
A visit from an uninvited soul [{Highschool Dxd X Kiyotaka Ayanokōji}]

This Story is my very own Fan-Fic that came to my mind....Yeah it's mine.....Yeah..... This story starts off with a boy named Kiyotaka Ayanokōji from the popular anime/Manga/Light novel series Classroom of the elite who finds himself waking up in a world totally different from his own, in this new world Ayanokōji eventually meets with the main protagonists of the new world nonother than the protagonists from the popular anime/manga series Highschool DxD. Soon after Ayanokōji and rest of the house of Gremory meets each other's acquaintances they embark on some comical, dramatic, suspenseful and heartbreaking adventures causing each and everyone of them to remember each moment that took place when they were together forever.... I made this so U will Likeee....

Jayden_Swartz · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
16 Chs

Unexpected Godly Introduction

Rias: "We're going to have to immediately get to Diomedes's location and try to uncover his reasons of being here, him just Strolling around here doesn't sit well with me"

Everyone nods their heads in agreement to what Rias has stated

Rias: "Akeno try using your magic to find Diomedes's direct location, his aura will be easy to pick up so inform us when you'll be ready to take us there"

Akeno: Roger That!

Akeno says as she readies the portal

Asia: "Wait! Do we have any sort of plan before we go?"

Asia asks very curiously

Rias: "At the moment we don't have the time to think about a strategic plan, for now we just have to hope Diomedes isn't here to start trouble, but if he is, than unfortunately we'll just have to stay out of his way and call for reinforcements because none of us can take him head on"

Xenovia starts thinking to herself whether they'll make it out safe or not but then Kiba taps her on the shoulder startling her

Xenovia: *gasp* "Ohh, What's up Kiba you startled me for sec!"

Kiba: "You were startled? Well that's not like you Xenovia, is it about this Diomedes guy who I'll admit does sound like a person we shouldn't be messing with, if it is, as long as we follow Rias's orders we can still remain unscathed"

Kiba assures to Xenovia

Xenovia: (Yeah, Yeah he's right as long as we remain under Rias's orders, nothing reckless needs to play out)

Xenovia thinks to herself

Irina: "Hey Koneko, is it just me or does this almost sound like a suicide mission?"

Irina nervously asks Koneko

Koneko: "It is pretty risky, but calling it a suicide mission would be doubting Rias's leadership, she's gonna get us out alive no matter how dire the situation, you just have to put your faith in her guidance!"

Koneko tells Irina

Irina: (Maybe she's right) "Yeah, I trust in Rias's guidance no matter what!"

Irina enthusiasticly tells Koneko while also catching the attention of Ayanokōji

Ayanokōji: (Looks like this guy is truly a big deal, people are already talking as if we're barely gonna come out of this alive. I also notice everyone here completely trusts Rias's guidance, but for some reason as I look at Rias's face, she seems to be the most nervous and doubtful one here, I guess that's the result of being the leader)

Akeno: "Hey Everyone it's ready, I can transport us to his location!"

Akeno informs the rest of the group

Rias: Great Job Akeno! Everyone quickly gather around Akeno!

Everyone does as Rias order's and start gathering around Akeno to prepare for transportation, except for Irina, Rossweisse and one person

As Ayanokōji approaches the circle he suddenly gets put to a halt by Rias

Rias: "Ayanokōji WAIT! Your gonna have to stay behind"

Rias's sudden order Catches Ayanokōji off guard

Ayanokōji: "Huh? With all do respect President, why do I have to stay behind?"

Ayanokōji asks Rias

Rias first looks at the rest of group then responds to Ayanokōji

Rias: "I'm sorry to say this but, your just not qualified for such an extreme task and as your master it's my responsibility to make such judgement calls"

Ayanokōji: (That's a load of bull if you ask me, or maybe not) "But President I made a promise to you on that first day, I said I would be ready for any task you would throw at me, this task can't be that different"

Rias: "I know what you promised Ayanokōji, but this is still out of your league, your still ranked as a low class devil after all and Diomedes far exceeds what your capable of, that's why I need you to stay behind with Irina and Rossweisse incase something where to go down so you guys can call for reinforcements"

Ayanokōji: "Yes but President, I can't just sit here waiting for something to go wrong, maybe I can be of more use"

Rias: "Ayanokōji if you wanna be of more use, than please do what I'm asking you to do!"

Ayanokōji: But-

Akeno: Ayanokōji enough!! We don't have time for this, just do what Rias ordered you to do and be safe here, I don't wanna see you get hurt or possibly worse get killed, neither of us would want that, so please be where it's safe"

Akeno tells Ayanokōji with her voice containing emotions of fear and concern

Ayanokōji doesn't try to argue back and instead just tells Rias that they can leave without him. Rias then apologizes to Ayanokōji and assures him that his time will come

Rias: "Everyone I tell you now, if we find Diomedes, I'll be the one to discuss with him, you'll all just stand back and watch and don't make any reckless movements unless I order you to, Understand"

Everyone then nods their head in understanding, that same moment Akeno transports everyone to the location of Diomedes

In a split second Akeno, Issei, Rias, Xenovia, Asia and Koneko successfully transports to an empty park, with no signs of life in sight

Akeno: "This is the place, Diomedes should be around here somewhere"

Rias: "Everyone stay on the look out if you see anything odd, we must be on guard at all times"

Rias advises to everyone

???: "Now Why Would to you need to do that now Rias?"

A voice says coming from the nearby trees

Rias eyes immediately widen in terror

Rias: (That voice, it's him, that's his voice)

Rias says to herself

???: "Oh and I see you brought some friends along with you, a welcoming committee perhaps, how thoughtful"

The voice says from behind the bushes and trees

Issei: "Who the hell are you, show yourself??"

Issei angrily asks the voice

???: "Who me? Well aren't I the one who you've been looking for??"

The voice says

Issei: (Wait! Is it Him?)

Asia: (Is the voice him?)

Xenovia: "If your who you say you are, then come out and let us see you"

Xenovia shouts out

Rias another on the other hand does not side with this plan, since she already knows it's him

Rias: "Xenovia No! Don't call him out like that!"

???: "Oh no Rias it's quite alright, She did ask me nicely, so I'll reveal myself"

Everyone moves closer together to prepare themselves for the person on the other side's reveal. Rias starts feeling her heart beating faster and her palms begin to sweat.

Rias: (It's been so long since I last heard of him, I don't know what to expect when he reveals himself, we just have to get him to talk, then we'll immediately have to retreat, if he lets us)

Everyone hears as the bushes rustle, and sees as the trees seem to be pushed to the side, and finally...

Diomedes emerges from the shadows, revealing himself to everyone

Diomedes: "Its a pleasure to meet you all, I'm Diomedes, otherwise known as The Holy Devil or my favourite, He who death fears"

Everyone is awestruck by Diomedes's appearance, his flawless physique, his long perfect snow white hair, his beautiful white wings that resembles that of an angel, his dark devil tail, his pointy and outrageous looking horns, his face that resembles that of a thousand waves and his menacing aura. Diomedes is without a doubt the full package

Xenovia: (Is- Is this really him, He looks nothing like I could ever have imagined)

Akeno: (Wow, Rias wasn't lying when she said he was beautiful, he looks far better than I thought he'd look)

Issei: (What the- is this guy a supermodel or something, hell, looking at his physique, it's perfect)

Koneko: (This guy is without a doubt the full package)

Rias: (Ugh...He's almost exactly like how I remember him, but, he's changed somehow, did he get, stronger??)

Diomedes: "Excuse me for ruining whatever dimension your all in at the moment, but it's pretty rude to just stare a someone like that, especially when that someone is a God"

Everyone then immediately snaps out of their hypnotic gaze

Rias: "Diomedes, we haven't come here to feed your lust for battle, since we know that we wouldn't even stand a chance against you"

Diomedes: *chuckle* "Well Rias, you certainly aren't wrong, just by looking at everyone here I can already see how childishly easy it would be for me to just blow you all to death *chuckle* "

This statement brews anger and concern from the group, especially Issei

Rias: "Yes I know that Diomedes, but I'm hoping that it won't have go to that direction"

Diomedes: "You don't need to worry Rias, I would never hurt you, your like a valuable jewel that should never be taken out of the box"

Rias: "Enough with the weird topics, Diomedes, What are your reasons for being in the human world?"

Diomedes: "Huh? You wanna my reason? Have you missed me that much, I wish I could tell you I'm here to visit you but unfortunately I'm here for another matter"

Rias: "Well that's flattering Diomedes but if you would tell us what that matter is then we'll be out of your hair"

Diomedes first pauses before answering

Diomedes: "I don't know why business would be so important, you never even called me and now you suddenly want to know my reasons for being in the human world, how arrogant of you Rias"

Rias: "Diomedes I'm asking you nicely for this, there's no need to be stubborn about this"

Diomedes: "Speaking of your arrogance, you never once since talking to me asked how I've been, why I've suddenly disappeared off the face of the underworld, or perhaps if I had missed you, but no you instead only want to talk about matters that you wanna her, very arrogant in deed"

Rias: "Diomedes please it's not anything like that-"

Diomedes: "You know what? I'll tell you since I'm not in the mood to discuss about how arrogant you are. I'll have you know that my reasons for being here is because some foolish imbecile called me out, to show how much of a coward he already is for not being here already, he send a female to talk in his place, how pathetic *laugh* "

Diomedes tells Rias as he sadisticlly laughs

Rias: "But Diomedes why take this person's bate, you already know whoever this person is stands no match for you, so why bother putting in any effort"

Diomedes: "Well Rias that's a good question, and it has a simple answer, I want to make the coward that called me out suffer for toying with a God"

Diomedes aggravatedly confesses to Rias

Rias: "If that's your only goal, then I tell you now Diomedes, we have no intention of intervening with it"

Diomedes: "Well that's nice to hear from you Rias, so I'm betting that, that's the only thing you wanted to hear from me, in other words your job here is done, am I right?"

Rias: "Yes, your right, that's pretty much all we needed to know from you, so we'll be heading back now"

Rias tells Diomedes as she turns around to order everyone to head back

But it seems that Diomedes has other plans

Diomedes: "Wait hold just on for a moment Rias, are just gonna leave like that, nothing to give me as to wish me luck?"

This sentence catches everyone's attention especially Issei

Rias: (This bastard truly hasn't changed) "Wish you luck? Your Diomedes, The All powerful Holy Devil, why would you need luck when you have those fists of yours that can kill gods?"

Diomedes: "My, My Rias, I've never heard you speak so highly of me but you are 100% right for it, these fists outmatch any luck, but still, you can atleast give me something as a goodbye present and I think you know exactly what I'm talking about"

Rias: (I- I don't think I have a choice in this matter, unless I want this to go out peacefully, but if I truly give him what he wants, I could never live with myself, so I'll just have to settle for something he can be satisfied with)

Issei: (Hold up, this pretty boy jackass better not be talking what I think he's talking about)

Xenovia: (Does he want Rias to, Kiss him, would she even do that)

Kiba: (Rias, what's your answer gonna be?)

Rias: "Well Diomedes, It would seem that you haven't changed at all since I last saw you, but I'm sorry to say but I'm gonna have to refuse your original request for something more appropriate for a moment like this"

Rias's sentence causes curiosity

Diomedes: "Ohh, and what would this more "appropriate" manner be then?"

Rias then slowly lifts her arms than widens them

Everyone is caught by surprise

Asia: (Is Rias Gonna??)

Xenovia: (What is Rias Doing?)

Akeno: (I don't think Rias has any better options than to atleast cooperate if she wants us all to be safe)

Issei: (Wait! is Rias gonna hug this bastrard? Damnit, and I can't do anything except stand here and watch, unf*cking believable, if buddy tries making a wrong move on her I swear I'll kill him)

Issei angrily states to himself

Diomedes: "Oh a hug, well it's better than nothing"

Diomedes says as he slowly starts raising his arms aswell

Rias: (Issei please forgive me for this)

Rias then starts walking towards Diomedes and gives him a hug

The rest of the group having no choice just stares on as the two start hugging

Diomedes: *sniff* *sniff* "My, my Rias you sure do smell lovely today don't you, I must say it's beginning to make me lose control"

Diomedes then suddenly begins groping Rias's butt with a tight grip

The group immediately looks on at this in shock, but Issei than finally decides that he has had enough and goes to seperate Rias and Diomedes

Issei: "Hey you creep, that wasn't part of the deal, get's your hands away from there!!"

Issei furiously shouts

Rias then hears Issei shouting and with a worried look calls out to him

Rias: "Issei what are you doing?? I told you to stay back!!"

Something than catches Diomedes's attention

Issei: "Why the hell should I, so he can just have his way with you? I refuse to let that happen, hey buddy this was never part of your agreement so you'd better let her go!!"

Very slowly Diomedes lowers his arms as he looks into Issei's eyes

Kiba: "Issei you were given straight orders to let Rias handle this!!"

Kiba shouts

Issei: "Kiba what are you talking about, you saw what he was doing, are you actually telling me that I should've done nothing, that's basically harrassment"


Rias shouts at Issei

Rias: "You've already said too much, Issei Please just shut up"

Rias says with her voice now lowered and concerned

Issei just confusedly looks at Rias, not understanding what he did wrong

Akeno: (Issei, we get why you did that, it's becoming too obvious now, because you basically do this for us everytime we seem to be in danger or defenceless, a habit that was the reason I became so attracted to you in the first place, but unfortunately for this moment you should've made a better judgement call and left that habit alone)

Diomedes: "Issei?? Isn't that the name of the one I heard that came to your aid on the day of your destined wedding? the one that carries that pathetic red dragon emperor Ddraig with him"

Rias's heart skips a beat

Rias: "What, no, I mean yes, but he isn't the same one that arrived that day"

Diomedes: "Oh really, he's not him, we'll that sounds bit too coincidental, a boy who's named Issei came to your rescue that day, now there's another boy named Issei who what it looks like to be part of your household but strangely he isn't the one that came for you that day, is that what your telling me Rias?"

Diomedes asks Rias

Rias then looks at Diomedes with a nervous look on her face and responds with

Rias: "Yeah that's it, the one your looking at now just happens to share the same name as him"

Diomedes: "My, that's a strange coincidence isn't it? No matter, I believe you, just make sure you tell the real Issei that his death says Hello"

Rias: "I'm sorry to inform you that I won't be telling him that"

Diomedes: *chuckle* "Well your no help, it would be shame for him to die by my hands without knowing what's coming to him"

Rias: "Sorry to tell you Diomedes but he won't have to worry about that"

Diomedes: (Really???)

Rias: "Since you already got what you wanted from me Diomedes, my team and I will be heading out now, since your business doesn't necessarily concern is"

Diomedes: "Yes, I guess your right"

Rias then turns herself around and walks towards the rest of the group

Diomedes: (Are you sure you've given me what I wanted Rias)

Rias than suddenly feels a jolt of surprise as strong arms wraps around her waist from behind. The unexpected embrace made her heart skip a beat, and she instinctively turned around to find Diomedes wearing a mischievous grin.

Rias: "What are you doing!? Let me go Diomedes!"

Rias desperate and nervously tells Diomedes

Diomedes: "I'm sorry Rias, I guess I just couldn't hold it in anymore, being this close to you feels too good"

The group is taken by surprise by Diomedes's sneak attack on Rias

Rias begins struggling to get herself free while desperately telling Diomedes to let her go, but Diomedes doesn't listen, he instead starts slowly lifting his right hand and begins groping one of Rias's breasts

Issei then finally decides that he has had enough of Diomedes's inappropriate actions towards Rias and decides to want to put an end to him

Issei: Hey Assh*le, get your hands of her, BOOSTED GEAR!!!

Issei says as he transforms from his regular state to his limit breaker while he lunges forward at Diomedes

Diomedes: (I knew it!!!)

Diomedes thinks to himself as he sees Issei lunging at him with full speed

Diomedes than quickly pushes Rias towards Issei, causing him to slow down and catch Rias

Issei: "Rias, You need to stand behind, who does this prik think he is trying to feel you up like that"

Rias: "Issei you Idoit, why are you in your balance breaker, now Diomedes knows who you are, you should've just left it alone and let Diomedes do what he wanted"

Rias says with a worried and concerned voice

Issei: "But Rias-"

Rias: "It's already done now Issei, you need to get as far away from here as possible"

Rias Advises to Issei

Diomedes: "But I'm afraid it's too late for that now"

Diomedes tells Rias

Diomedes: "Poor Rias, you certainly underestimate the abilities of a god such as myself, I already knew the holder of the red dragon emperor was in your possession the moment you all came here"

Issei: (What he knew already?)

Xenovia: (What the how could that be?)

Akeno: (This guy is something else)

Asia: (Ohh I don't like this)

Koneko: (How perceptive can this guy be?)

The group thinks to themselves

Rias: (What? how could he have already know that?)

Rias thinks to herself

Diomedes: "Your probably wondering how I already knew of the red dragon Emperor's presence, well that's pretty simple, the familiar stench of that dragon reeked my nostrils, but I didn't immediately know which one of your little friends possessed him, that's when I decided to hopefully force him out by using inappropriate measures, and just like that, one reacted to it, and as I heard his name happened to be Issei, the same name that I've been told who is the one that contains the red dragon emperor"

Out of nowhere Ddraig joins the conversation

Ddraig: "Just as clever as always Diomedes, it's been so long and yet your still making things work in your favour"

Diomedes: "Huh? Do my ears decieve me or is that the voice of my old friend Ddraig, how's it been, enjoying life living in a more useless body than your previous one?"

Ddraig: "I see that time, still hasn't changed your disrespective attitude"

Ddraig says

Diomedes: "Your damn right about that, you aren't even a threat to me, but unfortunately for you, your gonna get killed by my hands because of that little boy named Issei who tries playing superhero"

Rias: "Wait Diomedes, please don't hurt him, he's poses no threat to you in any way"

Rias says coming to Issei's aid

Diomedes: "Well I'm afraid your wrong about that Rias, this child actually stands in the way of our destiny, because of that he'll need to be executed"

Issei: "Bring it on then Punk!"

Issei shouts in frustration challenging Diomedes

Diomedes: "Than by all means give me everything you got, or should I be the first one to strike, either way you'll die"

Diomedes says as he gets in his fighting stance

Noticing the sudden change in situation Kiba, Xenovia, Asia, Koneko and Akeno finally decide to step in and assist Issei

Akeno: "Hey you, if you wanna pick a fight with Issei your gonna have to pick a fight with us aswell"

Akeno tells Diomedes

Xenovia: "That's right, you may eclipse us in raw power, but that doesn't mean you can just walk all over us without us putting up a fight"

Issei realising The rest of the group is coming to his aid, he then immediately tries pointing them in the safer direction

Issei: "What are you guys doing!? Stay back he's too dangerous!"

Koneko: "We know Issei, but that still doesn't mean you can take him head on by yourself, this guy is the real deal"

Akeno: "Koneko's right, now's not the time to play defender Issei, you'll need all of our help and that's what we're planning on giving you"

Issei: "Yeah bit still-"

Rias: "I'm helping you too Issei, and their's Nothing you can say to change any of our minds, there's already no way out of this, so you'll need all the help you can get"

Rias tells Issei

Issei than finally nods his head in agreement

Issei: "Alright then, let's kick some ass"

Rias, Koneko, Akeno, Kiba and Xenovia all then line up next to Issei readying themselves for battle with Asia standing behind them

Issei uses his boosted gear and starts multiplying his power

Kiba actives his second sacred gear, Blade Blacksmith using Glory Drag trooper to summon six different variates of dragon knights, each containing his speed and techniques

Xenovia summons her upgraded Durandal, Ex - Durandal and her Excalibur

And Koneko uses her new latent transformation Nekomata Mode Level 2, to temporarily rise her physical abilities

With everyone now ready to go all out, they first stand firm as they look into a focused Diomedes's eyes

Diomedes: "Well now, shall we begin"

This chapter is gonna have to be short because the next chapter will at least be over 7000 words,

I hope everyone enjoys the annoyingly bunch of dialogues in this chapter, as I wrote so many to feel more intimate with the characters and match their personalities

....Yeah.... I'm getting pretty Hyped and yeah enjoy....🤤👍❤️