
A vampire's mirage

[WARNING: MATURE CONTENT 18+ // this is the only warning for the excerpt] Synopsis: Li likes both Zhang and Wang, but believes that Zhang and Wang like each other. Li wants to be a good friend and sets Zhang and Wang up with each other. However, the truth is that neither Zhang nor Wang like each other; they both actually have feelings for Li. Novel contains: Insults to the reader's intelligence, irony, sarcasm. Novel does not contain: Good Synopsis. There are countless other satisfying novels for you to explore, so if this one doesn't catch your attention, feel free to switch.

Yara_0625 · แฟนตาซี
23 Chs

10: Sacrifices for my son.

As Sebastian's consciousness slowly resurfaced, he found himself engulfed in a sea of pain. A pulsating migraine gripped his mind, throbbing relentlessly behind his eyes. The residual effects of his captivity bore down upon him, leaving him disoriented and weakened.

His surroundings came into focus with agonizing clarity. Mighty stone cold walls suffocating him. The air was heavy with a stifling silence, broken only by the distant echoes of his own labored breaths. Chains of supernatural energy bound his body, restricting his movements and reminding him of the depths of his confinement.

The Vampire Prince's thoughts drifted back to the young woman who had unwittingly become a pawn in his father's power struggle. The image of her anguished face and the taste of her pain haunted him, fueling his determination to break free from the clutches of his captivity.

Sebastian found himself imprisoned within a dimly lit chamber, the cold touch of the chains binding him to the wall, a constant reminder of his father's betrayal. Despite his relentless efforts, escape eluded him. The magic woven into the chains prevented any supernatural means of breaking free, leaving him with the daunting task of finding a more subtle solution.

As hours turned into days, Sebastian's mother, Amelia, grew increasingly desperate. She had always known of the dangerous existence her son led, but she could no longer bear to see him suffer under Viktor's cruel grasp. Fueled by a mother's love and her own resilience, Amelia embarked on a perilous journey to confront the vampire leader.

Amelia, a human with a fiery spirit, planned to visit Viktor's lair, demanding an audience with him. Her courage belied her vulnerability as she faced the formidable vampire, her voice unwavering as she demanded the release of her son.

Viktor's voice took on a softer tone as he responded to Lucia's concerns. "I trust your judgment, Lucia. We have stood side by side for centuries, and your loyalty has never faltered. Our bond goes beyond mere duty."

Lucia's eyes flickered with a mix of emotions—loyalty, apprehension, and a hint of something more. She averted her gaze, a subtle blush coloring her cheeks. "You have my unwavering loyalty, Viktor. Whatever challenge you set for Sebastian, I will ensure it is fair and within our means."

Viktor's steps echoed through the chamber as he approached Lucia. The dim lighting cast a soft glow on their faces, emphasizing the intensity in his eyes. He stopped a few feet away, his voice filled with a mix of vulnerability and longing.

"You know, Lucia," Viktor began, his voice laced with a hint of emotion, "there's something about you that goes beyond your role as my bodyguard. We've faced countless trials together, and through it all, you've become more than just a protector."

Lucia's breath caught in her throat as she met Viktor's gaze, her eyes betraying a mixture of longing and forbidden desire.

"Viktor, we tread on treacherous ground. Our positions... our responsibilities."

Viktor's voice dropped to a husky whisper, his lips tantalizingly close to hers. "Ah, but Lucia, is not passion what makes us feel truly alive? We are bound by more than duty alone; there is a hunger that can only be sated by yielding to our desires."

A shiver ran down Lucia's spine, her breath hitching as she teetered on the edge of surrender. Their connection crackled with electricity, the intensity of their attraction consuming the air around them.

A flicker of uncertainty passed across Lucia's face, mingling with the undeniable attraction that had grown between them. She hesitated, torn between her devotion to her role as his bodyguard and the undeniable pull she felt towards Viktor.

But before they could fully succumb to their desires, a sudden noise shattered their intimate moment. The heavy doors of the chamber swung open, interrupting their clandestine encounter. Amelia, the mother of Sebastian, stood at the entrance, her eyes wide with surprise.

Lucia and Viktor instinctively pulled away from each other, a mixture of guilt and urgency flashing across their faces. They exchanged a fleeting glance, their unspoken connection holding promises yet unfulfilled.

Amelia's gaze darted between them, her curiosity piqued by the charged atmosphere in the room. Sensing the tension, she chose not to delve further into the matter, but a knowing smile played at the corner of her lips.

"I demand answers, Viktor," Amelia asserted, her voice strong despite the tremor in her heart. "You promised to release my son. You said he would be free."

Viktor, intrigued by the audacity of this human woman, listened to her impassioned pleas. He saw an opportunity in Amelia's unwavering determination. He proposed a proposition, his eyes gleaming with a mix of curiosity and calculation.

Viktor straightened, his gaze shifting from Lucia to Amelia. The subtle spark of desire between him and Lucia dissipated, replaced by a mask of authority. "Amelia, I assure you, Sebastian's release is imminent. We are merely testing his abilities, ensuring he is prepared for the challenges—"

"When are you releasing my son?"

Amelia's eyes narrowed with suspicion, but she knew better than to press further. She had seen the cold, calculating side of Viktor, and his promises held little weight. She could only hope that her determination and her plea for her son's freedom had sparked a flicker of remorse within the vampire lord.

"Amelia," Viktor began again, his voice laced with a dangerous charm this time, "I can sense your son's potential. His captivity is not solely for punishment but to test his mettle, to prove his worth. Help him find a way to escape, and if he succeeds, I will release him unharmed."

Amelia's heart wavered with conflicting emotions. She despised Viktor for what he had done to her son but recognized the glimmer of hope in his proposition. She understood that Sebastian's escape would be a daunting task, but she couldn't bear to see him suffer any longer.

With a curt nod, Amelia turned to leave, her resolve undeterred. As the heavy doors closed behind her, Viktor's gaze returned to Lucia, their unspoken connection lingering in the air.

"We will continue with the plan," Viktor said, his voice betraying a hint of regret. "But we must tread carefully, Lucia. The stakes are higher than ever."

Lucia nodded, a mixture of duty and longing reflected in her eyes. "I understand, Viktor. We will do what needs to be done. For Sebastian. For our kind."

Their unspoken agreement hung in the air, a delicate balance between duty and desire. They knew the challenges that lay ahead, but they were willing to face them together.

In the days that followed, they devised a daring plan to orchestrate Sebastian's escape. Amelia's love for her son and Lucia's unwavering 'loyalty' to Viktor entwined to form an unexpected alliance, transcending the boundaries that divided humans and vampires.