
A Time of Tigers - From Peasant to Emperor

Why are the nobles good looking too, isn’t that unfair!? ("Yer just ugly..." "What did you say!?") - An annoyed peasant *** Y'know, I'm beginning to think these Yarmdon raiders and murders are real jerks! - dead villager *** If being special means monsters like being around me, then I don’t want to be special!! - a terrified youth

Nick_Alderson · แฟนตาซี
1334 Chs

The Hammer and the Chain - Part 4

Slowly, with halting actions, she finished the rest of the exam, with her eyes nailed to the floor. Then she stood up, coughed in her hand, and gave her the verdict.

"The bones are all aligned, my lady," she said. "He should have no trouble in a few days, once the muscles heal around them."

"Thank you for those very thorough examinations, Doctor Amelia, and thank you too for scratching my fingers with those talons that you wield," Oliver said, flashing a new cut, and making the room gasp once again. But he was in no mood to deal with such dramas any longer. He was standing up, and he was striding for the door already. "Lady Blackthorn, you've a commitment to see to."

Within the hour, there was a woman giving halting orders, looking more out of place than a woman could want to be.