
The Young General Slayer - Part 6

"You belong there as well now, Mary," Skullic growled.

"Hush, you take issue with my wording and see something that isn't there," Mary admonished him. "You're the Lord of House Skullic, you shouldn't be seen down here outside."

"No, I will remain here," Skullic said firmly. "Perhaps if they see a Lord standing down, the others won't feel the need to fight quite so aggressively."

"It does make me blend in a little more," Oliver noted. "They'll assume it's only you standing here from a distance."

"Then hoist your banners, you fool," Skullic said. "If you wish to see the presence of your House grown, then you must make that presence known."

"I thought the very fact that I was here meant that I'd already made my presence known?" Oliver said. "I was keen to avoid this, you know. It was your relentlessness that brought me here."