

Two she wolf twin sisters at war with each other since when they were in their mother's womb, one destined to rule over the other and mate with the most powerful Alpha in all werewolf packs, a union that will forever change the course of the all werewolves packs in the world, but when the Alpha accidentally imprints on the wrong twin, the other twin sort revenge and aligned herself with the werewolves mortal enemy leading to a war so deep in blood and threaten the lives of every werewolves that will drive them to almost extinction.

Benjamin_light_jr · แฟนตาซี
30 Chs


The Fitzgerald family, they are a low class family within the pack and like all family in the same class strive to move up the hierarchy, George was a great fighter, among the top fighters in the pack but he had no influence of power within the pack and was just a mere foot solider for the pack when they had to fight either the cult or a rival pack, he married samantha, another werewolf from a low income family, together they got pregnant and had been getting their check up on the only secret clinic meant for werewolves of the pack in town which the humans in the town knew not, the clinic was ran by the oracle, an old werewolf who has the power to communicate with werewolf of their ancestors and had several other powers.

George and Samantha Fitzgerald showered gifts on their daughter, Victoria, with a blind love born of the Oracle's prophecy. From the moment she entered the world, they showered her with affection and adoration, believing her to be the golden child destined for greatness.

Their small savings were spent on Victoria, her every whim indulged and her every desire fulfilled. They adorned her with the finest clothes and toys, lavishing her with love and attention at every turn. But as Victoria thrived under their care, her younger sister, Vera, faded into the background, her presence overshadowed by Victoria's radiance.

From an early age, Victoria exhibited a strong-willed nature, her confidence bordering on arrogance as she asserted her dominance over her younger sister. She taunted Vera mercilessly, belittling her at every opportunity and asserting her superiority with disdainful ease. And to George and Samantha's dismay, they found themselves encouraging Victoria's behavior, believing that her success would elevate their own status within the pack's hierarchy.

As Victoria's physical strength and werewolf powers began to manifest at a remarkably young age, she quickly gained a reputation as a prodigy within the pack. Her prowess in combat surpassed that of her peers, her agility and speed unmatched by any other child her age. And with each victory, her confidence only grew, her belief in her own superiority absolute.

Meanwhile, Vera struggled to find her place in the shadow of her sister's brilliance. Unlike Victoria, she had yet to manifest any werewolf powers, her transformation into her lupine form remaining elusive despite her best efforts. And as Victoria's taunts grew more vicious, Vera retreated further into herself, her once bright spirit dimmed by the weight of her sister's scorn.

Insecure and timid, Vera lived in constant fear of her sister's wrath, her every action dictated by the desire to avoid Victoria's scorn. She became a shadow of her former self, her once vibrant personality eclipsed by the darkness of her sister's dominance.

But despite the stark contrast between the sisters, George and Samantha remained blind to the damage their favoritism had wrought. In their eyes, Victoria was the key to their future success, her talents and abilities seen as a means to an end. And as they continued to pour all their hopes and dreams into Victoria, Vera remained forgotten and overlooked, her struggles dismissed as inconsequential in comparison to her sister's achievements.

As the years passed and Victoria's power continued to grow, the divide between the sisters deepened, their relationship strained by years of resentment and bitterness.

Like when the Killmoon Pack gathered for one of its most anticipated events of the year: the Young Pup Competition. For the children of the pack, it was a chance to showcase their burgeoning talents and vie for recognition among their peers and elders.

Among the eager participants were a young 6 year old Victoria and Vera Fitzgerald, the daughters of George and Samantha Fitzgerald. As the youngest members of the Fitzgerald family, they approached the competition with a mix of excitement and trepidation, their hopes riding on the promise of recognition and validation.

The competition was held in a clearing deep within the forest, where the scent of pine mingled with the sound of chirping crickets and rustling leaves. In attendance were the pack elders, their wise eyes watching over the proceedings with a mixture of pride and curiosity.

Also present were Vance and Sasha Spelman, the esteemed alpha couple of the Killmoon Pack, the last event they went to before they died, along with their young sons, 9 year old Damon and and 7 year old David. The Spelman brothers, with their unruly hair and mischievous grins, stood at the edge of the clearing, their eyes alight with excitement as they awaited the start of the competition.

As the festivities began, Victoria and Vera took their places among the other children, their hearts pounding with anticipation. The first challenge was a test of strength, where the young pups were tasked with lifting heavy logs and racing through obstacle courses.

Victoria, with her natural athleticism and boundless energy, excelled in every challenge, her determination and drive setting her apart from the competition. She raced through the obstacle course with ease, her movements fluid and graceful as she navigated the twists and turns with precision.

Meanwhile, Vera struggled to keep pace, her timid nature and lack of confidence holding her back from reaching her full potential. With each passing challenge, she fell further behind, her spirits sinking with each failed attempt.

As the siblings made their way through the crowd, Victoria's demeanor was brimming with confidence, while Vera trailed behind, her steps hesitant and uncertain."Come on, Vera, hurry up! We don't have all day," Victoria urged impatiently, her tone tinged with annoyance as she glanced back at her sister.

Vera bit her lip, her eyes downcast as she struggled to keep pace with her sister's brisk strides. "I'm trying, Victoria, but you're going too fast," she replied meekly, her voice barely above a whisper.

Victoria rolled her eyes, her impatience growing by the second. "Well, you better pick up the pace if you want to stand a chance in the competition. I don't want to be embarrassed by having the slowest sister," she taunted, a smirk playing at the corners of her lips.

Vera's eyes welled up with tears, her heart heavy with the weight of her sister's words. "But I thought we were supposed to be a team, Victoria. Why are you being so mean to me?" she asked, her voice trembling with hurt.

But Victoria brushed off her sister's concerns with a dismissive wave of her hand. "Oh, please, Vera! This competition is every pup for themselves. And I intend to win, no matter what," she declared, her tone dripping with arrogance.

But despite her struggles, Vera refused to give up, her determination unwavering as she pushed herself to keep going. And as she crossed the finish line, her breath ragged and her muscles aching, knowing that she had given her all despite the odds stacked against her and yet she took the last position.

As the competition drew to a close, Victoria emerged as the clear victor, her name announced with fanfare and applause as she was awarded the coveted title of Young Pup Champion. She stood on the makeshift stage, her chest puffed out with pride as she basked in the adoration of the crowd.

But as Victoria reveled in her victory, Vera watched from the sidelines, her heart heavy with sadness and self resentment. She couldn't help but feel overshadowed by her sister's success, her own accomplishments diminished in comparison. Like always George and Samantha carried Victoria and worshiped her neglecting Vera, making her feel like she was nothing.

And as the festivities came to an end and the pack began to disperse, Vera remained rooted to the spot, her thoughts consumed by the unfairness of it all. She longed for the chance to prove herself, to show the world that she was capable of greatness too.

But as she looked up at the night sky, the stars twinkling overhead, and that was the beginning of were she started to feel like nothing, that she truly didnt deserve her parents love and affection.