

Synopsis "Let's get out of here." ... Between the circle of rich people, there was a tradition held for centuries. By generation, each family have to take turns to offer someone from their lineage, for their wealth to not be taken away from them. The younger generations knew nothing of it, and would just wonder when one of them is missing. But they would just be told he/she went abroad to continue his/her studies. Tags: #cn #YourFavVillainess #sacrifice #practice #wronged #femaleprotagonist #strongcharacter #handsomemalelead #drama #apocalypse

YourFavVillainess · แฟนตาซี
6 Chs

Chapter 1 - The Chengs

In the 23rd generation, among the seven rich families of City B, it is now the Cheng's turn.

In their family, when it is their turn to offer, they are chosen by birth. This procedure has been followed for years.

The child chosen should fulfill two criterias.

One, he/she should be the least favored among the grandchildren, within one month of birth. Two, he/she should be healthy.

In year 1998, there were three children born out of two households from the Chengs.

Two came from the household of eldest brother, the other came from the younger brother.

The first and second grandchildren were girls. Both from the first household, that of the eldest brother.

The eldest brother was in an arranged marriage with a girl from the Lin. However, when he was younger, at the age 19, he became a father with a woman he casually had sex with. Someone he met at a random bar.

As the first child, he was pampered and spoiled from birth. The led him to live an unruly life. Adding to the fact that he came from the third richest household in the city, he became more brazen with pthe things he does.

His family would be sure to get him out of any trouble he puts himself in, anyway.

Since he was 17, he had been spending his nights at bars with his friends and chicks they got along the way.

The poor child was wrapped in a bundle left in front of their gates one sunny day. A letter was placed inside the basket, along with the child.

Stating that the mother was in fact only a minor and cannot afford to raise a child. Knowing that the man she slept with was from a well-off household, she left the child in their care. She swore not to see the child again in the future and have nothing to do with her from now on. Although it breaks her heart, if it was it takes for her child to get a better life, she was willing to.

Of course the Mother Cheng and Father Cheng were apprehensive, and so they took the child to have a DNA Test, and results shown that the child was really of their own. Their first son was a father at 19.

After the results were out, the hospital staffs involved were forced to sign a confidential statement and things were wrapped up neatly and cleanly.

Of course, they went on search for the woman who could be the mother of the child, in hopes to pay her a sum to keep her mouth shut. This matter would be a great blow to the family's reputation, and it is something they care about, aside from their wealth. It is all for their own interests.

But, they were left baffled when they heard that the woman actually died from bleeding too much as she worked her ass off at a local restaurant.

They later found out that the woman was in fact in a control pill so her menstruation was without a doubt irregular. She did not experience any sign of pregnancy so it was only later when the bump on her stomach started to become protruding that she took note of the weirdness in her body.

She was also a student, along with working, her days were very busy. So she soon forgot about the matter and months later, her water suddenly broke and she gave birth to this child. The whole ordeal was weird and nothing of a common occurance.

She was not an airhead though. After paying the hospital with all her scrapped savings, she turned to look for the man who got her pregnant.

The Cheng's first son was not her first man, but he was the only guy she had slept with in that year. She did not have a boyfriend for the past year, and the only guy she had slept with was that young man 3 months after she broke up with her last boyfriend. It didn't take long for her to figure out to start at the club she worked at.

The night that something happened, she worked at Vildre's Club in the red light street of City B. It just so happened that some guy had dragged her in a room and ravaged her body. She struggled, but it was nothing compared to a man's strength. When she woke up, she was sore all over. But that was not the first thing that crossed her mind, it was panic.

She picked up what little left was of her previous attire. She glanced just once back, by chance, and the face of the man has left quite a spot on her memories. He was one of the most handsome men she has ever seen. Let alone, had close contact with. Her past boyfriends were nothing in comparison to him.

She observed for a week, and finally on one Friday night, the man reappeared in their club. Hands on the shoulders of women who looked better than her. In multiple ways.

Although she doesn't have the right to, she was hurt inside, but something else mattered more. So she set her feelings aside for now, and followed the man as he left the building.

As she figured where the man lived, two days later, she left the child in the front of their gates.

Now, the Chengs were left with a child, with no mother.

No one liked the child. She was left in the hands of a single nanny. Her daily needs fixed in closed doors. She spent her days locked up in a single room.

Sometimes, as the sound of the giggles of the child reverberate across the halls, Mother and Father Cheng would stop what they're doing for a moment.

Countless times, they had considered getting the child lead a better life. But they just can't afford losing face. They can't risk letting the child out and be discovered.