
A Thousand Reincarnations : Overcome My Destiny

Hi, I'm Revlo, the main character, the title speaks for itself, an isekai story. Somehow I died by getting hit by truck-kun when I was walking home from school and got reincarnated into a world of magic and swords. Elves, fairies, and goblins roam this world that resembles that of the middle ages. Don't tell me I'm gonna be one of those isekai protagonists where I get cheats and become op?... Wait, where is my cheat? I don't get a system? or any talent in magic? Well that's okay, I have the knowledge that I got on modern-day Earth, I'll use this to get any advantage that I can.... and I died at the age of 15, seriously? before my legend even began, I died just like that? Wait! I got reincarnated again! This time I'm in a cyberpunk world... I still don't have cheats and my knowledge is useless in a cyberpunk world... frick... well I got a second chance, I won't waste it, I don't know how I died in my previous life but I'm gonna make the most out of this....15 years later... I died again... The third time, I'm in a cultivation world, I died at 15 years old again... The fourth time, I'm in a futuristic world, I died at 15 years old again... The 5th, 6th, 7th, 18th, 23rd, 55th, 68th, 132nd, 300th, 419th, 600th, 665th, 999th life... I kept dying and reincarnating and no matter what I do to prevent it, I kept dying the moment I turn 15 years old! Until I reached my 1000th life..... the moment I was born... within in the depths of my soul.. something felt different. =Update Schedule= Mon-Tue-Fri-Sat-Sun [2000+ words per chapter] Disclaimer: This is my first time writing an original story so be warned that there will be plenty of infodumps in the first dozen chapters because I didn't take this story seriously at that time, if I somehow finish this story, I will rewrite those chapters so it could become more reader-friendly.

DrDedot · แฟนตาซี
60 Chs

An Angry Adventurer

"No thanks, I'm good"

A candid reply.

This response earned a frown on Carla's face while the rest sighed.

There was no helping it, they had a feeling that Revlo was going to reject their recruitment offers but still tried anyway, hoping for that minuscule chance to get a talented recruit like Revlo to join them.

"That's a shame"

"There is no helping it"

"If you change your mind, you can come to us anytime" Golg said then turned around and walked away.

The rest dispersed after saying some words and they discussed on how to split the rewards.

Carla walked away as well, leaving Revlo all by himself with Browny.

After some rest, Revlo stood up, rode on top of Browny, and returned to the town.

Even though a new set of guards were now assigned at the gate entrance, they immediately recognized Revlo due to the town lord's instructions and let him in without going through the lousy security check.

On the way, Revlo spotted a red-haired young man, he was the person that Revlo identified as someone of the demon race, they looked at each other for a second before entering the guild headquarters together.

The moment they stepped foot at the entrance, there were already plenty of people staring at them with interested and inquisitive gazes, some of them witnessed their performance on the big holographic screen earlier and stood out from the rest.

'He is trying so hard to hide it but I can sense hostility coming from his gaze'

Revlo thought.

'It seems like it is not directed towards me but at the Mason Clan, this fella has a grudge against the Mason Clan?'

When Revlo first saw him, the red-haired youth didn't direct this type of emotion toward him before but after learning that he was someone from the Mason Clan, he could feel a faint venomous gaze directed at him.

'This is getting troublesome'

Revlo recalled that this guy had a first-class master ranked partner with him, if they suddenly attack him due to their grudge then Revlo knew he was not going to walk out unscathed.

'Maybe I should tell the guildmaster about it' Revlo thought.

He was not planning on revealing their identities because he didn't feel any malicious intentions coming from them but now...

'There is no guarantee that they won't attack me even if Browny is on my side'

It all changed when it involved his safety, he was confident about making it out alive even if they attacked him but it would be better to have some insurance just in case.

"Congratulations, Revlo and Jack, you did well on the qualification test, your guild cards are now being crafted at this moment"

A receptionist cheerily said.

They then heard heavy footsteps coming their way, they turned their heads and saw the guildmaster wearing a cheeky smile.

"Congratulations, you two passed with flying colors, Revlo Mason, with your outstanding performance, the board had already concluded that your skills are already fit to become a bronze-tier adventurer, it would be a waste to award you with a rank of stone-tier"

The guildmaster then put his hands in his pocket and brought out a bronze rectangular badge with the adventurer guild's logo on it.

"This is for you, in the event that you lose possession of this item, then you'll have to pay a hefty fine, these things are not cheap you know?"

He then gave the badge to Revlo while the latter didn't even look at it and put it in his pocket.

The guildmaster twitched his eyes at Revlo's indifferent reaction and said in his thoughts.

'At least, be a little bit surprised'

He coughed loudly to calm his emotions.

"Jack Wallerstone, you did a good job as well, you are also awarded a bronze-tier badge, congratulation on becoming a bronze-tier adventurer"

He also handed a badge that looks similar to Revlo's.

Jack also received it without making a fuss and put it in his pocket as well.

"Seriously? It is very rare for people to start out by skipping the rank of stone-tier and these are your reactions? Show some excitement will you" the guildmaster said in a displeased tone.

Revlo shrugged his shoulders, a non-verbal gesture that says 'can't help it.

The red-haired demon, Jack opened his mouth.

"This is something expected of me, why would I be excited about something so trivial?" he said in an arrogant tone.

The surrounding people who heard this frowned at his words and shot Jack an angry glare, the ones that glared at him were people who were only stone-tier adventurers and those who worked hard to reach bronze-tier.

Sure, bronze-tier is a fairly low rank considering the wide scope of things, it is the second-lowest rank after all, but the crowd could not help but get angry at Jack's words.

It was like hearing that one smart kid in class complaining that they only got a 99% in their test scores while you only got a low score.

The guildmaster frowned at Jack's words as well, looking at the young man in front of him and considering the strength he displayed in the test, he had the right to be arrogant.

But the guildmaster could not help but be displeased at his words like he just spat on the adventurer guild's pride by disdaining the bronze-tier badge by calling it 'trivial'.

One muscular-looking adventurer approached Jack while emitting bloodlust as if to threaten the latter.

He was a bronze-tier adventurer like them and hearing how Jack treated his bronze-tier badge like it was some random garbage, he couldn't help but want to teach Jack a lesson.

Teaching newcomers a lesson was a common tradition in the adventurer's guild so the guildmaster wouldn't interfere as long as things don't go too far.

"Hey brat, those are some bold words you just said there" he said, he was a monkey person of the beastmen race but he towered over Jack as his height was over 2 meters, he was a head taller than him as he looked down on Jack with contempt.

However, Jack was not intimidated at all, he wore a bored expression on his face while his eyes weren't even focused on the muscular adventurer in front of him.

The monkey person was also displeased with Revlo at how he treated the bronze-tier badge like it was nothing but since he knew that the latter was from the Mason Clan, he wasn't retarded enough to pick a fight with him.

"It's Max the Crusher, a bronze-tier adventurer who is known for his short temper, looks like he has his sights on the new guy"

"Oh man, looks like a fight is about to happen"

"Hah, serves him right, his arrogance just got him targeted by Max"

"He did a little bit better at the qualification test than others, but so what? that kid needs to be taught a good lesson, the guild handing him a bronze-tier badge got into his head"

"The new guy is not a pushover either, I've seen him during the qualification test, he was an absolute beast"

"Who do you think is going to win?"

"What are you talking about? Max is a first-class intermediate ranked champion while the new guy is only a third-class, Max is going to destroy him"

"Did you not see him in action? The new guy, Jack, took down a venomous anaconda without breaking a sweat in his adventurer's qualification test"

"But can't Max do the same thing? Plus he has his experience, the new guy looks young so he shouldn't be as experienced as Max"

The crowd had gone into a commotion seeing the event played out, making various speculations about how things will go down.

"What a lousy bunch, they are making a big deal about something so small" Jack said while tilting his head a bit to look at the surrounding crowd.

"Are you not aware of the situation you are in, punk?" The muscular adventurer said as his face contorted in anger.

Only then did Jack look at the man but he yawned as if he was bored, he had to look up due to their height difference but the adventurer suddenly felt like the young man was looking down on him instead.

"Did you say something?" Jack said in a casual tone, he treated the man's threat as if it was frivolous.

"Are you looking down on me?"

Max clenched his fists tightly as veins bulged out of his forehead, he didn't like how some kid who is wet behind the ears was looking down on him.

Jack grinned at the man's angry expression and said.

"What? You wanna fight?"

The monkey man breathe slowly and steadily, he was trying to calm his anger, there was no benefit in getting agitated here, he was an adventurer that faced plenty of hardships himself so stabilizing his emotions was not something difficult for him.

"Looks like you want me to redecorate your pretty face with wounds and bruises, you know what, I heard you are one tough guy so let's test that out shall we?"

Max said as he popped his knuckles and made a threatening gesture.

Suddenly, the atmosphere had turned cold and a terrifying amount of pressure covered the surroundings.

"Kwuk" Max kneeled on the ground due to the magical pressure exerted on him as his palms touched the ground.

"Tch" Jack also kneeled as well, surprisingly this heavy pressure didn't come from the both of them, the crowd also felt this heavy pressure, it suddenly felt like the gravity around them got heavier, breathing got much harder and the majority of the people here had trouble standing up.

The only people who were completely unfazed were Revlo, Browny, and the super first-class expert ranks that are present here.

Even then, the expert ranks themselves still felt a little bit of pressure on them as they had difficulty raising their legs to walk.

Everyone turned their heads to look at where this intense pressure came from.

"The guildmaster" they all said in unison.

The guildmaster eyes were locked on Jack and Max like a hawk, he then shifted his gaze to glance at Revlo and was inwardly stunned at how nonchalant the latter's expression remained despite releasing his aura.

'How is he not affected?'

The guildmaster thought, he could sense a thin transparent barrier surrounding Revlo's figure, it was difficult to see with the naked eye but the guildmaster could vaguely sense it.

He put those thoughts out of his mind for later as he continued to glare daggers at the two who were causing trouble.

"Hey you punks, if you wanna fight, take it outside"

The guildmaster said.

He slowly retracted his aura and the pressure that pressed everyone down subsided almost instantaneously.

The two got up on their feet, both of them were sweating, the aura of a master rank exerting on them was no joke, even Jack, who was hiding his true strength was still oppressed by it.

'He may be weaker than sis but the guildmaster is still someone not be messed around' Jack thought.

Revlo put his fingers on his chin as he alternated his gaze between the guildmaster and Jack.

'This Jack guy is a good actor, even though the pressure that the guildmaster exerted is nothing to be joked about, it still wouldn't be enough to make him kneel and sweat that much.'

Revlo thought.

'This is also a good opportunity to see magic performed by someone of the demon race in this world'

Revlo said in his mind as he stared at a large clock, it was already noon, he didn't forget that it would be this time that he would have to meet up with the town lord but he figured he should stay and watch the fight between Jack and Max.

The two walked somewhere while a small crowd followed behind them, they arrived at the facility where Revlo and others had to take their adventurer test.

It was spacious enough for two to fight without reservations, this was the Turron Town's arena where duels and various events occur, there was also a thick-looking barrier that protected the spectators from harm.

Revlo looked up and saw a bunch of large holographic screens that broadcasted the actions of the other test-takers.

'Broadcasting magic, there is no one here strong enough to personally cast such advanced magic, it must be due to that magic necklace that those staff members wore on their necks'

Revlo thought.

Revlo suddenly felt someone tapping his shoulders so he turned his head around and saw Meona smiling at him while posing with a stone-tier badge in her hands.

"Look, look, I passed, hehehe" Meona said and giggled.

"Oh, congratulations" Revlo said.

"Hmph, what is with that flat reply? I know that you got a bronze-tier badge, I should be the one that should congratulate you, you have to be the youngest bronze-tier adventurer that I know, you make it look so easy"

Meona said.

She moved her gaze around and spotted 2 people in a square-off, her eyes gleamed with curiosity.

"By the way, why are those two fighting? I remember that guy had gone through with the test just like us"

She said while pointing at Jack and Max who were standing across from each other.

"Just some hothead picking a fight, you know how adventurers are or people in general" Revlo said.

"So who do you think is going to win? I think Max is going to win, he may have a reputation at crushing newbies but his skills are undeniable" Meona asked.

"The red-haired guy is going to win" Revlo replied without looking back at her.

"Oh really? May I know the reason why?"

Meona said with a puzzled expression.

"Just watch"

Revlo did not explain further as he stared at the two combatants with an indifferent expression.