
A vagabond's ascent

Our protagonist is of the “vagabond” species. A pretty cool creature, but nothing compared to humans and their inventions. Humans can go eat my sawtooth branch. The world is constructed of floating island. Above and below is the “void” as all call it. Nobody has returned from the void yet, so they’re assumed dead. Are they really dead? Yeah, probably. Travel is hard - it requires flight, cause how else would you get between the floating islands? That means our protagonist’s species, the “vagabond” as I’ve established, can also fly.

Yahazek · แฟนตาซี
14 Chs

Vagabond: Become Human (not really).

These holes serve a pretty important role, believe it or not. Those logs I've spent weeks grinding for, they're gonna be thrusted straight into the holes and act as walls. Enough of them ends up with a whole circle, perfect for coverage while I do my sleeping. Now, I don't know if this much effort for a safe sleeping zone is even worth it, but I'm gonna convince myself I didn't waste the time and energy and say yes.

This is exactly what I imagined when I read the texts about humans using trees as walls and leaves as roof. Once I get this job done, it's gonna be beautiful.

Makes me wanna hop in excitement, but my legs'll just get stuck in the mud.. hah.

There's one thing I've been putting off for all these weeks, though. It;'s been in the back of my mind for a while, but since I'm nearly done with the preparations I should start practicing.

"It'll be such a pain in the ass." Oh well, I'm committed to get these walls set, and for that I will need a new shape for my blades.

Might wanna rename those, cause I've not been using them as actual blades all that much. Anyways, what I want is a sort of hollow cylindrical shape, large enough to freely fit a whole log through. Then I'll slowly make said cylinder smaller until I get real firm grip on it.

I've found a place where nobody interrupts me while I do my blade control training, but I can't use it for sleeping because sometimes the weather acts up in a whack way and wakes me up; I've tried, as you could have guessed.

"Hey my lil jelly dude." I hopped onto the invisible rubbery surface, still feeling perplexed about standing on what looks to be nothing despite the amount of times I've been here.

I tend to hop onto the giant creature carrying this island whenever I want some time without any distractions, aside from weather that is, but once I finish making the walls, I won't have much use in coming here.

"It's a little sad to depart with you.. You know what, I'll be coming to visit you every so often like the good friend I am." My jelly friend won't have to be lonely again.

I "speak" to with the wandering mirror every time I pass by, expecting a conversation, but he isn't even giving any hint of understanding me. Apparently they're meant to be able to hear your thoughts and respond, but I'm starting to think that "common knowledge" was one big lie.

"Hope dies last, okay? I'm keeping my brain nice and prepped just for you, my squishy friend." Receiving no reply as usual, I plopped down and closed my eyes.

The first step to learning a new shape is easy. You just have to imagine it from all perspectives, so the end result actually resembles what you intended from all angles. Then comes the hard part - actually doing the shape-shifting.

It's hard to explain, but imagine your limbs straight up deforming into the shape you want, some parts squishing while the others extend. You also have a backup supply of metal, so if the shape you're making is too large, just like mine right now, you have to imagine the metal flow through your body and into your arms, leaking out and solidifying the moment it surfaces.

Then you start creating more metal using the same technique, all the while giving shape to the previous batch you just spawned into existence.

"It even sounds hard, but once you've got a certain formation down, you can redo it a tiny little bit easier." It's all about that trial and error. Mostly error.


The wandering mirror rammed through the island the same day my pack died, and ever since then the island has been beached on top of it. If you compare the distance between a few islands, you'll notice they don't move at all - at least relatively to each other, but it's a different story for mine.

My invisible friend here has been going at a massive speed all this time, so the island's become a traveling one. That's a world's first alright.

Oh, and I've got proof, of course. Every so often you get to see actual island - not massive bits of debris carried by the winds - go by. I've had many opportunities to move to one of them. I'm sure the living conditions are much better, and I've probably passed by many islands with more food and other resources than mine, but I've gotten attached to the place.

Plus, I get to be the first ever non-human creature to safely traverse the skies without the use of wings or gliders, which puts me as the world's "most-world-records-set-by-one-creature" record holder, thought I can't prove the latter.

Now everything makes sense to y'all! (I hope). Would be great if the jelly-dude replied, but hey, it's already cool enough as is.

Yahazekcreators' thoughts