
The Victorious - Part 3

"Quiet it down, is that what you're saying to me?" Oliver said. It was amusing to hear Verdant put it as such. "Well, this is the most poorly timed lecture possibly in history. I've lost a dear friend, and now is when you choose to poke at old wounds? You're quite the corrupt priest, Verdant."

Verdant seemed to recognize the humour in those words, for even though he stiffened, he soon loosened up again. Oliver wondered just how nervous the man had been to genuinely criticize him.

"Of course, I am in agreement with you," Oliver continued. "I see weakness in myself, as every man does, and no doubt I seek to crush it. You need not be afraid of pointing that weakness out to me. I might be irritated with you at times for doing it, but I think past that irritation I shall always see the usefulness."

"Very well, my Lord," Verdant said, dipping his head to hide his smile. "I shall endeavour to do just that."