
Chapter 10

~Chloe ~

He was gay...

He was homophobic...

He was a fraud...

He was a drug addict...

Those were the allegations that stood against him. Those were the reasons why my twin, the head girl and the assistant head girl, took laws into their own hands and did what they did. They took laws into their hands punishing a fellow student in the most unthinkable and unforgiving way.

Punishing him for a crime I am at least 95% sure he did not commit, they made sure the Scorpion in the bowl had done enough damage to his buttocks before letting him go. The most infuriating part was the fact that they (Matilda and Zoe) didn't even have evidence to back up their allegations. I mean sure, he was seen picking pockets around school here and there but still that wasn't enough for them to go ahead to punish him that way.

It was break time and I wouldn't dare to step out of the class because of the fear of what my sister might do to me. Yes, call me a coward all you want but it was better than getting scorpion stinks on my buttocks as a souvenir for my bravery. No thank you honey. God bless you. I would rather be a coward and be safe. But honestly jokes apart. What they did wasn't right, I was just too scared for my own sake to stand up for Michael.

A strong man stands up for himself, a stronger man stands up for others. My Subconscious affirmed. If she were to be a real person I would have really beaten her up. Of all the things to say and of all times to say it, she chose now, right now to say that stupid yet smart sentence. I swallowed hard trying my best not to say a word because if I did, I would end up going on a ranting spree about my subconsciousness which by the way wasn't even a real person.

Never take laws into your hands. Even if I didn't learn anything in civic education class at least I learnt that, and whosoever is guilty of taking law into their own hands would equally be dealt with by the law. I was hoping the same applied in this school as well because right now both Zoe and Matilda were in the principal's Office.

"Ugh, the nerves of her! Of all the people in this school it had to be that harmless little guy." Molly's comment brought me out of my thoughts as we ate lunch together with Antonio in my class. Thankfully, Zoe was called upon before break time so the lunch packed for me was still intact and I could have my lunch in peace. I was having boiled yam and fried egg, Molly was having jollof spaghetti and boiled egg while Antonio was having fried egg with boiled potatoes.

"You know just because he is little doesn't mean you can call him little. I am pretty sure that is why they did what they did. All because he was 'little' "

"Okay slow your horse big man, I didn't call him little because he is little, it's just an expression "

"Oh really? Molls, how would you feel if someone called you little and then said it was just an expression, when in actual sense your actually little?"

Okay, Molls? Where the heck did that come from?

I was just about to ask the same damn thing! I responded to my curious subconsciousness. If there is another thing I've learnt, you don't just call someone by their nickname except they mean a great deal to you. By the intensity of their argument I think something smells fishy. But I chose not to capitalize on it, it was probably a mistake right?

Yea right, as if such a mistake has ever happened before. Maybe it had never happened before but I figured it was bound to happen at some point. I mean look at it Molly...Molls sounded adorable to pronounce don't you think? I choose not to read too much meaning into it since it was probably a one time thing. Before the arguments got out of hand I decided to intervene because I was quiet the whole time.

"Oookay, guys, calm down. There is no need to rip each other's head off for this. I'm sure the school is going to find a reasonable and suitable punishment for both my sister and Matilda."

"You really think so? "

Antonio asked in his South African Accent and I nodded my head in affirmation. "Oh I know so. This isn't something you take lightly, brushing it under the carpets like our ever so powerful government does with every problem in this country. In fact I am sure we are all going be called for a quick address in 3... 2... 1"

Attention students.

All students should report to the Assembly hall this instant.

The instruction boomed through the speaker installed in our classroom. I smirked at my two best friends as they stared at me with wonder shimmering in their eyes. I just chuckled lightly before packing my already finished lunch into my desk. I stood up and headed straight for the door. When I noticed they weren't walking behind me I turned my head to look at them

"You coming or what?"

"Sorry " They both muttered as they hurriedly stood up with their used take away plates in their hands. They disposed of it in the trash near the entrance of our class before we all moved together heading for the Assembly hall. We were walking in an awkward way, which was eating me up. Sadly I couldn't say anything because I was a terrible conversationalist, I guess that's why Science soothes me so well. Even at that I couldn't take the silence so I spoke up.

"Okay what is up with both of you. You both have been acting odd ever since you stepped into school today."

"Urrrr... That...."

"Not true... We don't."

"Yea! ... Psssh odd? Whaaaat?"

"Yea we don't even know what it means"

"Yeah... am... I... I mean what does it mean molls?"

Again with that nickname. Something is definitely wrong with these two and we are going to find out what.

My sub consciousness said and I concluded while we were descending the stairs. They were still stuttering trying to get themselves out of the mess they created and it was honestly hilarious. I chuckled at this and this made them instantly shut up because they weren't expecting such a reaction.

"Calms you guys. I know the fact that I predicted an emergency assembly right on time is scaring you guys, but c'mon it's still me oo"

"Yea we were starting to think you were a ghost or something, because your timing was accurate." Antonio said jokingly as he laughed it off. Molly on the other hand agreed with him.

"Boyyy maybe too accurate if I might add." She said,

We got to the assembly hall seconds later to meet a rowdy and noisy hall. I joined my partner Samuel Dawson, the sport prefect boy in his stance. He was standing behind the boys of JSS2 and 3 and I was behind the girls of JSS 2 and 3. While Molly and Antonio went to their respective lines for SS3 students. The noise died immediately the principal climbed the stage to be in front of the podium.

"Good afternoon students. It is with great displeasure that I got informed that bullying had gone to a whole new level in this school. We are raising you all to become fine young men and women with class, not a bunch of classless hoodlums and hooligans. I expected better from you all, you are expected to look out for each other not tear each other apart!" She said with her voice rising at every sentence until she was shouting. When she noticed this, she paused momentarily trying to calm her nerves. Even from where I was standing I could see the anger blazing from her eyes.

"This had better be your last warning. If I hear or smell any form of bullying, both cyber and physical on school property. Then that person would have to answer to me and kiss his admission here in the school goodbye. Is that clear?"

"Yes ma!" I found myself echoing with the rest of the students in the hall.

This your principal really means business too. See as she kon strong face like a man.

My subconscious teased and I mentally glared at her for taking the subject lightly. Silence reigned after our loud response and just when the irking silence was becoming uncomfortable she left without saying another word. She whispered something to Joel before she left the hall.

Weird she didn't say anything about booger boy...sorry Michael Jordan. Joel took the stage looking very nervous, out of shape and short of words. All he could manage to say was. "Go against her orders and you'll have yourself to blame... Assembly dismissed you can all return to your respective classes."

To say I was shocked was an understatement, I was astonished. What the hell is going to happen to Zoe and Matilda. Does that mean they would get expelled or something? As funny and as pathetic as it sounds, I was worried for them, for the two people that were supposedly my enemies. Delusional I know but I couldn't help but wonder what would happen to them now.

The hall was totally empty except for the other few prefects who stuck around, discussing the faith of the two offenders, Zoe and Matilda. Joel came to my side putting his hands on my shoulders in a comforting manner. After opening and closing his mouth for a couple minutes with no words coming out, he finally said with a half smile.

"It's going to be okay."

A great silence ensued for another minute before I could finally say. "Thank you.."

"For what?"

" I don't know, the other day "

He just chuckled at my response, patted my shoulder in a brotherly way and left. Molly and Antonio who I had completely forgotten about came up beside me. Molly was the first to speak up.

"You know about that letter... You know the one from Jayson, maybe you can talk to him about it." She said,

I was too lost in thought, thinking about the punishment the principal might give Zoe and Matilda while I stared at Joel's retreating back. I wasn't really paying attention to what Molly was saying but I just agreed none the less as I responded half heartedly.

"Hmmm maybe I will "

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