
Christmast Day

I woke up late today. I couldn't help it as I was occupied last night. I had to look through the bank statements of both Gringotts and CSB. There were a lot of them.

From Gringotts, I had to look through 10 pages of numbers and contracts I needed to check and sign. Considering how the goblins are, I don't have to remind you that we need constant vigilance. The CBS's was less frustrating. It contained less than 5 pages of my revenues detail, total assets, and liabilities.

My total wealth in Gringotts as of today is 676-ish million galleons. It is the total amount after subtracting my latest 21.5 million galleon donations. They accumulated the results of my investments earlier this year and a few years ago. Because of this, I am now the wealthiest person in the British Wizarding World.

CSB noted that my investments in the muggle world have been very successful. The companies I have invested in are growing well with a higher proportion of revenues year by year. They helped me grow my wealth to a total of 760 million pounds. Not to forget that I also have 1000 tons of gold and 1000 tons of silver kept under Mortiss' name in CSB.

When I woke up, it was already 8.30 AM in the morning. The Great Hall must be in full swing of breakfast mode. After making myself presentable, I headed to the great hall to get my breakfast. I was famished.

When I reached the Great Hall, it was already 9.00 AM. Thankfully, they extended the breakfast time to 9.30 AM today. At the Ravenclaw table, I eat alone. They were supposed to be other older Ravenclaw students here, but I'm unsure where they were. I guess they got back already.

While I ate my breakfast, I noticed that the Great Hall became quieter. Looking around, I found that they were all looking in my direction.

Looking confused around me, I was surprised that I found Professor Dumbledore standing right beside me, on my left side. I did not notice him coming here at all. I guess I was too occupied with eating my food.

"Miss Vautoure, good morning. I wish you a Merry Christmas", Prof Dumbledore said.

"Good morning Professor Dumbledore. Merry Christmas to you too.

To what do I owe you presence?" I wonder.

"I would like to thank you and your family for your contributions to the betterment of the British Wizarding World. Little birdies told me your family has been helping us lately. No words could express our gratitude", Prof Dumbledore said.

At this point, everyone at the Great Hall was silently observing us. I don't know what to say. This is very awkward.

"Please don't mention it, Professor. It's the least we could do to help out in some ways. I hope they suffice", I said to him. I was just bullshit-ing my way now. I need to hone my diplomatic skills.

"Please, Miss Vautoure, it's way more than enough. I would be most grateful if you would extend my gratitude to your family."

"Sure, Professor Dumbledore. As you wish."

He then gave me a pack full of letters and a today's daily prophet copy. The many letters were packed tightly to a 30 cm tall stack.

"While you were still in slumber, we took the initiative to compile these letters. They are from well-wishers. I have scanned them myself, and they are all clear. I hope you look into some of them. They would be grateful if you do." He said while handing the stack to me.

"I wish you and your family a bountiful life full of prosperity, Miss Vautoure. Good day!" he said while nodding at me.

"Thank you, Professor Dumbledore. Good day to you too". He then walked back to the staff table.

What just happened?

Looking away from Professor Dumbledore's retreating figure, I see other students smile warmly at me. Huh?

I have no other choice than smile warmly back at them. If only the knew.

After that, I grab my copy of the Daily Prophet to make sense of things. Seconds later, I know the reason:

Thursday, 25th December 1991.


Dear readers,

We in the Daily Prophet have received information about other mysterious donations. Our sources in the Department of Magical Education (DME) and St. Mungos' have received anonymous donations amounting to at least 10 million galleons each.

The Gringotts' Liaison Office notified the DME of an anonymous donation yesterday afternoon. A donator has reportedly fully paid all student loan debts (plus interest) of anyone attending Hogwarts since the beginning of the loan scheme in 1941. A whopping 11.5 million galleons of debt was cleared.

A separate interview with the DME's head confirmed the news. All student loan debts have indeed been cleared. He further commented that anyone who supposedly had student loan debts would no longer need to pay them.

Our sources in St. Mungos' informed us that the organization received a 10 million galleon donation on the same day. A note from the donator wished that the money could be used to build a separate hospital for expecting mothers, babies, and children. The move should give the current building of the hospital more room for adult patients, who accounts for at least 65% of all patients.

The Head of St. Mungos' confirmed the news. He additionally commented that St. Mungos' was very grateful for the money. He would make sure that the money would be used to care for all in the British Wizarding World.

We in the Daily Prophet are happy for all who are affected. Hence, we took a special investigation to search for the source of these serial donations.

After pulling some strings and looking for sources inside the Gringott's Liaison Office, we believe that the Vautoure family is responsible for the serial donations we've seen so far.

A prominent member of the Gringotts' Liaison Office commented that the family has made several mega transfers that coincide with the timing of the donations. A mega transfer is a money transfer that involves more than 2 million in a single transfer. It is heavily recorded and kept inside the Gringotts.

Well, there you go, readers! The source of serial donations is none other than the Vautoure family.

We in the prophet are deeply thankful to the Vautoure family for their contributions to the betterment of the British Wizarding World. We wish them a Merry Christmas and prosperous life.

The Daily Prophet Correpondent

Mafalda Grubik