
Jeffery Finds Out

Maureen was the love of his youth and nothing could take that away. H closed his eyes as he held her tightly and close to himself. What if he had lost her? Khalan wondered. What would he do with his life? What would he tell Jeffery when he returned? His heart clenched at that thought and he shook his head a little to dispel the thoughts. Khalan turned his head to where the top of Maureen's head was and took a long whiff of her hair. Oh, how he had missed this scent – the scent he had grown to know like the back of his hand.

"I've missed you," Maureen said.

Khalan's eyes flew open. He was shocked. He hadn't expected to hear that from Maureen not in the slightest way. She had found out that he was cheating. She had come home and not met their son. Khalan would understand if she stayed furious at him forever. So, for Maureen to say that she missed him, it made him feel remorseful for hurting her the way he had done.