
An excellent surprise.

She woke up in his arms quite relishing the togetherness they shared at the pool. Her body shook with passion as she looked at the love of her life sleeping peacefully and her mind wandered back to when they first met and how they have built this love that they shared. She smiled to herself and thanked the Almighty for revealing him to her. She knows that immediately they met and that first kiss in the car said it all, he became her answered prayer. Each day at the thought of him the joy seems to grow beyond bounds. The peace she enjoys now radiates all over her giving her the strength to even love him the more. She has promised herself that she will do her best to make him happy even if it is her all. This is the first time she is been loved and the experience is beyond her expectation. She feels she is on top of the world and nothing else matters anymore. She is now beginning to see things from a different perspective unlike before when her thoughts seemed not to cooperate with her actions making her lack the necessary confidence and approach to life pursuits.

She discovered that this love is now bringing out some things in her that she never know exists in her. She is ever confident to take on challenges and can stand on her feet and effortlessly make and take decisions with boldness. This love has made her radiate her real essence and is now in the open for she is proud of him and will never be ashamed. It is her life and she has no regrets, those days are now in the past when it looks like the light will never shine on her, those days of tears and her pillow being wet because of tears. Funny enough, her parents never cared to notice how coped always wanting to know if there is anyone in her life. She endured it all and now she is in love and this love is an experience that she wants to see to the end.

As she rummaged in deep thoughts and feelings her phone started ringing interrupting her sweet feelings of love for the only one person she now believes in. He allowed her to go as she picked up her phone to hear her parents singing a happy birthday song to her. She laughed as she listened to them. They finished and her father prayed for her after which her mother prayed. She enjoyed the blessings and prayers but her mind skipped when her father told her that both he and her mother has a little gift for her. He informed her that in the next two hours, Gulfstream will be delivering an Airbus to her. He informed her that it is brand new and that the papers will be delivered to her. Adah screamed in joy and immediately her parents hung up the phone laughing as they did so. Adah turned to Munah to break the news. She ran and jumped on him on the bed as he held her looking at her joyful face.

"They bought a private jet for me..." she gasped with ecstatic joy.

"Congratulations my queen, you are worth it!" Munah said quite happy.

"We will go and receive it later in the day and run a test flight before signing the acceptance documents," Adah explained looking at him.

"I will be taking you out later in the evening," he said holding her tenderly.

"But...I planned to spend the day with you all alone to myself." She said as her plans are disrupted for the day.

"Don't worry I will make it up to you I promise." He said with a smile tickling her as she chuckled heartily.

He prepared breakfast and served the meal. He also made it a point of duty to serve her. She ate happily and was surprised at the amount of food she consumed. He cleared the table and allowed her to check her phone for messages. She discovered that the whole empire is celebrating her with messages. Those she knows and those she seems not to remember anymore, she looked at the media messages all celebrating her and felt loved. As she closed her system, Munah lifted her and took her to the bathroom. He gave her a good hot bath and cleaned her thoroughly before applying her lotion to her skin. He finished and left her to dress and make-up. She said nothing as she watched him leave her presence and went I perform his toiletries, When he came out he saw her almost dressed. She was wearing expensive black denim jeans and a yellow top with the same denim jacket. Her make-up was light and her gold necklace and wrist chain were simple but spot on. Her wristwatch was also pure gold as well as her earrings. She brushed her long strands of hair and fitted them into a golden bandeau before wearing her perfume. Jasmine was her favorite fragrance, the fragrance was mild but refreshing. She turned to look at him as he dressed. He simply wore black Lee jeans with a black collar t-shirt and a pair of black desert boots. Adah smiled at him as his randomness shone into her eyes. She took her phone and a simple handbag. She checked her bag for her essentials and credit cards before announcing her readiness. He held her and commented on how beautiful she looked before they moved out.

Munah opted for the predo v8 as they went in. He started the car and drove out of the gate before he turned right. He knows that the airport is the destination. They had to accept the Airbus from Gulfstream before he will take her to Ocean Blue the venue for the surprise birthday party. He had secretly called Mrs. Randolph who informed him that all was set and a total of eighty people were invited with Lily among. He had convinced her that Adah is not in the know of the party and that they will be a little bit late since Adah wants to go and pick up a gift. Adah had also placed a call to Mr. Cleverson the Head of the transportation unit to come and inspect and fly the plane. Munah himself cannot wait to see a private jet for the first time. He knows that he is dealing with the rich and powerful through his relationship with Adah but Adah herself does not see it that way. Her humility is what he cannot quite place a finger on because not many rich kids from affluent homes are humble. He knows how some of them behave and treat others as lesser humans. He remembered an incident that occurred to him in palm springs. He had accepted taking the son of the boss home only for him to be insulted by the kid who had just turned sixteen. He remembered that he had called the boss and informed him of the boy's attitude before he stopped the car and refused to go any further after all he was only trying to help.

Munah reached the airport in good time and parked the car. They walked to the administrative district to see Mr. Clerverson who smiled at her before approaching them. From his facial expression, he seems very excited.

"The delivery just arrived five minutes ago, I have met with them as well as the airport officials. The jet is quite beautiful and it will be parked where the other three are parked. I have concluded all the arrangements and once again a big congratulations." He said quite excited as he led them to see the Gulfstream officials. They met and Adah signed the necessary documents and warranty papers before they signed other documents with the airport authorities. The Airbus was successfully registered in all capacities and was given the worthiness it deserved. They walked to the tarmac so that Adah may see the aircraft for the first time. She saw it but the press and bloggers swooped on the joyful moment. Their cameras went into a frenzy as Adah inspected the aircraft and together with the pilot, they went in. It was one of the most luxurious things that Munah has ever set his eyes on. They climbed down and Adah gave a five-minute time to the waiting press before they all departed while Mr. Cleverson stayed behind to make the final arrangements. As they entered the car Adah signed in excitement and relaxed fully on her seat.

"Congratulations my queen..." Munah screamed excitedly more than happy for her as she laughed heartily with joy.

"This is one of my happiest moments... This is what I call an air machine" Munah continued.

"Thank you, my love... it's for us." She said and turned to look at him with joy written all over her face. Munah looked at the time and also noticed that Mrs. Randolph has called twice on his phone. With this, he knows that the party has commenced. He started the car and drove out of the busy airport, He turned and caught her gaze on him and they both smiled knowingly as he busied on the road with his plans for her intact in his mind.