
A visit from an uninvited soul [{Highschool Dxd X Kiyotaka Ayanokōji}]

This Story is my very own Fan-Fic that came to my mind....Yeah it's mine.....Yeah..... This story starts off with a boy named Kiyotaka Ayanokōji from the popular anime/Manga/Light novel series Classroom of the elite who finds himself waking up in a world totally different from his own, in this new world Ayanokōji eventually meets with the main protagonists of the new world nonother than the protagonists from the popular anime/manga series Highschool DxD. Soon after Ayanokōji and rest of the house of Gremory meets each other's acquaintances they embark on some comical, dramatic, suspenseful and heartbreaking adventures causing each and everyone of them to remember each moment that took place when they were together forever.... I made this so U will Likeee....

Jayden_Swartz · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
16 Chs

UnRomantic encounter

The weekend has started

The rays of the early morning sun light shines through the blinds of Ayanokōji's bedroom

Currently Ayanokōji is sitting in a upright position on the edge of his bed and meditating with the only noise in his room being heard is his celling fan.

At Issei's house everyone is getting ready for a full day of relaxing at the beach and smelling the nice salty ocean and it's fresh breeze, once everyone finished packing their necessary belongings for their beach day, they then head out of the house on are on their way to the beach.

As they walk the direction of the beach Asia curiously asks Rias if Kiba and Ayanokōji will be joining them.

"Kiba will be joining us on this day as a matter of fact he's already at the beach waiting for us, but unfortunately I couldn't get a hold of Ayanokōji to invite him to the beach with us, which is something I found very strange this morning because I never had any problem trying to communicate with anyone before" (Rias tells Asia with a certain pitch of confusion in her voice)

"That's a shame, this whole week Ayanokōji seemed to be pretty busy alot" (Asia says to Rias with sympathy in her voice)

"Whatever it may be, it's probably something important that Ayanokōji can't just let go and hang out with friends" (Rias presumes to Asia Ayanokōji's possible situation)

As they continue their walk approaching closer to the beach, Akeno is walking behind everyone while wandering in her own thoughts, she questions herself on what she said to everyone a few nights ago

"Where did that come from? why did I admit so openly that I might see Ayanokōji as a possible new love interest, it doesn't feel real but it does at the same time, I Don't even know where these feelings came from and why it's directed to him" (Akeno tries reasoning to herself in her inner monologue)

Koneko suddenly turns around and notices Akeno walking behind them with her head facing upwards, she then calls out Akeno's name and it snaps her out of her daydreaming trance, Koneko tells her to keep up and look forward or she might end up walking straight into a wall. Akeno embarrassingly chuckles at what Koneko says and apologizes.

As the group approaches the next corner that will take them straight to the beautiful sea, Rossweisse then notices someone familiar walking up ahead in the opposite direction of the beach and is suprised to see that it's Ayanokōji. The rest of the group notices him aswell so Irina yells out Ayanokōji's name grabbing his attention mid stroll, he turns around to face the one's calling out to him and sees that it's none other than his teammates.

They approach Ayanokōji with each one curious of where Ayanokōji plans on heading

"Hey what's up Ayanokōji where ya heading?" (Issei curiously asks Ayanokōji while greeting him)

Ayanokōji tells Issei that he's heading to the library.

Issei get's stunned at where Ayanokōji is planning on going

"Why the heck are you going to the library? Are you doing schoolwork this early in the weekend? Screw that shit and come hang with us, I'm sure can you finish whatever your planning to Tommorow" (Issei tries encouraging Ayanokōji to hop along with them)

"To answer your first Question, I'm going to the library to read a book I've been waiting to read all week, To answer your second question, I'm not doing my school work because I finished mine last night, To answer your last request, No, but thanks for the invite" (Ayanokōji informs Issei in his usual monotone)

"Come on Man, it's just one fun day, besides we're your friends and you haven't hanged out with us even once since you joined us" (Issei once again tries to convince Ayanokōji)

Rias tells Issei to stop trying to disturb Ayanokōji and that he clearly has other plans by himself

They all turn to the direction of the beach and wave there farewells to Ayanokōji, Akeno still being behind everyone also bids a Ayanokōji a farewell but as she turns to follow the rest of the group Ayanokōji then calls out her name

"Hey Akeno, (Akeno turns around), would you like to visit me at the library after you guys leave the beach? I'd really appreciate your company"

Akeno gets stunned and confused at what Ayanokōji just asked, her guard was completely off and this sudden invite was not on her list

'What?? Why does he want me to join him' (Akeno curiously tries making sense of Ayanokōji's sudden invitation in her inner monologue)

Still a bit surprised Akeno then takes a step back but her heel catches a part of the concrete that is sticking out the road, she immediately loses her balance and starts falling backwards but before she can hit the ground Ayanokōji catches her by her lower waist and upper back.

Akeno now stares into Ayanokōji's eyes, her heart beating as if she had ran a marathon heart and her minded starts jumping through hoops. Ayanokōji then asks Akeno if she's okay, Akeno just nods her head.

Ayanokōji then cautions her to watch her step, Akeno remains in silence and continues looking Ayanokōji in the eyes while her mind is trying to process the situation she's in

'This-This feeling it can't be, I haven't even known Ayanokōji for a full month but for some reason I feel like I somewhat longed after him my whole life, This feeling is so strange and unrecognisable, I almost can't believe it, what's happening to me?' (Akeno questions herself as she is trying to understand her emotions)

Ayanokōji then slowly brings Akeno back upright and let's her stand on her feet own two feet, he tells her that he is heading off now and that she should visit if she wants.

Akeno then snaps out of her hypnotic like state and tells Ayanokōji in a unsure and Confused voice;

"Yeah-Sure" (Akeno tells Ayanokōji while waving him goodbye)

Realising that she now has fallen far behind the group Akeno then heads to the beach to catch-up with the group, midway of her walk then gets interrupted by flashbacks to when Ayanokōji caught her, the flashback alone

makes her cheeks start turning red.

'That didn't just really happen, how could I be that clumsy, it was like I was in some kind of romance manga with how clumsy I was, but something about the way he caught me, made me feel like he didn't just catch me so I wouldn't fall but he caught me because he wanted me to be safe in his arms, I don't really know how to think of that' (Akeno thinks to herself as her face starts turning pink)

Akeno arrives on the then starts wandering around in search of her friends, then suddenly she hears people calling out her name from behind her. Everyone is sitting under a large umbrella and is flagging Akeno over to invite her to sit with them, Akeno embarrassingly approaches everyone and apologizes for taking so long, Zenovia then asks Akeno where her whereabouts was even though she was just right behind them.

"It's kinda a long and crazy story that I don't feel like getting into right now" (Akeno embarrassingly tries brushing her short absence off)

Koneko then enters the frame

" There's no point in trying to hide it, I know where you were, you stayed behind and had your own private conversation with Ayanokōji didn't you"

At that moment peaks of interest surfaced everyone's mind

"Huh?? Akeno is that really true? It doesn't really matter if you say 'yes or no' because it would make sense that you'd want to talk to Ayanokōji after what you confessed to us on Monday, but out of curiosity I still wanna hear your answer" (Rias curiously requests Akeno's answer)

Akeno notices that all the attention now remains focused on her, knowing that she needs to explain herself she very hesitantly takes a deep breath and tells the group everything that happened

There is a brief pause after Akeno finishes her story then all of a sudden everyone starts congratulating her, Akeno looks on in a state of confusion

"I don't know why you guys are suddenly congratulating me, it's not like he asked me out on a date or anything" (Akeno tries reassuring everyone)

"I don't know Akeno this sounds pretty much like a date to me" (Kiba assures Akeno)

"Yeah and it sounds like a pretty romantic date if you ask me, I mean come on the library, it doesn't get more romantic than such a specific location" (Irina states to Akeno)

"This could be your opportunity to get to know Ayanokōji better and find if he likes you" (Asia excitingly suggests to Akeno)

Yeah I wouldn't be surprised if he did, I mean he did invite her out on a date to the library, like Irina said 'it doesn't get more romantic then such a specific location' (Zenovia quotes off of Irina)

"Come on guys how many times am I gonna have to say this, it's not gonna be a date!!" (Akeno embarrassingly tries convincing everyone)

"Everyone calm down now, it's not right for us to make Akeno nervous for her date like this, we should instead be supportive to her, Akeno will make the right decisions when her date starts" (Rias calmy assures to everyone)

"Why do you guys keep saying that, it's not a date" (Akeno says in a now embarrassed and frustrated tone of voice)

Everyone suddenly starts bursting out in laughter at Akeno's embarassment, except for one, Issei.

Koneko notices his down and deflated expression and asks him why he looks so defeated, everyone's attention then suddenly shifts to Issei

Issei just tells everyone that he's feeling tired in hopes of excusing his deflated expression but Akeno knows better, she asks him if he's upset with her situation with Ayanokōji

Issei doesn't say a word and instead just slowly nods his head in agreement, Akeno then moves closer to Issei and hugs him with his face now pressed up against her chest

"Issei you don't have to worry, I know I said some things a while back that probably hurt you, but for now all those things are just speculations that probably isn't even worth getting into right now, I promise I'm yours forever" (Akeno assures Issei while holding on to him tightly)

This emotional moment of assurance from Akeno almost makes Issei shed a tear

"I think that's enough you too, we're here to have fun not to cuddle around, and besides Issei I'm the only one who you'll get to cuddle with today so break it up" (Rias aggravating tells Issei and Akeno)

Akeno let's go of Issei and apologizes to Rias with a small smile across her face, but Rias sees through her smiling knowing that Akeno isn't truly sorry

"Hey guys are we just gonna sit here and talk or are we gonna have some fun swimming in the ocean" (Irina very enthusiasticly asks the group)

Without a second thought on the matter, everyone suddenly agrees then heads to the cool ocean as they planned

As the group entered the ocean water together, they start having water fights with each of them splashing water into each other's faces, a seemly friendly and playful action.

A while passes by

Rias now exits the water and asks Issei to accompany her under the beach umbrella, Issei seeing the opportunity for a potential cuddle up with Rias immediately exits the water and walks with her to where their accessories are located

Akeno just stares on as Rias and Issei happily exits the ocean while holding hands, this forms a proud smile across Akeno's face, hoping that she'll one day have a moment, similar to Rias and Issei's, out of nowhere a flashback of Ayanokōji grabs her minds attention

"What is up with me today, why do I keep getting random flashbacks about him?"

As Akeno is trying to rationalize why her mind keeps popping images and flashbacks of Ayanokōji, she suddenly gets splashed in the face with water, Akeno gets starteld and falls backwards into the water, she then immediately gets helped out of the water by Koneko, Akeno wipes off her face and asks Koneko if she was the one that splashed the water in her face

Koneko politly admits that she indeed did splash water in her face, Akeno then confusedly asks her why, Koneko explains to Akeno that she saw her start daydreaming in a way that looked unusual to her, so she threw water in her face to make her snap out of it

Akeno then confusedly asks Koneko what she means by her daydreaming unusually, to which Koneko responds

"You were just staring at nothing at first and I didn't see anything wrong with that, then your facial expression began changing in a strange way, you began looking concerned, anxious and just straight up confused" (Koneko explains to Akeno)

'Is that really how I looked like, Oh my, I really need to control myself' (Akeno asks to herself in her inner monologue)

"If I had to guess what you were so intently daydreaming or thinking about, I'm pretty sure it would involve Ayanokōji, am I right?"

Koneko's extremely accurate assumption puts a surprised look on Akeno's face

"Judging by the reaction on your face Akeno, I would presume that I'm right, or do you have something different to say about that?" (Koneko tells Akeno)

"Was I really that obvious to read?" (Akeno asks Koneko with a curious tone of voice)

"Yeah pretty much actually, I've never seen you like this before Akeno, even though we're here to relax and have fun, you on the other hand seem to be tensed up, something I barely see you ever being, tell me is Ayanokōji inviting you to the library so suddenly just after your confession about about him to us taking role a role to you being so tensed??" (Koneko asks Akeno with a hint of concern and curiosity in her voice)

Akeno remains silent for a few seconds

"I-think it is, because I'm really not feeling like myself today, everytime I picture him catching me I suddenly get a strange feeling" (Akeno says sounding a bit uncertain and confused)

Koneko then slightly pulls on Akeno's arm, Akeno looks to Koneko in confusion on why she slightly tugged her arm, Akeno then asks Koneko for her reason

"You were making that face again" (Koneko tells Akeno)

"REALLY!!??- I was??" (Akeno asks Koneko with a suprised look on her face)

"Yeah you were, that's why I pulled your arm, so you would snap out of it" (Koneko calmly tells Akeno)

Akeno's mind once again starts questioning itself on why it keeps unintentionally zoning out

"Say Akeno, could there be a chance that your actually starting to really like Ayanokōji? I mean you keep zoning out whenever you think of him, if that doesn't say romance than I don't know what is" (Koneko curiously questions Akeno)

"I don't really know what I'm feeling, like I said it's strange and twisted" (Akeno tells Koneko)

"Since your having such a hard time describing this 'Strange Feeling' your talking about, I guess we should leave it at that for now and just enjoy ourselves as we came here to do" (Koneko now advises Akeno)

Akeno then nods her head in agreement

"Hey you two why don't you come join us!!" (Irina loudly calls out in the distance for Akeno and Koneko to join them)

Akeno and Koneko both looks towards Irina's direction to see what she is talking about then notices that she, Rias, Issei, Kiba and Zenovia are all standing at a volleyball net with Issei and Rias on one side and Zenovia, Irina and Kiba on the other.

Seeing this as potential enjoyment Koneko asks Akeno if she'd like to participate aswell to which Akeno denies and says that she'll just sit next to Rossweisse that's tanning herself in the sun, Akeno then tells her to enjoy herself and Koneko says the same

Akeno goes to sit next to Rossweisse as she told Koneko that she would, Rossweisse is currently laying on her stomach with the back of her bikini straps loosened so she can completely tan her back

Rossweisse the notices Akeno sitting next to her so she welcomes her, Rossweisse then asks Akeno to reach into her bag to get the sunscreen out and apply some on her back so she can tan better

Akeno reaches in the bag and pulls out the sunscreen, she opens the bottle and starts applying the sunscreen on Rossweisse's back as she had instructed

"Thanks for helping me out here Akeno, it really means a lot" (Rossweisse thanks Akeno while showcasing a big smile)

"It's no problem really, your back was starting to look burnt anyways" (Akeno says in a joyous tone)

In almost the same Joyous tone with a hint of curiosity, Rossweisse asks Akeno if she's excited for plans later on with Ayanokōji, to which Akeno replies with a hint of annoyance in her voice

"You guys are really reading way too deep into this, Ayanokōji only said that he wanted me to join him at the library when I leave, he didn't mean it in any romantic way, or at least I don't think he meant it in such a way (Rossweisse looks curiously at Akeno's sudden change in tone) I mean like how Ayanokōji communicates isn't very clear, he spoke in such a straightforward manner, now that I think about it, I don't think I know what he actually ment" (Akeno tells Rossweisse as her annoyed tone switches to confusion)

"I guess I'll have to find out when I get there"

Rossweisse just smiles at Akeno and tells her that when her date ends, she needs to tell her everything that

Akeno smiles back and says you'll be the first one to know

A few hours go the goes by

The sun begins to set and everyone starts packing their things to head back. They head all walk to an intersection of the road where Akeno will separate from them,

"Looks like this is your turn, remember to make sure you enjoy yourself which I know you will" (Rias proudly tells Akeno with a smile across her face)

Akeno nods her head and waves everyone a goodbye as she runs off, Akeno starts thinking about how the date might turn out but she stops herself because she doesn't want to jinx it.

Akeno now enters the library with her orange bikini on and starts searching through different sections of the library to find Ayanokōji, as she is searching for Ayanokōji she sees a colourful section of the library and notices the sign that read on top, "Romance section".

As Akeno's eyes lower down she sees Ayanokōji standing in the last row of the romance book section while currently reading through one of the books, Akeno starts holding on to her chest as her heart begins pounding faster, she starts thinking to herself; "No way, it can't be, he couldn't have, it doesn't make sense, this so weird why is he in the romance section after asking me to meet him at library".

Akeno then notices Ayanokōji starting to turn his head her direction, she then quickly hides herself behind the bookself.

Akeno then hears footsteps approaching in the distance so in a panic she starts speed walking to one of the nearby lounges of the library and takes a seat as if she just gotten here.

After a few seconds she then again hears close footsteps approaching her direction, assuming that it's Ayanokōji she turns around to see him but is suprised to see it is not Ayanokōji, infact she has never seen this man before that is standing behind her, the man  greets Akeno with a cold and blank expression

"Hello miss it's a pleasure to meet you I'm Echion"

I proudly announce my own added character 'Echion' he's not technically my own original character, he's actually part of old Greek mythology but just Reincarnated, Google him and you'll find him

More stats and details about my new character will come in the near future....

(Note: if you notice the characters in this chapter and possibly the chapters after this acting in ways they would never act in the anime or light novel, let me tell you this nicely....I know....enjoy