
But He Hated Her…

Leia's eyes flickered, and she drew a deep breath before stepping out into the garden. It was all too chilly; she had to wrap her arms around herself, and hurriedly, she walked to the grave. There was only one flower on it—one she'd seen constantly and one too many times. Each time, it was new and fresh. 

But then, Valerio hadn't been home for a long time now, so there could only be one person, and that was their father. 

Didn't he hate their mother to the extent that he wasn't willing to save her while she was dying? Why would he leave flowers on her grave constantly? It wasn't like he loved her. He hated her so much that it was even transferred to his own child right after she died.  

Well, whatever, it wasn't her concern. She couldn't be bothered about how he truly felt about her mother.