
A Time To Be Born

Powerful twin sisters are forced onto opposing sides of a deadlocked secret war that has spanned generations. When superhuman abilities, slippery tactics and clandestine squads of mercenaries can't keep the world from disaster For a being destined to save the world, this is A Time To Be Born

Mr_Tibbs2 · ไซไฟ
7 Chs

Chapter 6 - Miracle Worker

Soft beeps serenaded in contrasting rhythms as the duo moved with matching strides towards the third room on the right.

A hard face topped with a blue head cap poked into the hallway, back out, and back in.

"Dr. Jackson. Patient is currently unconscious and being given an emergency breathing treatment. Mother's heart rate and blood pressure are acutely elevated. Pulse ox ninety one percent. It's been a losing battle to clear the inflammation in her airway," Dr Phillips said. She stomped into the hallway and blockaded their path. Fair skin blossomed red around the edges of her cap. At four foot nine, she stood a foot below Nurse Givens and eighteen inches below St. John. "We sedated her, but somehow she's still on a high-speed train toward cardiac arrest", she said. "On the other hand, the baby is headed for bradycardia.

"So, her heart rate is too high and his heart rate is too low... And we can't do an emergency C section and treat them separately because she probably won't survive general anesthesia." St John said.

"Yes. Also spinal block or local anesthesia are extremely risky and may take too long. We need to get the kid out in under fifteen. Plus, we have no way to get consent... Not to mention the danger of sticking a needle in the spine of someone having unpredictable seizures... but we've got other problems on top of those.


"Almost Ten centimeters dilated, but there is enough inflammation to make delivery difficult. Also, baby appears to be breeched and he's resisting any attempt to turn him." Dr Phillips said. "Heart rate dropped further when we tried to manipulate him and bounced back some every time we stopped. May be wrapped in the cord. It's like the little guy wants to stay in there, but we need to evict him asap."

"Ok. I know you're sixteen hours in, but I need you to be my second pair of eyes. Dr Brown is neo-natal," St John said. "Nurse do we have a cardiac on the way?"

"Yes. Your fishing buddy. Upstairs. Eta five minutes." Eunice said.

"... And anesthesia?"

"Both Klepper and Bosch. Klepper in OR finishing with a bullet removal. Bosch has been following from their lair. He's not optimistic about the mother's chances with general anesthesia," Eunice said. "

"Thanks. Anything else Dr?" St John said.

"Yes. I'm my opinion, the mother's lungs and heart are severely impaired already. It's a wonder she made it this far in the pregnancy. She came in here on oxygen. As a strategy, it doesn't make sense to prioritize the mother as we may sacrifice the baby." Dr Phillips said. "Baby looks to be fully developed and healthy except he's in a hostile environment....

"Thanks." St John said.

"Well, let's get in there and go to work," Nurse Givens' said. She sidestepped Dr Phillips and held the door open with her back. The odor of antiseptic wafted into the hallway as St. John pushed in.