
A Thousand Worlds with You.

An incorporeal system guide tries to find a host and finds our ML. As they both wander through the multiverse getting stronger and smarter they find out more about why they are both here. If you don't like it, don't read, or at least don't complain about it, nobody cares. If you do read, and you don't like, don't keep reading. If you don't read, don't rate, it's rude. If you do read, please rate/comment and tell me what I can improve upon and what is already good. And finally, If you have any suggestions for what to do next, that is a thing you can do. I have a few stops upon the way planned for certain, but everything else is just going to be on the spot so suggestions will be taken into account.

DaoistTree · LGBT+
1 Chs

The Beginning(I know, it's cliche but I don't care)

Another day goes by with nothing around to see. I mean, since there is no sun or light source at all, there isn't really and day/night cycle to speak of, but I am guessing it has been a few days. The only thing for me to do was to read the system manually, according to the manual, I have godlike abilities, but all of them seem to just be mainly about another person, I can make a perfect replica of any item in the multiverse, I can instantly transfer knowledge I don't know myself, and I can transfer through universes with a snap of my non-existent fingers.

But all of those are reliant upon a host, I can buy anything from the store, including knowledge and skills, I can transport them to new universes at any point after they complete their missions or when they die, and I can talk to them. The worst thing about it is that once I attach myself to a host, the only way for me to become free from them is if they break the rules and their soul is destroyed, or if they decide to return to the dimension from which they came with what they earned from the system.

The only benefit to myself is that whenever the host earns points, I earn 10% of what they earn, and can use it to upgrade myself and shop, so while it does seem a little unfair, I still get something out of it, and once I have had a few hosts, I might be able to upgrade myself a bit and maybe buy myself a nice vacation life in a nice peaceful universe out their. However, I can't do any of that without a host, and with nothing out there, I doubt that I will see any for a while so I look through my book a bit more.

A few months later when I near the end of the manual I noticed that there was an option in my settings that would allow me to actually except hosts. After much contemplation, I decided that now isn't any worse than some other time and decided to change the setting to accepting hosts. Almost instantly I felt my soul being tugged and I was carried away through the void at insane speeds. Eventually, I saw myself accelerating towards a small dot in the void, and as it got bigger I kept accelerating, when I eventually hit it, I found out that it was actually a human soul, so I quickly gathered together what I got from the manual and introduced myself.

"Welcome to the void, the dimension from which all dimensions are connected" I started sounding almost mechanical, "As you have died without any God, Demon, or other lords having claim to your soul, you have entered the void and have an opportunity, you can either travel through the universes and assist the beings ruling over them for grand rewards, or you can have your soul erased and reincarnated into a random world, and it would be like this never happened" Near the end I started sounding more like a guide than a guidebook.

"Is it possible to free my own soul from the cycle and become free without having it become erased"

"Yes, if you gain lordship, then you will be able to survive without all of the negatives, however, as far as I know, it, only 8 void walkers have ever been able to become lords, even with an infinite amount of lords out there, it is immensely hard to become a lord of one of them, although, with enough points, you can get items or assistance to help you"

"One last question, are you just here to tell me this "

"Then it's not much of a choice is it, without my memories I'm not me, so I might as well stay me for as long as possible"

"True, so your first world will be automatically given by a lord as a test of sorts, they generally give slightly better rewards then worlds of that scale, but generally also have some quite difficult missions, however, as long as you can get a few points, they aren't too difficult to at least pass"

"Got it, once we are in can you give me any information"

"Only what's related to the missions"

"Got it, no need to drag it on, let's start"

As soon as he said that I entered us into a world, curious as to what it would look like, after all, I have never seen anything except my host before this point. However, the first thing I was greeted with when I entered the world was a message from the lord.

{As an aspiring Void Wanderer, I have decided to set you up with my beautiful creation, unlike some worlds I actually made some plans for what should occur, however SOMEONE came and messed them up, as it is too late for me to interfere with the world a large amount by myself now that it is already made, you will have the job of implementing my 2nd plan, in this world (almost) everyone has abilities called quarks, and some are incredibly powerful, I made a villain who wants to control everything, and a lineage of heroes to stop him, who's next user shall be named Deku. However the next hero, named Deku had their quark stolen before they were born, and are now stuck with only the inherited quark that will be given to them later. Your job is to either help Deku become stronger, or to weaken his rival, so that the scales don't tip, I did what I could to give you an identity in this world, you shall live in a house and have groceries delivered when needed, but as you don't actually have parents you'll have to actually DO everything, good luck, and don't disappoint me}

After reading it I sent it to my host and started looking around me, after looking at it for a moment, I started feeling a little nauseous and had to stop looking, all the colors are making me nauseous, after spending my whole life in the void I am not used to seeing anything else and it's giving me a splitting headache just to look at everything. I quickly slip back into the system to avoid having to see everything. After he finishes reading the message I asked him a question, "So… do you think we can do it?"

"I think so, I'm guessing the lords aren't kind enough to give a starter kit?" I can tell he's trying to make a joke, but I answer honestly.

"It's not much but they do give you something" I open up my menu to access his gifts and find not only his starter pack but a small gift left by the lord of this realm there as well with a little note on it. {As your not from this world you won't naturally get a quark, so I put this here, when you open it you'll go through the same lottery the first generation of quark users went through} I deleted the note and turned both of the gifts over to my host.

{Congratulations host for becoming a Void Wanderer, as a gift to start off, take the following - 150 pts, death ticket(no penalty for failing a world - one use remaining), & Void Wanderer(title)}

{Congratulations host for gaining a chance at the quark lottery you have obtained a dice of fate(quark edition - 15% quarkless - 45% non-combat - 25% combat - 15% top tier)}

Afterward, I had to spend about half an hour trying to explain how to access the system menu's, I don't really see the confusion, but I was designed for this and am practically part of it, while this is his first time, eventually he is able to access his items menu and use the die.

{rolling the die2 … congratulations you got an 18 generating a Top Tier Combat Quark - Energy Matrix(Emitter Quark)}

Energy Matrix(Emitter Quark): Drains energy from oneself to create energy objects that can be moved with the user's mind, and the energy can be condensed multiple times to create stronger more durable items. These objects can be reabsorbed into the user to gain energy upon contact, however, they do require concentration in order to not explode.

Cost: Depends on condensation(1 stamina for 1 cm3 White Object; 10 stamina for 1cm3 Silver Object; 100 stamina for 1cm3 Grey Object; 1,000 stamina for 1cm3 Charcoal Object; 10,000 stamina for 1cm3 Black object)

Tier: 1(multiple methods of evolving)

Next Tier: Depends

After reading through the description I can say that as long as my host isn't an idiot, I shouldn't have to find a new one for at least a little while. Noting that, I remembered an important question I forgot to ask. "Not trying to be rude, but if I am going to continue to talk to you, it might be helpful for me to know your name"

"My name is Amare Vita, since your asking, do you have a name?"

"Nope, would you like to give me a name?"

"How about Lux Solis1"

"Well, I have never named anyone before, so I'll trust you on this one"

Saying that I started slowly take in the surroundings from within my safe haven, it looked … well, it looked like a room. The walls were painted, the floor was nice, and if it was decorated it would be a nice room, but as I looked around more and more of the house I found what the lord said to be true. We have a house, and a bag of groceries, there isn't really anything else inside, either the lord is extremely lazy, or they really are extremely limited in their powers. Well, I guess we'll just have to see how it works out3.

Authors Note:

Free Cookies to whoever translates the name without a translator, I am terrible at coming up with names so I just use a translator and use Klingon or Latin, I really hope I never have to name an actual child because someone with the name of Dominus would get destroyed by bullies.

Note that I do actually roll the dice, so it's not like he'll win every time he has a chance based thing, but the protagonist(both the MC & ML are protagonists) aura does have to come in at some point(or it's going to turn out more like my D&D sessions then a novel), so I roll it twice and give him the higher number, I was actually really surprised, this time he got 17 and 18, if I rolled that well while playing D&D I wouldn't be the DM all the time.

Just like you!!! Cause I spent 1-week writing and correcting this chapter, so if I see a single "Umm actually, " in the comments I will scream(although polite comments are accepted), English is my native language but honestly, I think English is extremely annoying so … yea, I'll try to make chapters faster, but we'll have to see how fast I pump these out, I spend about 2 hours a day researching and correcting it, so about 14 hours goes into a chapter, expect 1-3 every 2 weeks, depends how bored I am.