
A vampire's mirage

[WARNING: MATURE CONTENT 18+ // this is the only warning for the excerpt] Synopsis: Li likes both Zhang and Wang, but believes that Zhang and Wang like each other. Li wants to be a good friend and sets Zhang and Wang up with each other. However, the truth is that neither Zhang nor Wang like each other; they both actually have feelings for Li. Novel contains: Insults to the reader's intelligence, irony, sarcasm. Novel does not contain: Good Synopsis. There are countless other satisfying novels for you to explore, so if this one doesn't catch your attention, feel free to switch.

Yara_0625 · แฟนตาซี
23 Chs

13: Unveiling the past.

The Smithson family sat around the old wooden table in their cozy living room, a dim glow of candlelight casting flickering shadows on the walls. The room felt heavy with anticipation as they gathered around a dusty box that had been hidden away in the attic for years. It was time to explore the secrets of Emily's past, to understand her fascination with the supernatural, and to uncover the truth about her mysterious disappearance.

Mr. Smithson carefully opened the box, revealing a treasure trove of forgotten memories. Among the mementos and trinkets, they found a worn leather-bound journal with Emily's name delicately engraved on the cover. Her handwriting was neat and familiar, as they gently turned the pages, revealing her innermost thoughts and experiences.

As they began to read, the family was transported into the depths of Emily's mind. Her journal entries were filled with wonder and curiosity, describing encounters with mysterious creatures and unexplained phenomena. She wrote about witnessing ethereal lights dancing in the night sky, and hearing haunting melodies that seemed to come from nowhere. Emily's words painted vivid images of her explorations into the unknown, her heart and mind open to the possibility of a world beyond what they knew.

Mrs. Smithson's eyes glistened with tears as she read Emily's descriptions of her dreams and visions. Her daughter had been a dreamer, a soul yearning to unlock the mysteries of the universe. The journal revealed her deep connection to nature, describing how she believed every living thing possessed a spark of magic.

Emily's love for storytelling and folklore also became apparent as they read her retellings of local legends and myths. She had a particular fascination with ancient civilizations and their beliefs in spirits and afterlife. Her passion for the supernatural seemed to have grown with each page, becoming an integral part of who she was.

The Smithson family felt a mixture of emotions as they read through the journal. There was a sense of pride in Emily's intellectual curiosity and creativity, but also a pang of guilt for not fully understanding her fascination while she was alive. They hadn't realized the depths of her interests and the significance of the supernatural in her life.

As they continued reading, they stumbled upon an entry that hinted at an upcoming adventure—a journey into the nearby forest to witness a rare celestial event. Emily had written about a lunar eclipse that was said to have mystical properties, a time when the veil between worlds was said to be at its thinnest.

Intrigued by this discovery, the Smithsons felt a glimmer of hope. Perhaps Emily's fascination with the supernatural had led her to uncover something extraordinary during the lunar eclipse. They knew that investigating this event could hold the key to unraveling the mystery of her disappearance.

The family decided to retrace Emily's steps, hoping to find clues or hidden messages that she might have left behind during the lunar eclipse. They researched the celestial event's date and location, eager to witness it just as Emily had done.

On the night of the lunar eclipse, the Smithsons ventured into the forest, guided by the memories and descriptions in Emily's journal. The atmosphere was charged with an otherworldly energy as they gazed at the moon, slowly being enveloped by the Earth's shadow. They held hands, feeling an unspoken connection with Emily, knowing that she had once stood in this very spot, experiencing the same celestial wonder.

As the eclipse reached its peak, a strange phenomenon occurred. The moon's shadow cast an ethereal light, revealing ancient symbols etched into the surrounding trees and rocks. Emily had indeed left behind a message—a cryptic trail of symbols that seemed to lead deeper into the forest.

The Smithsons followed the trail, their hearts pounding with a mixture of excitement and trepidation. Each symbol they encountered felt like a piece of a puzzle, guiding them toward an unknown destination. Their senses heightened as they felt the presence of something otherworldly, something that seemed to communicate with them through the ancient symbols.

Finally, they reached their destination—a warehouse situated on the outskirts of the city. The symbols on the stones had guided them to this mysterious place, leaving the Smithson family with a sense of both excitement and trepidation.

The old warehouse loomed before them, its rusty metal doors standing as silent sentinels guarding its secrets. With Emily's journal clutched tightly in her hands, Mrs. Smithson felt a surge of determination. They were on the verge of unraveling the truth behind Emily's disappearance, and every step brought them closer to understanding her fascination with the supernatural.

As they approached the warehouse, a cold breeze swept through the air, carrying with it a haunting melody that seemed to echo from within the building. The family exchanged glances, their hearts racing as they pushed open the creaking doors.

Inside, the warehouse was shrouded in darkness, illuminated only by the faint glow of the moonlight filtering through the dusty windows. The air was thick with a sense of anticipation, as if the very walls held secrets waiting to be unveiled.

With cautious steps, they ventured further into the dimly lit space. The symbols from Emily's journal seemed to guide their way, leading them deeper into the heart of the warehouse. Each corner they turned revealed more clues—strange symbols etched on the walls, old books on the supernatural, and artifacts that hinted at ancient practices.

As they delved deeper, the family discovered an intricately designed circular pattern on the floor—a pattern that matched the symbols found in the forest. It seemed to be a summoning circle, a conduit for connecting with the supernatural.

Realization washed over them as they understood the significance of Emily's fascination with the supernatural. She had been drawn to this place—a place where the boundaries between worlds blurred, and the mysteries of the universe lay within reach.

Mrs. Smithson's eyes filled with tears as she thought of her daughter standing in this very spot, seeking answers and exploring the unknown. Emily's spirit seemed to linger in the air, guiding them like a beacon, urging them to uncover the truth that lay hidden within the warehouse.

As they continued to search, they stumbled upon a hidden chamber concealed behind a wall covered in old tapestries. Inside, they found an ancient tome resting upon an ornate pedestal. Its pages were filled with spells, incantations, and descriptions of supernatural phenomena—knowledge that must have captivated Emily's imagination.

The Smithsons pored over the tome, their minds filled with wonder and awe at the wealth of information it contained. They felt a connection with Emily through these ancient words, realizing that she had not merely been an observer of the supernatural but an aspiring practitioner, seeking to unlock the secrets of the universe.

As they read, a realization dawned upon them—the warehouse was not merely a place of curiosity; it was a sanctuary where Emily had embarked on her own journey into the supernatural realm. She had delved deep into the mysteries of the universe, seeking answers to questions that had captivated her young mind.