
A Thunderstorm's Rainbow

Happiness is a luxury. Eloise’s life is like an arrow traveling in an endless straight direction with no target ahead.  However, she wanted to change how the arrow goes. One day, she went to a university hoping she could find and meet many people who became friends-except with him. Eloise met a man named Killian Kane Gauthier, a rumored psychopath at the whole university. She and he get along well, despite the rumors. In her eyes, Killian is just a soft boy who gets bullied because of his softness towards people. Eloise never prepared herself for a feeling that would bombard her heart out of nowhere, a feeling so peculiar that she herself does not know what it is. Meeting him makes her feel and experience things she wants to feel forever. But she discovered that her feelings and happiness were more expensive than what she had. As they said... HAPPINESS IS A LUXURY and EVERYTHING HAS IT’S PRICE TO PAY

Miss_Asriya · วัยรุ่น
13 Chs


After that scene in the comfort room, Kleir and I returned to the classroom for our class in second period subject. I was listening to what the professor was saying in front when I felt a tingling sensation on my left side—it felt like someone was staring.

I looked at Killian, who I caught staring at me stupidly, looking like he wanted to tell me something. I raised my eyebrows and tilted my head to the side, showing "what?". He blinked a couple of times, looking embarrassed, probably because I caught him looking at me. He quickly averted his gaze back to his notes. I remained looking at him for seconds before looking away.

What is wrong with him?

The subject periods passed, and it's already lunchtime. I'm sitting at my chair not knowing what to do. I'm not hungry either. I just don't want to go to the cafeteria. Just like earlier, I didn't get to go down for recess. I am not in the mood. My head and eyelids feel heavy. I was crouching at my table when, out of the blue, someone spoke in a whispering voice, or more like a faint one.

"... Loise..." a very faint voice called out.

I instantly raised my head and looked sharply at the one who called. My heart felt like crap, but I was relieved at the same time after finding out it was just Killian Kane.

"What did you just say?" I asked calmly, but remained, my eyebrows frowning a little.

"Huh? I was just c-calling you, E-Eloise, right? " He said, stuttering, shy.

I heaved a sigh. I shut my eyes tightly.

'It's not what you think.'

I keep on repeating it in my mind.

I sat more properly from crouching, then opened my eyes and looked at the person who was looking at me anxiously.

"Yes?" I answered.

"About the research-" He was cut off by a loud voice coming from nowhere.

"Eloiseeee Come! Agatha and the others called out for lunch at the cafe—just the one in front of the school! It's Cypher's treat! Let's go! " Kleir said while rushing in my direction, jumping and smiling widely and excitedly. She stopped at my right side, then looked at me and Killian alternately. Her face slowly turned from excited to embarrassed.

"Oh... I'm sorry..." she slowly said, looking apologetic. She must've realized that she had interrupted something.

"I don't feel like going out for lunch. Please tell them I can't. " I said tiredly.

"Why? Are you okay? Is something wrong? " She asked worriedly, and was about to touch my forehead when I dodged her head.

"I'm fine. It's just that I'm not in the mood today. Sorry." I said with a gentle smile, then returned my attention to Killian, who was on my left side.

"What about it?" I asked.

"Uhh...I wonder if you would like to join me later at the library...to scan some books and pages regarding the study I picked for our research. " He said shyly.

I squinted my eyes.

Seriously? Does this look like some kind of psycho to them? It's more like a puppy to me. Stupids.

"Okay. When?" I asked.

"Later at dismissal." He said.

I just nodded, staring straight at his deep, gentle ocean eyes in approval. He smiled awkwardly and nodded back, then stood up, leaving with his bag and books.

I might be ignoring things these past few days, but there is one thing I noticed about this Killian boy, and that is that he leaves the room first in a hurry every recess and lunchtime. I can't see him at the cafeteria either, nor the common places like benches in the quadrangle and corridors.

Where is he going?

"What? You're meeting him this dismissal? Alone? " Somebody blurted that out of nowhere.

It startled me. I wasn't expecting Kleir to be still on my side. I thought she had already left earlier after I told her the reason for not being able to go with them for lunch.

"You're still there?"

"Obviously Yes~ Hey! Don't dodge the question! So?Are you going to meet him? Alone? This dismissal? " She asked while her hands were on her waist.

What's happening to me? How could I not know that there was a person next to me? I shouldn't be like this.

My senses are so sharp that I can sense a presence even a hundred meters away from me and even a sense of smell, hearing, instinct and presence. I am trained for this, and yet here I am, startled by Kleir's presence? Ridiculous. Tss.

'Maybe it is because I'm currently not feeling well, caused by the rain shower this morning, plus I haven't slept well for an entire week.' I heaved a sigh of tiredness and frustration.

I composed myself, then looked at Kleir and answered.

"Yes, he told me we would scan some books at the library for our research," I told her.

"Should I accompany you?" she asked, worry on her face.

"Why? There's no need, it's only for our by-pair project. "

"But- you know that he is..." she said, lowering her voice and hanging her words at the end.

"It's just a rumor, Kleir, and rumors are just gossip." I said to her.

"What if it's rue? He is going to hurt you, Eloise! It's dangerous! That's why at least let me accompany you, please. " She said, looking like she was going to cry any moment.

I stood up from my seat and held her shoulders, making her steady straight to face me. Kleir is a little shorter than me in height, so it's easy for me to hold her like a mother talking to her daughter.

I promise you, I can handle myself if that ever happens. And also, what if we stay late? Your personal driver can't wait that long, Kleir. I'm going to be fine, I promise." I said, smiling as a reassurance.

Shoulders slumped down and lips pouting, she looked at me, looking defeated and sad.

'Another puppy'

"Okay...but please text me. I'm really worried about you. "

"Don't worry, I will." I smiled at her.

"Okay!" She's cheerful again, typical Kleir. She bid me goodbye and stormed out of the classroom happily. Maybe she will join her friends for lunch.

I sat down again, my head and eyes heavy, and crouched down to the table, attempting to sleep.Our lunch break is about an hour, I can still take a quick nap.

But instead of napping, I ended up thinking about things...again.

This is the first time someone has cared for me that way. I don't know how to react or feel. It's just, all my life I never had someone talk to me in that tone... or memories to reminisce..

But right now, having a person who will worry about your safety and everything is kind of great. I cannot identify the feeling within me, but-

'It's nice...'

I slightly smiled, overwhelmed.

The time has passed, and it's already 5 pm, the time for dismissal. There are still a few classmates inside the room, a group of friends who are still chatting, a couple that's cuddling, and some students are still asleep.

I was getting ready, putting my things back in my bag pack when Kleir came to me.

"Eloise, I'm gonna go..." she paused, then looked at my back. While I was still looking up at her from sitting.

"... text me later, okay?" She looked at me again, then continued.

"Hmm," she smiled. I returned the gesture too. She made her goodbyes, then walked away.

I finished packing my things up, then turned my attention to Killian, who was still sitting. He must've noticed that I was looking at him. He slowly put down the book and looked at me too... with raised eyebrows, looking confused.

"At the library, right?" I asked.

I'm a little amused. I don't know why.

'Why is he looking at me like that? He is the one who said we'd go to the library together earlier. '

"Ah! Yes! Sorry! " He said, kind of embarrassed. Maybe he has forgotten about it.

I'm just staring at him, waiting for him to finish packing up his books and stuff. I was just thinking twice if we should go together or not.

"Uhm? E-Eloise...you can go ahead to the library... I forgot something somewhere. It's the book where I got our research idea from. " He said shyly. I just nodded, then walked out of the classroom.

Why is he stuttering anyway? I'm not going to eat him.

I walked my way to the library. In a minute, I am now in front of two enormous wooden double doors. I pushed them open and entered. The gigantic bookshelves welcomed me, and the smell of books ambushed my sense of smell. It is not warm yet not cold; it is more like a cozy place, perfect for reading. It almost looks like a medieval-style library but simpler.

Wooden tiles, wooden tables and chairs that are finished off with varnish. The same goes for the gigantic book shelves.

Wandering my sight around, my feet brought me to one of the rectangular wooden tables at the very back part of the library where there are not many students. I sat down and crouched at the table. My head feels heavy. I haven't had the appetite to eat since this morning. I felt my eyes getting heavier, so I dozed off to sleep, not noticing.

It alarmed me when I felt a presence behind me. Sharpening all my senses, I swiftly grabbed and pinned the person behind me, holding its arms behind its back and face smashing down on the table that caused a loud thud noise. The students nearby, who were silently reading a minute ago, have now turned their attention in our direction.

"Ah! A-aaa! Stop! Please, it hurts! Please! " The man I'm pinning down pleads in a loud whisper.

I immediately stopped putting force against the person below me.