

Grey had a tough life growing up. His parents don't want him, the foster house beat him up, people at school and work bullied him, it's fair to say that Grey was the universe's punching bag. So, it was a wonder how he could stay positive and kind and sweet. But even the sweetest person had his limit. Grey found his. He became enraged. And the event that lead next to it changed his life forever. And now, he is reborn in another world. A world of God, sword and magic. And he decided he did not want to be a good person anymore. This time, he wanted to be a villain

C_BUCKETT · แฟนตาซี
12 Chs


"YEARGHHH, finally did it!"

Rex was huffing and puffing, panting heavily. He finally did it. He could finally use Body Strengthening to reinforce his muscle to walk, albeit with great difficulty. Which may feel redundant in a few months, when he could walk on his own.

"Hey Gin."

"Yes, what is it Rex?"

"I don't get it. How did the Church become the sole authority on magic? From the way I see it, you could easily learn it on your own. Without the help and influence of the Church."

"Hmmm, you're right. But it's the difference in knowledge. You have the upper advantage on that, so you could learn about it on your own."

"What? That's it? Knowledge? How's that important? Don't you just need to train your magic power?"

"It's much better if I show you Rex. Now, since you have a rudimentary understanding of practical magic application, I want you to try to make a wall out of air."

"Huh? Okay, I'll try."

Rex closed his eyes. Within seconds, he began to glow. The glow extended and accumulated in front of him. A while later, the glow disappeared. Rex opened his eyes.

"Did you do it?"

Rex smiled, and mushed his face to the invisible wall. It's like putting your cheeks on a window car. "Yup, I did it Gin. It's thin, but I did it."

"Well that's great for a baby. Now how did you do it?"

"It's simple really, the theory that is. I imagine my nervous system like the roots of a tree, and extended it to the molecules of air around me. Then, when I gain control of the molecules, I ordered them to gather in front of me, and formed a tight bond like solid matter. Hence, this wall in front of me."

"Very good Rex. And that's your advantage. Your knowledge on physics and biology helps you to use your magic."

"Uh huh, I can see that. And what about the Church? How did they teach magic?"

"The Church teaches magic based on the Faith system. Backed by the God Representative, the Church tell the masses that their magical application is only possible if God allowed it. For example, they believe that when they use Body Strengthening, their spells are prayers so that God will protect their body."

"Oh, and it worked?"

"Unfortunately. In magic, the mind is the most powerful weapon of all. Your limit is your imagination. While you imagine magic as a nervous system extending itself to the atoms of matter, they believe it is God who extended His hands to help the magic wielder. Hence, they have limited applications of magic."

"Uh huh. I see. But why did the Church and the God Representative spread that kind of teachings?"

"Well, they needed the prayers. Besides, this kind of teachings eliminated any kind of heretics from learning magic. That way, the Church can also uphold their position as the leader of the community. And they collect a lot of wealth too, under the eyes of the God Representative."

"Wow, even the Church's greedy huh?"

"Hehehe of course. Why else did they take a high percentage of the port's earnings?"

Rex raised his eyebrows in amusement. "Yeah, you're right. Between the Church and the Capital City Kingdom, it's amazing that we haven't gotten broke yet."

"Goes to show how successful your dad managed this port."

"Hahaha, the Baron sure had a knack in business. I'm glad he did not stay as a soldier." Rex then remembered something. "By the way, why did the God Representative, or any God for that matter, wanted us to pray so much? I mean, He's gonna suck our energy dry anyway. What's the point anyway?"

"How else do you think He gets your energy? When you pray, you direct your energy to him. Imagine the entire world directed their energy back to you. Bit by bit, day after day. Each believer's prayer is like a charger to God. Transferring energy of the world back to Him in a safe dosage."

"Oh wow. That's interesting. Then, what about our God Representative? They're not on the list of God Representatives you say, right?"

"I have two theories on that. One, a God Representative had gone rouge. Maybe they managed to remove the bond between God and God Representative, and tried to take the power of the world for themselves. Or worse…"

"Worse? There's something worse than that?"

"Yeah. God Himself is managing this world. Maybe the other world has already been destroyed, and this is the only world left. Maybe there's no more God Representative, and we are actually going against God. The real God."

Rex's baby face turned pale. "Oh yes. That is worse."

yo my brothers and sisters,

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