
A Vampire's Desire:Luka And Bliss The Beginning

Bliss Quinn moved to New York to pursue an acting career. She joined an agency and her unscrupulous agent forced her to join a fake reality show called Vampire Bachelor Games. When she went to the mansion, life as she knew changed when a handsome Vampire named Luka fell in love at first sight with the beautiful girl. This is the first volume of the Luka and Bliss series.

Daoist668476 · แฟนตาซี
16 Chs

Drop Me Off At The Mini Mart

Luka took off his black trench coat. Bliss saw he was about to wrap it around and her and she angrily swatted his hand away, "It is too late to act like a gentleman, I have seen your beastly side."

He looked at her angry expression and with a mischievous gleam in his eyes he teased. "It is foolish of you to be so ridiculously stubborn."

The smug grin plastered on his handsome face was beyond irritating. Bliss really didn't like him pointing out the obvious, "Whatever. Open the passenger door and I will dash into the car."

He obediently complied with her request and she hurried into the car bumping her head as she entered. Biting her lower lip so as not to let out even a whimper she quickly buckled the seatbelt.

Luka drove like a bat out of hell...Bliss laughed at the irony of that thought and they quickly were on the highway headed to the city. Bliss sat motionlessly staring out the window, watching the black wipers methodically cleaning the windshield and listening to the rain pelt the car. She had no desire to talk to him, but Luka suddenly broke the silence between them, " Where do you live? I will put it in the GPS."

"You don't need to know where I live. You can let me off at the convenience store on the corner of 35st. and Oak. Put in Paisano's Mini Mart."

"As you wish."

Bliss was somewhat surprised he didn't pester her for the address. Exhausted from the events of the evening she closed her eyes and leaned on the car door. With the smooth ride, the soft jazz music playing and the warmth from the heater it didn't take long for her to drift off to sleep.

Bliss' pleasant dream was interrupted when a strange heat flowed through her veins making my heart beat erratically. She was hot...very hot. Her body was tingling and she felt a warm liquid wetting her panties. She blinked a few times to focus and what met her bleary eyes was Luka's enlarged face, so close Bliss could smell his minty breath. His fingers were playing with her hair and he was licking and sucking on her neck while his hand wantonly roamed under her blouse.

Startled, she saw the car was still moving on the highway while his entire body was practically on top of her in the passenger seat. She screamed, "Ahh...what are you doing? The car! We will crash!" Bliss was more worried about perserving her little life than the fact the perverted Vampire was molesting her.

He had a devilish grin on his incredibly handsome face. Why... because he was the devil! He chuckled and touched the tip of Bliss' nose. " Silly girl, this is a self driving car. You aren't in any danger."

"Pervert! Get off me! You said you would leave me alone."

 He countered,"No, I said I wouldn't feed on you."

"Are..are you that horny? With your looks and money you could have any girl... human or Vampire. I bet your credit score is off the charts, go on Tinder those women will be swiping right nonstop. Is there a Vampire dating site? Get on it!"

Luka had flames rolling in his pitch black eyes that were like a bottomless abyss, "My little wildcat, you are so incredibly beautiful and amusing why would I look elsewhere when I have you."

Bliss' eyes widened in disbelief at how thick skinned the man was, her long black eyelashes trembling as they flickered. "You...you don't have me! I don't like you! You are an arrogant shameless blood sucker! I want to forget I ever laid eyes on you."

She frantically pushed his chest, "As a matter of fact when you drop me off... do...do that thing Vampires do to make me forget. If you could go back a bit and make me forget I wanted to be an actress. Tell me... I want to be ahh..ahh..an accountant. Yes, that is a nice boring 9 to 5'er."

As the car flew down the highway at a frightening speed He leaned into Bliss' neck and in a seductive tone refused. "Bliss Quinn, I don't want you to forget me."

She had goosebumps listening to the way her name rolled off his tongue. His deep and enticing tone was sexy..very sexy.. But, she snapped out of her daze staring into his crazy obsessive eyes , "Luka Lenovich! Wake up! I don't match with you. Think of tonight...umm.. this morning as a momentary lapse in judgment on your part. Maybe you have never tasted such ordinary blood as mine."

Bliss racked her brain for an anaIogy. "It is like suddenly having greasy, saucy barbeque ribs from a roadside stall. Yes... once it is absolutely delicious...you are licking your lips from the taste sensation... but a steady diet of ribs would be unpalatable. And...and even though this car is self driving you should buckle up for safety."

Luka got off Bliss and sat back in the driver's seat then burst out laughing. "Little human, how can you be so funny? Comparing yourself to Barbeque Ribs...hahaha.."

Bliss puffed out her cheeks in anger, I want out of this car... I want to get far away from this crazy bastard. I wanted to forget tonight ever happened!  She saw the lit up Mini Mart up ahead and pointed, "There. There. Stop there."

The car stopped in front of Paisano's Mini Mart and as Bliss was distracted unbuckling the seatbelt he reached his long arms around her thin waist. He embraced her then proceeded to bury his head in her hair, sniffing it like her aunt's dog Benny. Luka's low raspy voice resonated with a hint of desperation, "Bliss Quinn, what will it take to make you mine?"

She was bewildered by his fascination with her, what does he really want? I am beautiful... true... that is why everyone said I should be an actress. But, I am self aware enough to know my beauty isn't on the level of Luka or the stunning woman I saw him talking with at his mansion.

Luka has smoldering good looks, the epitome of tall dark and handsome. The woman was curvaceous and looked like a goddess, flawless in every aspect. A cold unearthly beauty, I assumed she was a Vampiress from her translucent skin. The two standing side by side looked like a pair made in Heaven...or more aptly Hell.

I decided to balls up and ask the question that was bothering me. "Luka Lenovich, what do you really want from me?"

He had a puzzled expression, "I told you I am bored. You are the first human or vampire to have the unmitigated nerve to drug me, hit me over the head and run away. At first I wanted to find you and suck every ounce of delicious blood from your tiny body. When I appeared in front of you, most humans would be petrified and fall to their knees begging for mercy. You surprised me when you defiantly told me off. You arched your delicate eyebrow and pointed out two others to take your place, and I don't think an All American cheerleader type is a Buddhist willing to reincarnate."

"I am a Buddhist."

The corner of Luka's mouth twitched then he continued, "I rethought my original intention of locating you. Looking at your bedraggled appearance, your blouse on backwards and your torn shorts, I thought you were cute and no longer wanted to rip your throat open and suck you dry."

 After taking a moment to digest the last part of his sentence, Bliss shook her head in exasperation, "Can you compel yourself? Or go see a Vampire therapist. I can't relieve your boredom you have probably accumulated over five hundred years."

"Seven...seven hundred."

"I am telling you I am not that entertaining. Ask my roommates. Well, don't. My point is please leave me alone. I have enough tedious work without adding jumping clown for seven hundred year old vampire." After saying her piece she tried to open the door to leave, locked...hmm. Bliss turned and smiled sweetly, "The door."

Luka unlocked the door and as Bliss stepped onto the sidewalk he calmly said, " I will bring your purse to you tomorrow, The Brownstone with the overgrown weeds in the front yard at the end of the block?"
