
A visit from love

day_dreamer_175 · สมจริง
1 Chs

meeting of male lead and female lead

A 20 year old boy called Mike live in Ukraine with his mom. His father is a business man who lives in London. He belonged to a rich and prosperous family. Now, he is living alone because his mom went to his father for some months. He had never been out from his house.

There was a girl named twinkle who came to Ukraine to study medical science. It's her dream to study abroad. It's her second year in Ukraine.she belonged to a middle class family. she is very kind and pure hearted. she doesn't believe in dating or relationship but have trust in eternal love 💖.

soon, 24 Feb 2022 came and the war between Russia and Ukraine started . Every thing got destroyed. Every University said them to leave. But twinkle and her friends were not able to leave Ukraine. They came through a Idea and started to go to the boarder of Ukraine. There is no vehicle available so, they have to go there by legs . Soon,they have shortage of food. They had to live on food stamps. One day ,they all separated in search of some food but unfortunately twinkle lost her way to the point where they all decided to meet . She was walking on road alone in mid afternoon. A car was coming towards her and she fainted in front of the car 🚗. Young master Mike was present in the car .He saw her. He felt pity for her and helped her. He brought her to his house. He called a doctor to come and check up her. After doing check up doctor said that her immune system had gone weak that's why she got unconscious.

Twinkle woke up in evening. No-one was present in her room. she got shocked by seeing herself in a new place . she started peeping the house. suddenly young master Mike appear in front of her. she got surprised by seeing such a handsome boy there . By seeing him she non stop started asking questions such as who are you? why I am here ? what is this place? How I came here? and many more questions. He said " you have so many questions. First go and take shower , your all clothes are dirty. " she said" no first answer to my questions. and why would I listen your orders "

He called his maids and forcibly pushed her towards the bathroom. After taking bath and being dressed up . she was looking breathtaking. Her whole personality changed.

young master Mike bring her to dinning table for dinner. He asked her " what's your name. " she shocked by seeing that much food. she told her name is twinkle. He told her that his name is Mike and it's his house and he found her fainted at road . He said let's start eating. She was very glad to eat this food. when she started eating she suddenly remembered that her friends are also hungry. she doesn't feel comfortable eating this whole food alone . seeing her lost in thought he asked what happened don't you like this food . If you don't like then I can order your favourite food . she said that's not the matter. she said that " her friends are also hungry . how can I eat alone it is not fair. he said first eat and get well. then , we will bring food to them . she came across that thought 💭 and felt it's a good idea. she and he started eating . she asked him where are his parents? he said my parents are currently living in London. she said it's my dream to visit London. He brought her medicines and said her to sleep early. next day he showed his house to her. Accidentally she saw that he have so much food present in his cold storage house. she felt very bad 😞 that how anything cannot affect rich families.

she got better in two days. After getting well she said "Now it's time for me to leave . I am all good." He said"don't you want to take food with you'. she said" will your parents allow me to take this food" . He said " who is going to ask them" don't worry I will go with you. she said but do you think your guards will allow you to go from here . He said No, absolutely no but I have an amazing idea . she asked " what's your idea . he told her his idea💡