

 Icy blue eyes bore into the forest green ones that stood a few feet in front of him. He was angry, beyond angry with what he just found out. His father chose his little brother as Alpha over him. It was his job to lead the pack not his little brother. The trees around shift slightly, revealing the midnight blue sky filled with twinkling stars.

"Why are you doing this? get off my land." The youngest growled. Spraying all the Alpha scent he could to intimidate the older male.

"Your land? This land is rightfully mine Luca. I was the firstborn child of Aidan and Rosali Carter, I am supposed to take my place as Alpha!" The older male yelled. He was the firstborn so this was rightfully his land.'

"Dad said that you ran out on your duties as an Alpha of this pack. Now leave. You are scaring the children and you should be killed for betraying us." Luca states firmly. He wasn't going to back down when this is what his father had been training him for.

"Do you even know why I left? you know what that doesn't even matter. What matters is that I'm staying and taking complete control of this pack. The only one leaving, is you and pathetic excuse for a mate" The oldest growled out taking a fighting stance that he learned years ago from their father.

"I challenge you Luca Carter to a fight to the death for the title and role of Alpha" The older male stated again with a deadly growl showing all fags.

The younger male looked puzzled at his older brother's announcement, he'd never thought that he would have to fight and kill his flesh and blood over the role as Alpha but he wouldn't back down.

"If that's what you want Elijah than I won't deny you of this battle but with that being said I won't kill you. I knew you were stubborn but I didn't think you would be this stubborn." Luca laughed.

shifting quickly into his dark grey wolf Luca charged towards his brother. Elijah snarled, jumping in the air he shifted into his black wolf and ran towards his little brother.

Although completely different from one another, both boys had the same thought in mind.

...How did it get like this.....