

Grey had a tough life growing up. His parents don't want him, the foster house beat him up, people at school and work bullied him, it's fair to say that Grey was the universe's punching bag. So, it was a wonder how he could stay positive and kind and sweet. But even the sweetest person had his limit. Grey found his. He became enraged. And the event that lead next to it changed his life forever. And now, he is reborn in another world. A world of God, sword and magic. And he decided he did not want to be a good person anymore. This time, he wanted to be a villain

C_BUCKETT · แฟนตาซี
12 Chs


Rex was super lucky with his reincarnation. He got to spend a lot of his time by the beach.For like him, his family also loves to picnic by the beach.

Raymond was in the water. He's, in his words, fighting the waves. It's quite weird, considering water is one of his elements. 

You see, when a child reaches the age of one, they will be baptised by the church. During the Baptism ceremony, the priest will check on your magic elements. Most commoners only possessed the aptitude for one element, most nobles will have two.

Raymond Tyrr possessed the elements of water and earth. Even without the priest's Baptism ceremony, you could kind of guess it. He was strong, stubborn, but at times he will be calm and accommodating to you. With these kinds of characteristics, he was a leader in the making, even at the tender age of six. He was destined, both in characters and rights as the eldest, to be the next successor of Baron Eric Tyrr.

Rachel Tyrr, three years old, was lost in her focus. In front of her, the wet sands slowly turned into the intricate building of the Capital Royal Castle. Which is surprising that she could build it. Using sand to create such complex architecture was amazing as it is. But she built the exact replica, with descriptions she read in the books in the library.

Rachel possessed the elements of wind and fire. She's a free spirit, always doing what she wants. Fortunately to the Baron and Baroness, what she wanted to do was studying and perfecting her archery. And she is also quite hot tempered, thanks to her fire elements. She and Raymond is always fighting. They are quite on par. In fact, if Raymond did not have the Earth elements, he might have lost.

And then there's Rex. The one year old. A new addition to the family. Comfortably lying between the Baron and the Baroness. Enjoying the blue sky under the shade of the tree. Sometimes the Baroness will check on his temperature. Sometimes the Baron would ran his hand on Rex's head. 

Rex wanted to cry, but the cry of a baby would ruined this tranquil moment. Which would sucks, because his tears would be tears of joy. He cannot believe he had to travel to another universe, another Earth, to find the love of a mom and dad, the affection of a family. He wanted so much to thank Naika for this. 

"Our kids are amazing, aren't they Eric?" Elicia broke the silence.

Eric looked at Elicia. Love in his eyes, but a mocking smile on his lips. "At what? Being troublemaker?"

"Why? Whatever do you mean by that?"

Eric laughed. "Pfft, don't pretend you don't know. Our eldest often broke into the army's training ground, always asking to spar with them. Always came home bruised and bloodied. The middle one always went off on her own to the mages department, and almost took down the entire building experimenting with spells. And this one," he tenderly caressed Rex's head. "I can only imagine what kind of hell is in store for us."

"Bah, that's because those two followed your traits. This one will be like me, I'm sure. Calm, peaceful, not a hell raiser."

"Hahaha, yeah sure. Don't forget you propose to me, and got kicked off from your noble bloodline. And I'm the hellraiser."

"Well, if I wait for you to propose, the both of us would stay a virgin forever."

Eric kissed Elicia on the head. "Okay, I'll agree with you on that one."

Elicia's pout disappeared, and kissed Eric back. Rex hoped they didn't forget that he was in the middle.

Finally, with relief to Rex, the kiss subsided. "So, feel better?" Elicia asked.

"And what do you mean by that, my love?"

"Don't try to hide it dear. I know you. I know something's been travelling you."

Eric smiled, defeated. "Of course I can't keep anything from you, can't I?" He took out an envelope from his jacket. Which he used as a makeshift pillow. "I got this from a speegion yesterday?"

Elicia looked at it. The wax crest was two Greagle facing each other, bowing to the crown. It was the mark of the Capital Royal Castle. "The king summoned you? Why?"

"It's an invitation. And he summoned us."

"What? Is it true? Then," Elicia tried to control her excitement. "is the banishment over? Did they finally accepted you as one of the nobles?"

"I'm sorry I did not share your level of optimism my love. But it is a step forward I guess. We were shunned before, we are invited now. So that's something, right?"

Elicia, being reminded of the harsh reality of the banishment, curb her excitement. "Hmm, yeah. Maybe my optimism is also misplaced. But you are right. At least we are invited."

"And hey, you get to meet the Viscount again. That's great."

Elicia laughed. "Yeah, no. I don't need another barrage of snide comments from my father. I'm excited to meet my brother though."

Elicia's older brother, Lord Theodore Vasiliev, defended Elicia and Eric when they wanted to get married. He's the one that has been supporting them all this time. Without his help, Elicia will probably still be locked in her room by Viscount Aleksei.

"Yeah, I wanted to see Theo as well."

Elicia looked at Raymond and Rachel. "You think we should bring the kids too?"

"I wanted to, but they're not of age yet. It'll be another year before Ray would made his debut in social events."

"Awh, look at the Baron finally following protocol. Somebody beginning to act like a noble."

Eric smacked his lips at that comment. Elicia laughed, and then Eric also laughed. Rex, hearing everything, was also happy. 

"Oh look, the troublemakers have come running. Probably already destroyed the entire beach already."

"Geez Eric, you're such a spoil sport." Elicia turned to her kids. "My dearest, are you having fun?"

Raymond spoke first. "Yes mother. There's a big wave, but I did not fall. I have defeated the water."

"Pfft, that's nothing." Rachel scoffed. "I built the entire City Capital."

"Mine was more exciting." Said Raymond.

"What? Mine is?"

Elicia and Eric continued laughing as the siblings fought about their 'achievements'. To Rex, this was the happiest he'd ever felt.

Too bad it had to end.

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