
A Time of Tigers - From Peasant to Emperor

A madness that ought not to have been allowed to be. Years of scheming, corruption, and unpredictability.

Nick_Alderson · แฟนตาซี
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1492 Chs

Readying for Battle - Part 6

He felt that he had the pieces in front of him, that was the most frustrating part. He felt as if his battlefield strength still did not match where he ought to have been, given all that he'd discovered. As strong as he was, he still felt the burning dissatisfaction. That mismatch between his reality, and the sense for progress that he had built up.

"I'm driving myself mad," Oliver said, smiling self-deprecatingly as he spoke his thoughts aloud. Even Claudia and Ingolsol had both gone silent, so self-centred had Oliver's conversation become, that even their words could not reach him.