Orion. But I guess she still had some spunk left, as she said.

"If demons and Angels are real, then why would you believe that Caine was a legend?" Orion groaned at Caliel's reply as he told her.

"Because even most other vampires don't believe in fucking CAINE!!!" Caliel shook her head as she stopped caring and asked.

"So what are you going to do, Orion?" Orion smirked and said.

"of course, I'm going to spar a bit with Tristan before we settle in the house, just to see what he can do and put my mind somewhere else..." Caliel gave Orion an understanding look while Tristan was confused.





(A/n: I did some calculations, and I believe that they arrived in Inverness. Scotland around 10:30 a.m., and the car drive should be around 20 to 30 minutes, so they arrived at Boleskine's house around 11:20 A.m., from my estimation, when Tristan slept for those 16 hours.)

Yeah, Caliel's stats in abilities are going to be insane, except for her limits, and I would say she should be right behind Nazathor, with the only advantage being Caliel's wide range of abilities from the other houses, which should be weaker than her original house lores

Saptarasuracreators' thoughts