
A Tale on the Moon

On the Moon, the supreme goddess and god appeared. But suddenly, an obstruction occurred and they fell into reincarnation. They were to experience seven hardships. if the first didn't lead to another hardship, it would be successful and they wouldn't have to go through the remaining six hardships but, it did. Now, they have been through six hardships and are now presently in the seventh. Unfortunately, this hardship experience (or seventh life) is the hardest ever. They are separated in two different worlds. In her world, the powerful devil king falls for her. Not understanding her feelings, she agrees to marry him. But what will happen when on the wedding day, a war broke out between the heavens and the devil and demon realms and she accidentally kills the devil king. She then after being poisoned, appears in the supreme god's world. But then, the past has come to haunt the present. What will happen next? Join me as we journey through the love tales of Mei Xing and Yan Yuan

Vieled_tricky · อื่นๆ
11 Chs

The devil king has regained consciousness

Snowdrop walked into the room moments later, "it's time I give you your medicine", she said and noticed and empty bed. "Where is he? Did he disappear?" she asked herself. Suddenly, a hand gripped her neck and started throttling her. "Huuuh" she struggled to breathe and held the culprit's hand. The wine she held shattered to pieces. "Who are you?" he asked. She couldn't respond and so, he let her go. She fell on the ground and started coughing. "You..... you're....." she coughed harder. "Who are you?" the devil king asked again. "Snowdrop. Fairy Snowdrop. You?" Snowdrop asked still coughing. She felt she almost lost her life.

"I'm the devil king", he said. Snowdrop's coughing ceased immediately. She thought he was lying. "Devil..... devil king?"she asked as she shifted backwards in slight fear. "You....." he wanted to say when he coughed out blood. This was really strange to him as he never fell sick and had high resistance to poison. Snowdrop who was surprised stood up and put an arm round his shoulder and helped him sit. "Are .....are you okay?" she asked. He looked at her and , "why did you help me?" "Because you were in a bad condition and master always says to help those in need".

"What did you do to me?" he asked with an angry voice. "Don't get mad. You were lying unconscious when I found you too days ago. I gave you medicine and changed your clothes", Snowdrop said with a reassuring smile, "you'll be fine in no time". She definitely didn't believe he was the devil king. He was too handsome to be him she had considered. She had just decided to play along so that he would get better. "I can see that. Who told you to wear me white. I hate the color white. I only wear black", he said. "Oh, is that the problem? Don't worry, I've washed your clothes that was dirty. I'll go get them". "What are you waiting for?" he said commandingly. "Before I go, you have to take your medicine". "Medicine?" "Hmm". He took the medicine

"I don't know why I feel my powers and cultivation has been tampered with. Is it because of the medicine?"

"That's not possible. When I found you, I saw your cultivation weaken so, I transferred 2,000 years cultivation to you". The devil king stood and looked at her in surprise.


Snowdrop was startled by his voice. He gripped her arm.

"Don't you know I'm from the devil realm? How could you transfer fairy's cultivation to me? I see why I got hurt", he said.

"Calm down. Don't kill me, please. I was only trying to save your life. I'm still too young to die", Snowdrop said. He released her and turned away.

"What a bad-tempered guy", she said. He turned to her and she straightened up. He pointed his hand towards her transferring back her 2,000 years of cultivation. After he was done, Snowdrop decided to ask some few questions.

"Why were you in the forest?"

"I must have reincarnated there", he said to himself but Snowdrop heard.

"Reincarnated? Anyways, why don't you read alongside with me".

She went to her reading table and continued reading. He walked up to her and stood opposite her. "Won't you sit?" she gestured tapping the floor. He sat down.

"So, I'm reading about the great war. It's a pity that the supreme goddess died. That evil god was heartless", she said shaking her head in a pitiful manner.

"The supreme goddess died?" the devil king asked. He was suddenly interested.

"Hmm. The little girl. He stabbed her and the goddesses of happiness, love and beauty sacrificed their lives to kill him. They wanted to seal the supreme goddess but somehow she disappeared", Snowdrop explained.

,"She disappeared? So is her spirit is still in any of the realms or is she experiencing reincarnation in the mortal realm?" he asked.

Snowdrop shook her head in negative. "No, her spirit must have been destroyed", she said

"I see"

"The memorial of her death is going to be holding soon. It would make it 105,000 years that she died and also 105,000 years that the devil king died"

"105,000 years?"

"Hmm. While we mourn her death, the devil and demon realms mourn the devil king", she sighed.