
A Villainess Reborn

Bai Mei Li is a woman that is grounded in reality and science. What happens when a woman of science falls into a world where science and reason don’t prevail and instead might makes right? Jin Hong Hui a man more beautiful then any God ever created and certainly more powerful. He descends on the lower bound hell on recovering the precious treasure stolen from his family… burning to ash anything that dares get in his way. Jin Hong Hui “Where are you going.” He asked looking at her with a wicked grin curving his thin and sexy lips. “I uh… just um… I thought I’d go for a walk. You know know to help my digestion.” She said looking at his perfect face nervous as she slowly backed away. His grin deepened as he crowed her. “I have a better way to help with that.” She didn’t even bother trying to argue and just directly made a break for it. He laughed as he watched her run. A game of seek and capture before dessert always made his appetite bigger…

camizzle · ย้อนยุค
43 Chs

Something’s are better left unexplored

"Bai Mei Li…. Bai Mei Li wake up! Your having a nightmare!"

Bai Mei Li groaned and slowly opened up her eyes.

Chai Ying sighed in relief. He'd wanted to just sit back and allow her to wake up on her own but it was taking too long and he thought it would be better for them to go and get the boy sooner rather then later… plus it didn't look like she was enjoying whatever dream she was having. Her face looked so pained that it made one comfortable just looking at her.

As she opened her eyes she instinctively placed a hand to her abdomen as though she were trying to stop the flow of blood. She looked startled when she didn't feel anything wet then she realized she wasn't in any pain.

She blinked a few time and looked around. It took a moment but everything came rushing back to her and soon realized were she was. She looked to Chai Ying.

"Everything is over?" She asked in a soft voice, unsure if she was talking about the dream or the fight, she was clearly still sorting through things. That dream was a terrible past memory. It was one of the worst days of her life. She thought she'd done the smart… albeit unhealthy… thing of stuffing that bitch down as far as it could could and never thinking about it again.

Why would it suddenly resurface now?

"Yea.." He coughed a little bit in embarrassment and looked away in guilt. He really felt bad about what happened. He had just wanted to cut loose a little bit. He hadn't wanted to cause her or the child any harm.

"Okay lets go get Jun'er" She said she got up and dusted herself off. She allowed her Qi to circulate through her body once just to make sure everything was okay.

Just as she was about to start off she felt something was different. She looked down at her arm and frowned when she saw the snake bracelet coiled around her wrist and part of her forearm. She looked Chai Ying how immediately avoid eye contact again.

"It'll be helpful" It was practically an admission to guilt.

She sighed and once she checked her body and assured that everything was okay she immediately moved in the direction that she's stashed Xiao Jun.

She noticed Chai Ying's earlier expression and could take a rough guess as to what the problem was. She remember seeing him fine and well moments before she fell into unconsciousness. That kind of recovery was just too fast. Clearly he hadn't been taking the battle as seriously as she had.

For now at least she wouldn't call him out on it. But that didn't mean she was letting it go. She had separated from Xiao Jun because she thought he was in serious danger and she couldn't bare the thought of him sacrificing himself on her behalf. After all that wyvern was only there because she'd provoked it. How could she just stand by and allow him to pay for her sins.

She just wasn't that kind of irresponsible person.

Chai Ying followed closely behind her. She was very silent now. Although they'd had their moments of silence that silence had been comfortable. This was awkward and her turbulent aura made him uncomfortable. He didn't like it at all. But he wasn't sure what he was supposed to say.

As of right now he wasn't sure if she was angry with him or anxious for the boy. He didn't want to broach the subject if he didn't have too. Maybe she wouldn't even figure it out and he might just tell on himself.

He was frowning as he thought about what he should do.

Bai Mei Li was at peace because she'd already made up her mind. She would definitely get some answers from him as soon the adorable little bun was back in her arms.

Unbeknownst to her that her normal amiable and tranquil aura and made a major shift… it had settled back down after that dream.

It was understandable that she wouldn't just shift back into her normal self after reliving that nightmare.

Those few hours had been nothing short of horror show. Those two brother had truly planned things out too well. And their plan had been designed to force her fail.

She shook her head to get herself out of those thoughts,

When this had first occurred she'd spent countless hours going over those three hours again and again and again. She understood that there had truly been nothing more that she could of done.

Been told again and again that fewer any people could of done better.

After several few breaths she was finally to remove her hand from her abdomen again and stop thinking about it.

Some things were just better left alone. That incident was certainly one of them.

"It's just up ahead." She said pointing.

She stopped in front of a tree and then crouched down and started to remove the foliage that she'd placed there as cover. The tree was hollowed out and she'd hidden the sleeping Xiao Jun there.

As soon as she saw his sleep form she grabbed him and hugged him tightly to her. Then she stood up and looked at Chai Ying.

"Don't you think I deserve an explanation?"

"Look… it wasn't on purpose." He said coming clean. Although he liked to avoid conflict with the women in his life because he always ended up on the loosing end of the arguments he was still a straightforward type of person. So once there was no avoiding the trouble he preferred to just get it over with.

"It had been a while since I'd had a good fight and I just wanted to enjoy it a little. It was my wrong. I should of explained things properly to you. I never intended for you and the boy to be harmed. I wasn't worried because I knew that I could protect you.. of course I understand that you didn't know this." He scratched his head awkwardly as he explained. "I didn't bbq the snake so I could give it to you as an apology gift. Are we good?" He asked with a cheek grin.

A level ten demon beast… seriously??

How extravagant could one get. She watched him. He was clearly apologetic. He didn't mean any harm. And to be honest she'd brought the trouble onto herself. She was lucky he was there to intervene.

"It's alright. Thank you for the beast." She said with a smile. Her violent aura had basically become normal again now that Xiao Jun was in her arms so her smile was extremely beautiful and disarming.

Chai Ying shook his head inwardly. This girl was just too beautiful. She would certainly have troubles finding her left and right in the future.

"That's good. Let head back now. You told the kid we'd be there when he woke."

"You're right lets go."

Bai Mei Li didn't waste any further time and sped off with Xiao Jun in her arms and followed closely behind Chai Ying.
