
A tale of FURY & DESIRE

[MATURE CONTENT WARNING!!!] In the kingdom of Wisteria, where wyverns soar the skies and magic courses through the land, Cielle receives an extraordinary gift from her uncle: a magnificent dragon, with a demand to tame it. Enthralled by the creature's majestic presence, Cielle embarks on the daunting task, unaware of the perilous secrets concealed within the dragon's heart. As Cielle forms a deep bond with her draconic companion, she finds herself inexplicably drawn to him, captivated by his strength and allure. Little does she know, the dragon she cherishes is actually a powerful enemy, concealing his true identity to carry out a nefarious plot against Wisteria. Blinded by love and oblivious to the danger lurking in the shadows, Cielle becomes entangled in a web of deception and betrayal. With her heart torn between loyalty and desire, she must uncover the truth before it's too late. Can Cielle tame the dragon's heart and thwart the impending threat, or will her love lead to the downfall of everything she holds dear?

cherriex · แฟนตาซี
24 Chs


"So, Princess, how's the new addition to the palace settling in?" Liam inquired as they stride through the forest, his curiosity piqued as he glanced at Cielle with genuine interest.

Cielle's eyes lit up with excitement at the mention of her dragon. "Oh, he's been quite the spectacle! But he's been quite well-behaved so far."

Liam raised an eyebrow, a hint of skepticism in his voice. "Well-behaved, you say? That's surprising for a creature of his size and temperament."

Cielle chuckled, nodding in agreement. "Indeed, it is. But I suppose he's still getting used to his new surroundings. And I've been keeping a close eye on him to make sure he doesn't cause too much chaos."

Liam grinned, "I can only imagine the reactions of the courtiers. It must be quite the sight to see."

Cielle laughed, shaking her head. "Oh, you have no idea. But having him by my side has been a great joy."

Their conversation was suddenly shattered by the whistle of arrows slicing through the air.

Panic seized the group, their hearts pounding with adrenaline as they sought cover amidst the towering trees, their eyes scanning the shadows for signs of danger.

"Protect the princess!" The hunters' voices rang out, a chorus of urgency echoing through the woods as they rallied to shield Cielle from the onslaught.

With weapons drawn and hearts pounding, they formed a defensive ring around her, their faces grim with determination.

Emerging from the shadows like a ghostly specter is a man on top of a horse. He was a formidable sight to behold, his stature imposing and his features chiseled like a statue carved from stone.

His piercing eyes, gleaming with a predatory glint, surveyed the hunting party with an air of undisputed authority.

"I am Eros, leader of the Blood Moon pack," he declared, his voice cutting through the tense silence like a blade. His tone held a hint of amusement as he acknowledged Cielle's presence, his lips curling into a smirk. "And you, my dear, are the Princess of Wisteria," he added, his words dripping with a mixture of mockery and possessiveness.

Cielle felt a chill run down her spine, her breath hitching at his predatory gaze.

In a heartbeat, the group burst into chaos. Screams and protests filled the air as the alphas charged on the hunters.

As Cielle watched the wolves efficiently bind the hunter's hands and hoist them onto their horses, a surge of panic and defiance flooded within her.

"Where are you taking us?" she cried out to Eros, the alpha of the pack, her voice trembling with a mixture of fear and determination.

Eros turned to face her with a smirk, his gaze unwavering and filled with a sense of authority. "We are taking you with us," he replied coolly, his words carrying a frightening weight that sent a chill down Cielle's spine.

"Why?" Cielle's voice rose in desperation, her mind racing with thoughts of escape and survival.

But Eros remained stoic as he approached Cielle with calm determination, swiftly tying her wrists behind her back with rope. "Of all the things your kingdom has done to our people, you expect us to take mercy on you?" He muses.

Each knot was tight, ensuring she couldn't easily escape. Despite the chaos, his movements were precise and controlled. Cielle felt the fear gripping her as she struggled against her restraints.

Frustration and confusion welled up within Cielle as she struggled against her restraints. "What have our people done to yours?" she demanded, her voice laced with anger and disbelief.

Eros's lip curled in disgust, and he spat out the word like poison. "Exploit," he hissed, his tone dripping with resentment and bitterness. The revelation hit Cielle like a physical blow, shattering her illusions of her kingdom's generosity and leaving her feeling betrayed and disillusioned.

Cielle cannot believe that her Kingdom, the Great Wisteria, would exploit anyone. The power they have is used to help the outsiders in need. Ever since she was a little girl, she has only heard songs about Wisteria's kindness, passion, and generosity.

Was it all a lie?


Cielle had not returned yet.

But Alastor was already informed that she would only come back by the break of dawn. Yet he couldn't help but miss seeing that pretty face around.

Being around Cielle had started to be quite fun, even though he was not sure the innocence and kindness she radiated was only a mere act to fool him.

He sighed, fishing out a dark robe from the cabinet and putting it on. It's been two days since he last saw his boys so their strategy had to be redrawn.

He walked toward the window, since he didn't want to chase any attention from the servants, he couldn't go through the hallways. That left him with only one option: to climb down the wall.

He approached the window cautiously, making sure not to make any noise. With a gentle push, he opened it, feeling the cool night air brush against his face. Gripping the stone ledge, he lowered himself down, careful not to slip.

Each step down was deliberate, his hands and feet finding purchase on the rough stone. He kept an eye out for any signs of movement or sound, wanting to remain unseen.

As he descended, he felt a sense of relief when his feet finally touched the ground. He had made it without any accidents. Now, hidden in the darkness of the courtyard, he could continue on his journey unnoticed.

After a few moments of sneaking through the darkness like a shadow, he made it to the guard's quarter.

"Welcome back, Al. We have a change of plans." Theo's soft voice flowed to him.


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