
A True Lie

A boy want to achieve his dream, to be the Demon Slayer Master.

samm29 · แอคชั่น
27 Chs


*6 hours later*

-Man...finally...this was a very hard day..

-Yesss! I totally agree, do you want to know eachother better?

-Sure! But now i have to go home...So bye!

-See you tommorow!

*Hmm...this girl is very nice..*

Itorabi goes to train himself with the sword, in his backyard. He usually train 2 hours a day. Itorabi sense something strange. He was cold.

*W..-w..-why is the weather so cold?*

Itorabi sense like a piece of ice in himself. He wiped his sweat, and accidentally he created a spike of ice.


The boy was stunned. He was wondering what this mean.

Does he have a new power?

Does his father gave him the forbidden ice power?

Does he unlocked a new power?

He trained all night and played with the new power named "Icy Spikes".

- Hey, Itorabi! The dinner is ready!

- Coming mom!

Itorabi ate up his dinner, and went in his room. Something was not very clear.

He heard something.

*..i..-is this a demon? whispers in his head*

Itorabi went outside to check if someone want to rob his house, or a demon want to kill him. He went outside, and his eyes didin't beleived what he saw.

*n-...-n..-no way...THIS IS NOT A GOOD MOMENT TO FIGHT*

He didin't want to fight, but he learned a new technique this day, and he wanted to test "Icy Spikes" too.

*Hmmm...what should I do?*