
M-miss Leia!!

Delacy's eyes trembled, and her wet lashes quivered.

Lots of blood instantly rushed to her throat, and she spurted it out, causing a few drops to spill on Logan.

"Disgusting!" Logan glared at her and flung her to the ground, resulting in Delarcy falling heavily to the floor.

She breathed slowly and reached out her hand to grab her bleeding stomach.

"I feel better now. Finally completed the job." Logan chuckled and turned to look at Loco, who was still breathing, but hardly. "Tsk tsk, still alive, hmm?" He stepped towards him and pulled forward the gun to shoot him one more time, but just then, a very familiar scent flew into his nose.

His eyes blinked furiously, and he turned his head to see Leia, who seemed to have woken up from her coma, standing by the door with a ghostly look on her face.

"You!!" He scowled and watched as Leia began to walk towards him.