
Tainted Chalices - Part 7

"I think you've already bungled the proper etiquette, Minister," Volguard said dryly.

"Professor," Oliver said, his face lighting up at the sight of the man. It had been a good while since he had last seen him.

"Greetings, Ser Patrick," Volguard said, dipping his head. "I have come to offer my congratulations for your achievements on campaign. Quite the reward you've been given as well. Writings from the First King – I am quite envious."

"Well, you might be the only one amongst the crowd with that envy," Oliver said. "I think they would have been far more interested if I had been given land, or some sort of monetary reward… Though I suppose they're still worth something."

"Oh, no, you mustn't sell them," Volguard said with uncharacteristic urgentness. "Come now, Ser Patrick. You really mustn't. Have I taught you nothing about the value of books?"