
Keep Your Mouth Shut!

"Apologize to them!" Lucius ordered Movo, and without hesitation, Movo bowed his head till it touched the floor, and apologized to them.


Nix blinked his eyes and cleared his throat, straightening up along with Vincent to look at Lucius.


Lucius stared at them and folded his arms. "What brings you two here?" He asked, knowing that they rarely ever came, especially Vincent. He only ever did so when Valerio used to live in the family house.


He knew Vincent was from the lineage of the royal family that ruled the vampire clan in the past, so Vincent was royalty, as well as having royal blood flow within him.


"Um…" Nix cleared his throat. "We are here to talk to you about something." He replied and Lucius arched his brow at him.


"Which is?" He inquired.


"Can we speak privately, your majesty? It's important." Nix implored, and although a bit skeptical about it, Lucius motioned for them to follow him.