
Chapter 15

    "Zhanaia, taking risks is a part of a person's life. Without risk, there's no thrill, no life-changing lessons. And in thousand possibilities of a risk that you are afraid of, you wouldn't know what will exactly happen if you wouldn't try."

   Caroline's words were echoing in my ears until now. I've been rolling on my bed for quite some time but I still can't find my comfortable spot to sleep— I still can't sleep. I already tried counting sheep while my eyes are closed but I already reached seven hundred, still, my mind is fully awake although my eyes are shut.

   My unexpected meeting with Dion's father, the favor that he asked, Janice, and Daniel talked to me regarding the favor, Caroline's words, my suppressed feelings for Dion for I am afraid for the possible outcomes if I take the risk— they are all circulating in my head.

   I sighed.

   "How did I end up in this situation?" I asked myself before I stood up and wear my slippers.